The strongest soldier

Chapter 757 Internal Discord

The evacuated villagers made everyone look solemn. They were scattered all over the mountains and plains. It was impossible to determine who was the target. Kasiva's face was livid with anger, but he had no choice but to look at Hyacinth coldly and shouted: "Right away. Get in touch with the headquarters to see if you can find the target, and you, it’s best to tell me what’s going on here? Who are the people who left? Whose bodies are on the ground?”

Hyacinth looked at the scattered crowd, and she was completely confused. Thinking of the shot that almost killed her before, her face turned pale. It was better to chase the target. At least she could hope that the people around her would kill the target, but now there is no more The target clue means that he may be sniped at any time. Thinking of this, Hyacinthus said slowly: "These are the people from the Watta organization, that is, the group of people who fought on the stone mountain. Those who ran away are the surrounding villagers. They were forcibly recruited to build fortifications.”

"Wata Organization? Why do they want to go against the terrorist organization? Why do they help those people?" Kasiva asked angrily.

"This is the territory of the Wata organization. The reason why they are fighting remains to be investigated. As for those people who helped, I don't know. The corpses on the ground are all Wata people. If the Wata organization and the gang If people are colluding, how can they take action?" Hyacinth analyzed that as an intelligence agent, Hyacinth has very strong vision and judgment.

Casiva realized that he was so impulsive that he lost his basic judgment. Especially when he saw Hyacinth's confident analysis, he became extremely angry. When he was about to have a seizure, a subordinate ran up and said after the experience: "Report, Headquarters They said they couldn’t determine the other party’s whereabouts and let us decide the direction of pursuit on our own.”

"Then arrest some people and question them." Kasiva was furious. Hearing the news, he became even more furious and quickly issued an action order.

"No, you will get yourself into trouble if you do this. Don't forget that this is not your country. It has its own set of rules of conduct." Hyacinth was shocked and said quickly. As a local, Hyacinth doesn't want everyone to be affected. , and more importantly, Hyacinth knew very well that if Casiva really did this, it would be interfering in internal affairs, which would arouse hostility from all parties, and he would not be able to mess around in this land by then.

"So what? We handle matters in our own way." Casiva said coldly.

Several heavily armed men immediately took action, chasing the jumping people like wolves and tigers. Hyacinth looked at Casiva angrily, her face turned pale with anger, she couldn't beat her, let alone reason, she blurted out curses : "You self-righteous lunatics, wait until you regret it." But he regretted it first. He had long heard that polar bears were arrogant and not enough to be complicit, so why did they cooperate with these people?

"Because you are a woman, I won't care about you. Next time, don't blame me for being cruel." Kasiva shouted coldly and dissatisfied. No one can bear it when a dignified Snow Bear elite soldier is scolded as an arrogant maniac. .

Hyacinthus completely lost confidence in this group of people, turned around, not bothering to look at each other again, and thought of a way to escape. It was unwise to offend the Huaxia Kingdom. Hyacinthia did not dare to offend the polar bear again, but it was okay to continue to follow the polar bear. No, once the surrounding forces find out, he will definitely die.

Kasiva didn’t know that Hyacinth was thinking of quitting, and he didn’t care about Hyacinth’s thoughts. He was an elite snow bear warrior, and Kasiva had arrogance. When he saw several men in black robes suddenly chasing him in one direction, he didn’t even say hello. I couldn't help but feel annoyed when I hit one. I suddenly thought that these men in black robes were very good at tracking. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have gotten here at all. Could it be that they found the hanging rope again?

While he was doubting, someone fired a gun in the distance. Kawasi turned around in surprise and found that his own people were chasing the escaped people. It was probably because the villagers did not obey the order to stop and angered his own people. He could not help but curl his lips. He sneered, trying to run away despite being chased by the Snow Bear Warriors, wasn't this looking for death?

Hyacinth also heard the sound of gunshots and followed the sound. Her face turned pale and her whole body started to tremble. She was frightened and wanted to scold Casiva, but saw the disdainful sneer on his face, as if it was normal for several villagers to die. I swallowed the words that came to my mouth and made up my mind that I didn't want the money later. I must leave this group of self-righteous lunatics as soon as possible, hide far away, and find a place to hide.

After waiting for a while, several chasing Snow Bear warriors came over. No one asked about the exact whereabouts of Luo Zhen and others. The villagers did not say anything before they died, and they randomly looked for directions when they encountered timid people. The credibility of this is very low. The result made Casiva furious. He looked at Hyacinth and said coldly: "You are familiar with the situation here. Where do you think they go back?"

Hyacinth wanted to scold these people to relieve her anger, but she didn't dare. After making up her mind to ignore these people, she naturally stopped telling the truth and sneered and said: "You don't know, how do I know? It's really not possible. Just go back to the town first, discuss it with the big leader, and ask him to come forward, and we will definitely find it."

"What are the mysterious identities of those men in black robes?" Kasiva asked.

Along the way, Kasiwa didn't even look at these black-robed men. It wasn't until the black-robed men showed their strength that they wouldn't input Kasiwa. Kasiwa instinctively became wary of this group of people. Hyacinth Of course, he knew the true identity of these black-robed men. If Luo Zhen and others hadn't made such a fuss, the big leader would have been so angry that he wouldn't have dispatched these black-robed men at all. However, Hyacinth didn't dare to say it, and shrugged helplessly and said: " This is an internal matter of a terrorist organization, how could I, an outsider, know about it."

If the leader of the terrorist organization in this operation was not dead, Casiva asked several people. But after the leader was killed by an incendiary bomb, only Hyacinth was left who could communicate. This made Casiva crazy, but there was nothing he could do. We can only hope that our country will send trustworthy people to solve the language barrier problem.

"Should we go back first?" Hyacinth asked carefully while holding back her anger.

"The gang of men in black robes are heading over there. Since we have no better choice, let's follow that gang." Kasiva is arrogant, but that does not mean he is stupid. On the contrary, he is also very shrewd and has already seen it. The men in black robes were determined not to give up and eager for revenge. They would never pursue them randomly. They gave an order and led a group of men and an armed team to pursue them. This armed team was arranged by the leader of the terrorist organization to accompany them to assist. The language barrier prevented communication, but it did not prevent the team from following behind.

Hyacinthia gritted her teeth in hatred, wishing she could turn around and leave immediately, but she found a snow bear warrior hanging at the end of the team, with a vigilant expression on his face, and even glanced over intentionally or unintentionally. Hyacinthia was shocked, and followed him silently in humiliation.

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