The strongest soldier

Chapter 760 Discussing Countermeasures

Everyone was lost in thought. The enemy situation was unclear and the terrain was unclear. There was no way to make a decision under this situation. Everyone became irritated. It was a narrow escape from death. Unexpectedly, when they finally got close to the mission itself, they found that it was impossible to start. Gradually, Everyone felt the moist underground air coming towards them, their spirits gradually lifted, their irritable hearts calmed down, their thinking became much clearer, and some immature thoughts came to mind.

"In my opinion, there is no need to worry too much, just act according to the situation. When there is no information, it is of little significance to make a plan, but it is something that can be used. I believe that the polar bear will be chasing me soon, as well as the Death Killer members. , they are familiar with this place and must be proficient in desert survival. It is not difficult to find us. We can instigate discord and let them fight first. If we use it well, it is not impossible." Luo Zheng suddenly said.

"Instigating them to fight?" Lan Xue asked in surprise. Others also looked at Luo Zheng, some of whom couldn't keep up with Luo Zheng's thinking of Tianma's actions.

Luo Zheng did not explain immediately, but pondered deeply, calculating the feasibility of the plan in his mind. Everyone knew Luo Zheng's habits, so they did not disturb him and waited patiently, but there was a little more expectation in his heart. After a while, Luo Zhen suddenly said: "We can disguise ourselves as men in black robes and infiltrate, deliberately say something to confuse the enemy when killing people, use polar bear language to create chaos, and then hide."

"Fake polar bear man?" Everyone was surprised and looked at Luo Zheng. They felt that this plan was very difficult, but they couldn't find any flaws. After thinking about it carefully, they found that the biggest flaw should be this sentence. At the same time, this sentence is also The key to everyone's success.

"What's the right thing to say? And none of us understand polar bear language." Lan Xue asked everyone's doubts.

Luo Zhen didn't know what to say. He wanted everyone to discuss it together, but found that everyone was looking at him expectantly and smiled bitterly. He suddenly remembered some of the things mentioned in the books when he was studying psychology by himself in a prison transformed from an exhaust aircraft carrier. Then, after thinking for a while, he said: "If the polar bear really has a conspiracy against a terrorist organization, he must be in an eager mood when acting. This is reflected in his language, and he should say things like 'hurry up'."

"There is some truth. This sentence can arouse people's doubts and make people think of it, but it is not enough." Lan Xue said.

"Yes, I have to add one more thing." Guishou also agreed.

"One more thing?" Luo Zhen smiled bitterly, thought for a while, and continued: "What is the purpose of moving faster? Beheading? Do you think the terrorist organization will be worried about polar bears suddenly carrying out beheadings?"

"There is a possibility that the head of the leader of a terrorist organization is not cheap, and more importantly, if the polar bear gets the head of the leader of the terrorist organization, it will be very helpful politically." Lan Xue said.

"It's definitely not possible to just say beheading. It has to be combined with words like 'hurry up'. Can it be said like this: Hurry up, don't delay in catching the big fish." Luo Zheng asked.

"It's not very good, it's too direct, and it's a bit repetitive." Lan Xue denied, while thinking deeply.

Luo Zheng also felt that saying this was too direct, too heavy a trace, and did not allow for concealment or imagination. He also began to think deeply. At this time, Lan Xue suddenly said: "We can say this: if the action is too slow, the million-dollar head belongs to me." ”

Everyone is a human being with rich experience in fighting. They sensed a lot of information from Lan Xue's words. Their eyes suddenly lit up and they all laughed. Luo Zheng said in surprise: "So, combined with the fighting scene, it is easy to give people a feeling. This gives the illusion that beheading is a meritorious service, making the survivors think that we are here for the million-dollar head. As for who is worth the million, let them guess by themselves, I think it will work."

"The terrorist leader will definitely think it's him when he hears this news. After all, no one wants to underestimate his own value, especially the big shots. Moreover, the polar bear has come all the way here, and of course he will not target the little people. This can easily cause a problem for the big leader. This misconception leads to suspicion of the Polar Bear Country, the Snow Bear Special Forces are soldiers, and the terrorist organizations are thieves. Since ancient times, good and evil have been difficult to reconcile, and the possibility of success in provocation is very high." Ghost Hands agreed.

Others also expressed their approval of Lan Xue's proposal. The next question was how to say that sentence. This was not difficult. Lan Xue turned on the satellite phone and dialed Wu Jin's number. After he was connected, he explained the situation. Wu Jin Immediately find someone who understands polar bear language, translate the words, and teach them to everyone.

The story was not long and not complicated. Everyone quickly took note of it. Wu Jin asked about everyone's current situation. After learning about everyone's plan, he did not object. He just reminded everyone that the arranged contact person had arrived and asked how to connect. Lan Xue thought for a while. , and asked the other party to wait in the village where everyone had stayed. It was a long stretch of yellow sand and another battle. Lan Xue didn't want an intelligence agent to come and cause trouble.

After the call ended, everyone continued to rest and practiced the newly learned polar bear language again until dusk. After staying in the humid underground for a long time, everyone's body basically returned to normal. They were surprised to find that some water gathered under the dug cave. Although Not much, but very clear and translucent. Luo Zheng lowered the kettle, poured some into it, and put a disinfectant pill in. After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng took a sip and found it sweet and delicious. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and said: "The water source below After being purified with fine sand, there is no problem and you can drink it.”

Everyone hoisted the kettles down one by one and filled them, put disinfectant pills in them, drank as much as they could, and then filled the kettles again. At this time, the temperature in the desert outside was no longer so high. Everyone came out and stabbed the camels. Cover the cave, seal it with sand, and sprinkle some Xisha on top to prevent anyone from noticing anything unusual.

After doing all this, everyone continued on their way with their equipment. After walking for about two hours, it was getting dark and a cactus appeared in front of them. It had thorns but no leaves. In some years, everyone was overjoyed. They rushed over and shoveled the cactus with engineers. Dig out the cactus rhizomes. The rhizomes are thick and juicy, can store a lot of water, and are rich in minerals, proteins, vitamins and fiber. These nutrients are like providing timely help to everyone's current physical condition. Everyone is chewing them excitedly. stand up.

After a while, after everyone had a big meal, they felt that their bodies had regained a lot of vitality. They were overjoyed and gathered the leftovers, dug a hole and buried them, and covered them with fine gauze to disguise them, making sure that no traces were left. After that, I continued on my way. I had something in my stomach, my whole body was full of strength, and I could walk much more easily.

Ahead was the secret base of the terrorist organization. Everyone felt that they were getting closer and closer to the mission, and everyone was in high spirits. They didn't realize that behind the dunes, a pair of cold eyes were watching everyone.

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