The strongest soldier

Chapter 901 Tang Tian’s scheming

The sun shines into the wooden house through the windows, and the wind blows slowly, making the leaves outside the window rustle, bringing a bit of heat. The wooden house is quiet, and everyone looks at Luo Zheng warily, for fear that Luo Zheng will suddenly get hurt. Tang Tian also looked at Luo Zheng calmly. Seeing Luo Zheng frowning and thinking in a very charming way, something in his heart suddenly moved, a very strange feeling.

Men are most attractive when they think about problems seriously. Tang Tian looked at Luo Zheng steadily, and the hatred in his heart actually dissipated a little. This feeling was amazing. Tang Tian didn't understand why he suddenly felt this way, and he shook his head in distress. , secretly warning himself that the man in front of him is the enemy who killed his father, and he must not be soft-hearted.

The wooden house was so quiet that you could even hear his breathing. Tang Tian looked at Luo Zheng and felt his heartbeat speeding up. He couldn't help but was stunned. He retreated to his place in distress, sat on a chair and looked at Luo Zheng, waiting for Luo Zheng. reply.

Luo Zheng felt that his head was in a daze, and his thinking method had stopped. He felt very painful, his mouth was dry, and he was unbearably hungry. He didn't know how long it had been since he drank a drop of water or took a bite of food. He couldn't help but said angrily: "Although you are a prisoner, you still have human rights, right? Can you give me some water?"

"Hahaha!" Tang Tian saw Luo Zheng's troubled look and laughed for no reason. He laughed very happily. He stopped after a while, pointed at Luo Zheng and said: "The way you looked just now was very funny. Also, the prisoner is... We must have the awareness of prisoners, we are not an army, there is no need to abide by any covenants, tell me, what did you think of?"

"My throat is so dry that it's smoking. What should I say?" Luo Zheng said angrily. He spoke a little too loudly, which made his throat hurt. He felt that his body was getting weaker. If he hadn't been tied to the chair, he would have collapsed on the ground.

"Aren't you speaking very well now?" Tang Tian mocked. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't speak, he waited for a while and then continued: "I won't hide it from you. If you agree to my request, anything is fine. Otherwise, I I don’t mind starving you to death or dying of thirst. I have to say that you are very powerful. It has been four days and the water has not been drained. You are still alive and can still talk to me normally. It seems that I still underestimated you."

"Request?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise. Suddenly he became more flexible and understood. He tried to concentrate and thought for a while, and said: "You took the risk of bringing me here and didn't kill me. You must have a plan. For you, Said, apart from me, there is nothing else that you can pay attention to, and you just said that you are afraid of the person who planned the action, it seems that you want to win over me? "

"Correct, you really didn't disappoint me, how about it?" Tang Tian smiled in surprise.

"Not so good?" Luo Zheng rolled his eyes at Tang Tian. He was too lazy to talk nonsense anymore and was ready to sacrifice. Luo Zheng didn't want to be the first traitor to the country.

"The power of our Wild Wolf Mercenary Group is indeed not that great, but I am sure that as long as you join us, it will not be a problem to become the number one mercenary group in the world. By then, you will be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. How about it? My conditions are already very generous." Tang Tian persuaded reluctantly.

Luo Zheng was so lazy that he closed his eyes to rest and did not answer. Tang Tian was so angry that his face was livid. A mercenary rushed up to teach Luo Zheng a lesson, but Tang Tian stopped him. How could a man who had been hungry for four days withstand a beating? ? Tang Tian thought for a while, walked a few steps forward, came to Luo Zheng, and said with a serious face: "What if you add me?"

"You? An underage girl, you are not interested." Luo Zheng said disdainfully.

"I want to have good looks, a good figure, be young and beautiful, no worse than your girlfriend, and have a huge family fortune as a dowry. Don't you really think about it?" Tang Tian said seriously, with a Somewhat sincerely, after experiencing this incident, Tang Tian realized that there is a world out there, and his own ability is simply not enough to support the entire Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. This is the reason why Tang Tian brought Luo Zheng here to see and try to win over him. reason.

However, it was impossible for Luo Zheng to accept Tang Tian. As a soldier, Luo Zheng had unbreakable loyalty. As a man, Luo Zheng's love for Lan Xue was unswerving. How could he care about being attracted by an enemy? Just ignore it, not even bothering to say another word.

Tang Tian felt a sense of frustration. This feeling was very uncomfortable. In terms of power and appearance, Tang Tian was full of confidence. Unexpectedly, Luo Zheng was not moved at all. He couldn't help but angrily cursed: "You are shameless, then Just go and die, without you, I can still develop the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group into the number one mercenary organization."

"Hehe." Luo Zheng sneered, his throat was dry and he didn't want to say the next words.

"What do you want to say?" Tang Tian cursed angrily.

Luo Zheng lowered his head, closed his eyes and rested his mind, using the breathing method passed down from his family to regulate his body. He was too lazy to answer Tang Tian's questions. Tang Tian was very angry and shouted: "Give him some water to drink."

Someone came up and opened the kettle. Luo Zheng was not polite. He raised his head and opened his mouth. He felt the water slide down his throat. His dry throat suddenly felt better. He couldn't help but drink greedily, but the other person put away the kettle. He ruthlessly closed the lid. This little water had no effect on Luo Zheng, who was thirsty.

"As long as you answer my questions truthfully, I don't mind giving you water and food. Don't you have to wait for your lover to save you? If you don't live well, how can you wait?" Tang Tian became seductive, holding a skewer of meat. He stepped forward and ate it himself, making a delicious sound of praise.

Luo Zheng asked about the scent, and his stomach growled uncontrollably. He glared at Tang Tian with a shy and angry face, but then he thought about it, there was no point in arguing with this kind of person. Both hands and feet were handcuffed. Having no way to fight back, he could only obey now. Luo Zheng buried his hatred in his heart, lowered his head, and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

"You don't need to join us, you just need to answer my questions and you can still survive. If you don't agree, it doesn't matter. I am willing to wait. How long you wait depends on your vitality. As long as you can endure it, I can afford to wait. I really want to see how long it will take for a well-trained person like you to die without eating or drinking." Tang Tian sneered.

Luo Zheng ignored Tang Tian and had no energy to pay attention. He felt dizzy and could faint from hunger at any time. His thinking also seemed to have stagnated. This feeling was very uncomfortable. Luo Zheng tried his best to remind himself to stay calm while using his family's traditional breathing method. The method regulates the breath of the body.

Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't respond, Tang Tian knew that Luo Zheng's willpower could not be conquered for the time being. He walked to the side angrily and shouted to the people around him: "Keep an eye on me. No one is allowed to approach him without my order, let alone Give him anything to eat and I don’t believe he can survive.”

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