The strongest soldier

Chapter 900 A false alarm

In the following days, Lan Xue mixed with the crowd with Ghost Hand, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle, monitoring everyone who passed the customs, but did not gain anything. Until the morning of the third day, if there was no gain this day, Lan Xue planned to I left the country for an inspection in a neighboring country. I stood at the inspection thoroughfare at the border port and watched a car being relieved by the soldiers. My heart became increasingly heavy.

Suddenly, a car in front slowed down and started to make a U-turn. Lan Xue was startled, and immediately became vigilant and greeted it. Everyone who came to the port wanted to leave the country. Domestic cars were sent to the port, and those with international license plates could go through customs directly, but absolutely They won't turn around before they arrive, there must be something weird here.

The surrounding armed police also noticed the abnormality, and someone rushed forward. Suddenly, the car began to accelerate and rushed towards the border gate, trying to break through. Everyone's expressions changed drastically. By the time they reacted, the car had already rushed to the border gate. , about to break the railing and rush out.

At this time, Guishou, who was responsible for monitoring the railing, rushed over, blocked in front of the car, and aimed his gun at the driver. He looked stern and motionless. Seeing that the driver had no intention of slowing down, with a bang, the railing was knocked away. Guishou He fired without hesitation.

"Bang, bang, bang!" came a three-shot burst. The speed of the car did not slow down, and it was about to hit Guishou. Guishou calmly rushed to the side and dodged. At this time, there were three more gunshots, and the bullets It hit the tire of the car, causing the car to veer off the center and roll over.

Lan Xue rushed up, the muzzle of the gun was still smoking. The mountain eagle and snow leopard also rushed forward fiercely, aiming their guns at the car. The car flipped over, and the people inside couldn't get out for a while. Lan Xue squatted down and took a look. The man looked ferocious, but he looked like he was drunk and drunk, and he didn't look like a member of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, who was groaning in pain in the car.

A large number of armed police officers rushed up, pulled out the people in the car one by one, handcuffed them and took them into custody. The major in charge of receiving Lan Xue also ran over and directed everyone to search the vehicle. It didn't take long for more than ten kilograms of drugs to be found in the car. There were also some handgun bullets, apparently from a group of drug dealers.

There are many such drug dealers on the southwest border, and there are many who break through the border. Everyone is used to it. Seeing Bai Bai busy, Lan Xue left the scene with a heavy heart. Guishou and others knew that Lan Xue was in a bad mood, so they followed behind. The major caught up. Said: "Just a drug dealer, you see?"

"Just follow your rules." Lan Xue waved her hand and said.

The major agreed and left, Guishou whispered: "Could it be that Tang Tian arranged to test it?"

"It's unlikely. I suspect they have left the country. There are mountains everywhere here. For the people of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, the jungle is as easy as returning to their own home. We can't sit still and wait for death. We should leave the country immediately. Neighboring countries, what do you think?" Lan Xue said firmly.

"Okay." Guishou and others knew Lan Xue's mood and agreed.

Lan Xue looked at the cars that kept running in front of her. She felt extremely heavy and anxious, and said to herself: "Where are you? You must hold on and wait for me." Sadness filled her heart, her pretty eyes turned red, and her silver eyes turned red. Clenching his teeth, he walked towards the office building, preparing to take the salute with him and leave the country.


Almost at the same time, deep in the vast mountains, a cottage was built against the mountain. At the highest point, a large wooden house was built on a huge rock. Outside the wooden house stood a dozen men with guns, exuding a beast-like aura. , staring at the surroundings with cold eyes, not missing any details.

The wooden house was empty, except for tables and chairs, there was no furniture, let alone electrical appliances. There was a chair in the middle, and a person was tied to the chair with a hemp rope as thick as a thumb. It was Luo Zheng, with his head hanging down, looking listless. He looked very haggard, his lips were chapped, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was extremely haggard.

There were several strong men with guns in the room. Tang Tian sat leisurely opposite Luo Zheng. There was a charcoal burning next to him. The meat was roasting on the charcoal, exuding a strong fragrance. This fragrance made Luo Zheng feel better. , slowly raised his head, looked at this scene, shook his head, sobered himself up a bit, and said, "Where is this?"

"Where is not important, what is important is why you are not dead." Tang Tian said without raising his head, flipping the barbecue, picked up a skewer and smelled it. It felt that it was not ordinary enough, so he put it on and continued to roast it, and took it out from his body. He came with a short silver dagger, gently trimmed his nails, and continued: "Don't try to save you, and don't try to run out."

"If I fall into your hands, I have no intention of going back alive." Luo Zheng said lightly. Having seen a lot of life and death, and experienced a lot of life and death, Luo Zheng had long been indifferent to life and death, and his haggard face was a little more curious. He felt like his throat was interfering and it was difficult to speak, but he still couldn't help but ask: "Did you get the ransom?"

"The ransom, that's just a joke." Tang Tian said with a faint smile, picked up a skewer of barbecue and ate it, looking like he was enjoying it, then took a sip of the tea next to him, and looked at the pale Luo Zheng and laughed. Said: "Did you think of something? You should have guessed something based on your ability."

"The ransom is a smoke bomb?" Luo Zheng asked solemnly, with a flash of horror in his eyes. Seeing Tang Tian nodding with satisfaction, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "You are toying with everyone in the applause, you have to He said, you are very powerful, I am convinced to lose to you."

"No, no, no, your intelligence is admirable, and I won't hide it from you. The whole plan was not done by me, but by someone else. As for who it is, I don't know who it is. The person who contacted me was a person from Sam Country. Agents, at least he admitted so, it was with their help that we were able to successfully take you out of the capital." Tang Tian said with appreciation.

"The smoke bomb confuses my judgment and I am willing to come to replace the hostage. Your real target is me. As for Song Tao, you gave us the evidence because you just wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife, right? It's really easy to calculate. This kind of strategy even if I have done it in advance If you guessed it, you would choose to exchange hostages without hesitation. The person who made this plan was thoughtful and had an incredible grasp of human nature. He was awesome and the loser was not unfair. What I am curious about is, why did you tell me this? Why not Kill me directly?" Luo Zheng said with a wry smile on his face. After thinking about the whole thing, Luo Zheng found that he had been used, but he couldn't hate it. He vaguely admired this person who made plans in life. The strong versus the strong. admiration.

"This man is so powerful that I have to be a little afraid. For the sake of my own life, I have to plan a little more. The reason why I took the risk to bring you here instead of killing you to avenge my father is that with your intelligence , I should be able to guess something, you might as well tell me." Tang Tian frowned and stood up, stopped two meters away from Luo Zheng, looked at Luo Zheng coldly and said.

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