The strongest soldier

Chapter 759 It’s Difficult to Travel in the Desert

Luo Zhen and others did not know what was happening behind them. A group of five people marched quickly wearing night vision goggles. They did not dare to stop along the way. At dawn, they arrived at a place outside the town where the terrorist organization was located. Near the sand dunes, this is not the first time I have been here. Everyone is familiar with it. Looking at the quiet town, it looks particularly peaceful under the first ray of sunshine, as if it is a paradise. It feels strange.

Everyone got rid of this strange feeling. After hiding, they took a big breath and relaxed their bodies. The overnight march almost exhausted everyone's physical strength. They took the time to eat dry food. After a few minutes, everyone began to inspect the weapons. Luo Zheng carefully maintained the weapons. After making sure that there were no problems, the captured SVD sniper rifle was also inspected and maintained. On the battlefield, weapons are the second life. No one dares to be careless about life.

Ten minutes later, everyone had regained some of their physical strength. Luo Zheng calmly stared at the town below, with murderous intent in his eyes. If he was not in a hurry to save people, Luo Zheng would not mind secretly infiltrating and causing a scene in the small town, and then After a while, everyone recovered a lot. Luo Zheng looked up at the sky. It was going to be dawn soon. If he didn't leave now, when would he wait?

The team continued to march, slowing down a bit, and no longer paying attention to the marching formation, so as not to be suspected by satellite surveillance. The further they went, the more desolate and desertified they were. This made Luo Zheng alert, and asked everyone to control the amount of water they drank and try their best. Possible savings, just in case.

At noon, the sudden high temperature was like a furnace, making everyone dizzy. Their steps were as heavy as lead. Every step took a lot of effort. Luo Zheng looked at the rolling air waves in front of him. , like a boiling oil pan, making people’s scalp numb.

"It's such a hot weather, it's estimated to be more than 50 degrees. We can't go any further, otherwise everyone will suffer from heat stroke." Lan Xue shook her dizzy head and whispered. She was already overstretched from traveling all night, but after entering the desert, her body temperature continued to increase. The temperature drained everyone's last bit of energy.

Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue and felt distressed. When he looked at the others, they were all dizzy and sleepy. They looked like they were severely dehydrated and suffering from heatstroke. They just clenched their teeth to hold on, but they couldn't hold on for long. They had to find a way. It was time to cool down. Luo Zheng looked at the endless yellow sand around him and got a headache. There was nothing but hot yellow sand for dozens of kilometers around, and even the air was burning. There was no place to escape the heat. What should he do?

Everyone dragged their heavy legs and staggered forward. Luo Zheng saw that everyone was about to faint. His feet were weak and his hair was swollen. He almost fainted several times. He didn't expect the temperature here to be so high. He had no choice but to do so. Next, he said feebly through the headset: "Everyone, please stop."

Everyone stopped and looked at Luo Zheng curiously. His lips were chapped and he was speechless. His breathing method was like breathing fire. In such a harsh environment, everyone had reached their limit. Luo Zheng had an extraordinary physique. The family-traditional breathing method is not as serious as everyone else's, but it's not much better.

"Put the knife and gun upright and stick them on the ground. Put up the black robe to block the sun. Let's hide underneath. If we go out in the sun, we will have to dry them out." Guishou said with difficulty, his eyes a little distracted.

"No, the yellow sand on the ground is too hot. You have to dry it if you lie on it." Luo Zheng objected, looking around, and suddenly found a few camel thorns growing under the sand dunes not far away, because camels like to eat them, also called camel grass. It is a low ground plant with thorns on the main branches, oblong leaves, and pink flowers. It blooms in June and is at its peak in August. Each flower can bloom for more than 20 days and form pods.

Luo Zhen knew that the root system of this plant is generally 20 meters long. It absorbs groundwater water and nutrients from the depths of the desert and Gobi. It is a naturally growing drought-tolerant plant. The root system has a strong water storage capacity. Generally, after storing enough water in spring, It will not wither all year round because there is enough water and the soil under the root system of this plant is moist.

"Brothers, we are alive again." Luo Zhen was overjoyed and rushed forward, pulling out the engineer shovel. The others were startled, and soon discovered the camel thorns, and immediately reacted, overjoyed, and rushed forward with howls. He went over and pulled out the engineer shovel while running, as if he was suddenly hit with blood.

In the face of hope, everyone burst out with exciting potential. They waved their engineering shovels to shovel away the camel thorns on the surface, and then continued to dig the sand below. After a few minutes, everyone dug out moist sand and mud. They were overjoyed. He worked harder and shoveled away the sand and mud.

A few minutes later, a large pit appeared. Everyone stuck their Japanese knives around, used their backpacks and engineering shovels, stretched out their black robes and lifted them up. They sat in the pit below and felt the pit. With the moist breath, everyone was overjoyed and breathed a sigh of relief.

After resting for a while, everyone took turns to continue digging the hole, shoveled out the soil and piled it outside, reinforced it, and slowly sealed the hole's opening, leaving only a small vent exposed. Everyone lay down on the ground that was two meters deep. Inside the pothole, stroking the wet soil, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. With this pothole, it was enough to save their lives.

"Dig a little more and see if we can store some water. We don't have much water." Luo Zheng suggested.

Without the high temperature of the sun, my body has recovered a lot, my lips are no longer so chapped, and my brain that was dizzy has regained clear thinking. Everyone heard the truth and continued to dig in turns. The soil is soft, and digging is not difficult. It is also idle to be idle. , and another hour later, everyone dug out a deep hole that was 1.5 meters in size but about 3 meters deep. No water was seen, but the soil was moist and there were traces of water emerging. Everyone was overjoyed and stopped.

It was already noon, and the temperature in the desert had risen a lot. People could not walk at this high temperature. However, for the sake of safety, they took turns to go up to the cave entrance to keep watch. Others hid below to enjoy the cool, and put the few I took out some dry food and ate some.

"It's impossible to travel in this high temperature. It seems that we can only wait until night. I just don't know if we will be discovered." Lan Xue said with some distress.

"There's nothing we can do about it. We can't stand the desert in this high temperature. I believe others are the same. As long as we are careful, there shouldn't be a big problem. On the contrary, the intelligence we have shows that the destination is not simple. I'm afraid we won't be able to attack by force. , I must find a way to infiltrate, but I am worried that I will not be able to find the way after infiltrating. The naturally formed cave is like a maze, which is difficult to find." Ghost Hand said distressedly.

"Let's talk about how we will fight this battle." Lan Xue suggested.

ps: Recommend a good fantasy book from Chuangshi Literature Network: "Batian Shenwu", with a arrogant demeanor and an unyielding fighting spirit, just to live and not be destroyed by these gods and demons. The idea is novel and the concept is clever. It is worth reading. Friends who like fantasy can check it out.

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