The strongest soldier

Chapter 758 Conflict gradually arises

after one day.

At the entrance of a luxurious manor in the center of Gonda town, a dozen armed men watched the people passing by on the street with vigilance. There was a small parking lot next to it, with several pickup trucks and off-road vehicles parked there. It was the only one in the desert. Planting a car makes it easier to use. When you walk into the gate, you will see a garden inside, with rockery and flowing water, a spring swimming pool, and various strange-shaped cacti. Some people are concentrating on taking care of it, and there are armed men carrying guns wandering around.

Across the garden is a luxurious living room with rhinoceros leather sofas, crystal stone coffee tables, marble floors, and large crystal chandeliers. The luxurious supplies are incompatible with the poor town, but the owner of the house is not at all proud, but looks on with a gloomy face. To the people sitting next to him.

There was only one person who built such a luxurious manor in the town, and that was the leader of the terrorist organization. Luo Zhen left calmly after attacking the town, which not only caused huge losses to the town, but also challenged the leader's authority. People in the town They were all looking at the big leader, waiting for an explanation. The big leader knew very well that if the murderer was not caught, his status and authority would be shaken in people's minds. In view of this, the big leader appointed capable officers to lead the hunt. , and let the partner Snow Bear who came over also participate.

In order to ensure that nothing went wrong, the big leader even sent out all the Death Teams around him, but the result was not satisfactory. His people had a conflict with the Vata Organization for no reason. Not only did they suffer heavy losses, but the murderer disappeared. This made The big leader was very angry, but he controlled it and did not explode immediately. He just looked at Casiva, Hyacinth and the leader of the Death Squadron with a cold face.

Casiva was also very angry. If he hadn't considered that this was the territory of the big leader, he would have jumped up. He originally thought that he could find the target by following these black-robed men, but he followed them to the small town and the target disappeared. Jean Casiva was full of anger towards the man in black robe, but it was difficult to get angry. He looked at the big leader with cold eyes. He was dressed in black robe and hat, with a Chinese character face, a big beard, his breathing was a little gray, and his face was even darker. It was covered with wind and frost, and only a pair of slightly closed eyes shone with a deep light, which made people dare not look down upon.

"Hyacinth, come and tell me, what are they here for? I have no enmity with the Huaxia Kingdom, so why did they come back to cause trouble for me?" The big leader looked at Hyacinth and said slowly with a solemn expression.

Hyacinth smiled awkwardly and quickly said with a smile: "Big Chief, I really don't know their purpose. I have been trying to insinuate you for several days to no avail. They are tight-lipped. However, I feel like they are looking for you. The last time they entered the town At that time, one of them came in with me and said that he wanted to find someone who could talk to the town."

"Looking for me?" The big leader's cold eyes remained unchanged, as if he didn't care at all, but there was a turmoil in his heart. China has always been neutral and does not easily use military force to the outside world. The two sides have no grievances and no grudges, so there is no reason to launch an attack. ? What's so strange about this?

"Dear Chief, we want to know the whereabouts of those bastards, so please give us your help." Kasiva didn't want to waste time talking nonsense. He vaguely felt that the other party knew the target location, so he went straight to the topic and asked, his eyes cold. He looked at the big leader with a grin, without the slightest fear, but feeling embarrassed in his heart. A dignified soldier actually cooperated with terrorists. If the news spreads, he would never think of raising his head again.

The big leader did not immediately answer Kasiwa's words, but looked at his death squad leader. The captain's cold eyes were locked on Kasiwa like a blade, and his face became unkind. An ordinary soldier actually dared to use the command. The tone of speaking to the big leader made the team leader very angry. He snorted coldly, which was full of warning. Then he bowed respectfully to the big leader and said: "I have learned their whereabouts and sent No. 13 to take action."

"No. 13? Then I'm relieved. I can't avoid No. 13's pursuit." Hearing this, the big leader smiled easily, with deep trust.

Casiva looked at the squad leader coldly, feeling that his dignity had been provoked, and said dissatisfiedly: "I don't care what your numbers are, I just want to know where they are? I'm going to break their necks with my own hands."

"Your Excellency is very powerful, do you need our help? You can go find it yourself." The team leader sneered coldly, leaving no room for Casiva, and his disgust was palpable.

The big leader looked at the two people calmly, thinking that there must be a misunderstanding between them. After thinking about it, he felt that he could not offend the polar bear just yet. At least he could not make things stalemate until the promised benefits were obtained. He immediately gave the team leader a look. , the squad leader nodded knowingly, took two steps back, and looked at his nose and heart, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Mr. Casiva, we are already doing our part. What about what your country promised? If there is no sincerity, God will be angry, and my brothers will not work hard to search." The big leader said calmly. To smooth things over, his words were calm, but with a hint of sharpness, warnings, reminders, and even dissatisfaction.

Anyone who is good at diplomacy or business negotiation will be able to hear the three flavors, but Kasiva is a soldier and a proud snow bear warrior. He likes to go straight and does not understand the meaning of the words. His face turned cold and he said dissatisfied: "You knew where those bastards were but didn't notify us. This makes me doubt your determination and attitude towards cooperation. As for what our country promised, that has nothing to do with me. You have to find the person who made the promise. I have only one mission, kill them. That bastard."

When the big leader heard this, his face turned ugly. He looked at Kasiwa coldly and remained silent. Hyacinthia, on the other hand, laughed secretly. She looked at Kasiwa and kept slandering him for his idiotic speech and behavior. She felt very happy. , but with a calm expression on his face, he spoke in the local dialect about the people in Kasiva shooting civilians and violent interrogation.

When the big leader heard about this, he looked at the black-robed squad leader. When he saw the squad leader nodded affirmatively, his face became even more ugly. He looked at Casiva coldly, with a sinister and fierce look, as if he was hungry. Like a wolf, he said in a bad tone: "Mr. Casiva, you shot and killed civilians to obtain information?"

"Well, those people should be damned for not telling me the truth." Kasiva said indifferently.

"Very well, the children of God are one family. You can fight internally as much as you like, but outsiders will never be allowed to bully civilians. You are a member of the polar bear country. If you shoot civilians, you are an enemy of our entire nation. You must be responsible for your arrogance. For the sake of previous cooperation, you can go, the cooperation between us is cancelled, and you will be given one day to leave here, and one day later, hum." The big leader said coldly, with murderous intent.

"Huh?" Kasiva looked at the big leader in surprise. Seeing the murderous intent flashing in his slightly closed eyes, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, but quickly adjusted his mentality. The powerful snow bear warrior did not need to compromise with anyone. Siwahan looked at Hyacinth with a stern look on his face, full of warning, and strode away.

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