The strongest soldier

Chapter 903 Escape from Difficulties

Under the trend of the desire to live, human potential is indeed very terrifying. Luo Zheng, who was almost paralyzed by hunger and thirst, surged out some strength, and his numb and frozen mind began to wake up. He looked at the two guards with dull eyes. The staff looked a little more vigilant and wary. Not long after, Luo Zheng tore off the T-shirt he was wearing inside and touched the belt wrapped around his waist.

Nails made of clay were inserted into the belt, arranged very neatly one by one. Luo Zheng pulled out one with a touch of his fingers. His fingers moved dexterously, and he quickly changed direction. He fumbled for a while for the rope on his back, and estimated One piece, cut with a nail.

The hemp rope was tough and as thick as a thumb, so it was not easy to cut it. Luo Zheng controlled his anxious emotions, closed his lips tightly, and looked at the two detainees with vigilant eyes. His fingers moved dexterously, making even small movements. Within the range, exert your strength to the maximum possible extent.

The sharp part of the nail is very sharp and can easily pierce the hemp thread. However, a hemp rope is made of many hemp threads. It is not easy to pierce them all. Luo Zheng endured his anxiety and moved as fast as possible. It took about five or six minutes. Finally, the strong hemp rope was loosened a lot by the thorns, and Luo Zheng continued to cut.

After another five or six minutes, most of the hemp rope was broken. This result made Luo Zheng very happy, and he started to fight hard. The two detainees were still asleep and had no idea what was happening. Not long after, the hemp rope was broken. Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He moved his arms and found that the ropes on his hands were untied. He couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Luo Zheng took a deep breath, suppressed his ecstasy, flexibly turned the nail in his hand, changed the direction, fumbled, inserted the nail into the keyhole of the handcuffs, and fiddled with it gently. Unlocking is something that must be learned during the special forces period. Luo Zheng naturally knows the skills.

Two minutes later, the handcuffs were removed and Luo Zheng's hands were free. He couldn't help but be ecstatic. He secretly thanked Lao Changlai for teaching him how to finger a knife. If he hadn't been able to finger a knife, his fingers wouldn't have been so nimble and he wouldn't have been able to get out of trouble. There was no time to rejoice, Luo Zheng quickly bent down and fiddled with the handcuffs at his feet with nails.

With victory in sight, Luo Zheng became even more nervous. He raised his head slightly and looked at the two sleeping detainees. The two were too confident. It was indeed difficult to escape under such circumstances. But Luo Zheng was different. He had the breathing method passed down from his family. Otherwise, he would have died of hunger or thirst, and even if he survived and didn't know how to use a knife, he would still be unable to get out of trouble.

All of this was a given, and nothing less would work. Luo Zheng suddenly realized the advantage of having more skills without weighing down his body. He successfully opened the handcuffs and did not get up immediately. Instead, he watched the two sleeping detainees vigilantly while moving around. If the hands and feet are not moved for a long time, the qi and blood of the hands and feet will not flow smoothly. If you stand up rashly, the qi and blood will rise and you will fall into coma.

After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng felt much better, and then he slowly stood up, looked at the two detainees with wary eyes, walked over with a staggering step, and picked up a small knife next to the charcoal, which was used to cut meat. , seven inches long, looks very inferior, the handle is greasy.

Luo Zheng held the knife behind his back, walked up to a sleeping person with his back, and touched the person's neck with the knife. The meat-cutting knife had no problem cutting people's throats. The knife flashed and a blood arrow shot out. After rushing out, the detainee woke up in pain, instinctively covered his throat, opened his confused eyes, and made a roaring sound, but blood poured into his trachea.

After the move was successful, Luo Zheng did not stop, and his body fell to the side. The force of the knife in his hand then plunged into the other person's neck. Luo Zheng fell to the ground without any strength. He could usually finish it easily. At this moment, Luo Zheng's movements were incomparable. Wiping off the first person's neck had already exhausted Luo Zheng's whole body's strength. If it weren't for the inertia of his body falling to the ground, he wouldn't have been able to pierce the opponent's throat with the last knife.

Luo Zheng fell to the ground and gasped for air. He stared at the two detainees who woke up. They both covered their necks and yelled. The first person whose neck was wiped off got up and walked outside. Luo Zheng's expression changed greatly, but he no longer had the strength to stop him. He sighed helplessly, not expecting that the other party's vitality was so tenacious.

As long as the other party rushes out, there is a possibility of alerting the secret whistles around the wooden house, which means that all the efforts just now have been in vain. Luo Zheng smiled helplessly, slowly closed his eyes, gave up resistance, and secretly sighed, it turned out to be true. Oh my god.

With a "pop", Luo Zheng couldn't help but turn his head and looked around, and found that Fang's body was limp on the ground. He couldn't help but be startled. Looking at the blood spraying on the door, he immediately realized that when the other party opened the door, he didn't cover his throat with his hands. A large amount of Blood spurted out, causing death.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed. The desire to survive surged up again. He struggled to get up and found another detainee going to get the walkie-talkie next to him. He covered his throat with one hand. His expression was in pain, his face was pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat, but the walkie-talkie was far away. It's a little far away, and the other party can't reach it for a while.

With a pop, the opponent's body went limp, fell to the ground, and bumped into a stool. The walkie-talkie on the stool fell to the ground, making a crisp sound. Luo Zheng was horrified. He looked around vigilantly, pricked up his ears, and saw that the detainee had no choice but to vent his anger. , there was no air intake, and he was about to die. It was quiet outside, and there was no abnormal movement. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and struggled to get up.

The kettle was hung on the wooden wall. Luo Zheng climbed over with difficulty, using both hands and feet. The two-step distance was too difficult for Luo Zheng at this moment. Dominated by the desire to survive, Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and persisted, slowly He climbed to the wall of the wooden house, stood up slowly while holding on to the wall, got the kettle, couldn't wait to open the lid, and poured it down his neck.

Gudong, gudong, Luo Zheng took three big gulps, and rationally asked himself to stop. When the body is extremely short of water, he should not drink too fast. Water suddenly accumulates in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to feeling heavy and distended in the stomach, it also affects the activity of the diaphragm. Affect normal breathing. A large amount of water entering the blood can rapidly increase blood volume and suddenly increase the burden on the heart, leading to abnormal cardiopulmonary function.

Luo Zheng forced himself to calm down, controlled his desire to drink water, and drank slowly. He felt the cool water slide through his throat and flow into his body. A surge of strength surged up. Luo Zheng quickly stopped to breathe and rest. For a while, I felt the changes in my body carefully, as happy as encountering the rain in the desert.

After a while, Luo Zheng felt better. He drank a few more sips and then walked towards Huotan. His body was hydrated and his physical strength recovered. Luo Zheng walked slowly to avoid being overwhelmed by the food. This hungry and thirsty person After four days, the body is already very fragile and cannot exercise excessively.

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