The strongest soldier

Chapter 6 Life and Death Crisis

Luo Zheng moved forward a little, but couldn't see that person. He didn't know his friend or foe, so he didn't dare to act rashly. He threw the gun aside. A gun that he didn't know how to use was not as reliable as the machete in his hand. He held the machete tightly and hid. I waited patiently behind the big tree next to me. The surroundings were quiet, with only the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the tree crown. It was as quiet as if nothing had happened just now.

Years of hunting experience have taught Luo Zheng that there is often great terror hidden under the calm appearance. The less impatient it is at this time, Luo Zheng took a deep breath and used the hunting skills he learned since he was a child to integrate himself into the surrounding environment. Think of yourself as a grass or a tree. Gradually, your breathing becomes smoother and longer, and your thinking becomes extremely calm and active.

I don't know how long it took, but the surroundings were still as quiet as ever. Luo Zheng couldn't help but become curious. Could it be that all these people had run away, and wouldn't it be funny to wait here? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but slowly looked forward to observe, and suddenly saw a pistol appearing in front of him.

Luo Zheng was horrified and instinctively swung his knife to fight back. A female voice as cold as iron sounded: "You can try it and see which one is faster, your knife or my gun." He used international lingua franca. A powerful and suffocating icy cold aura came over him. Luo Zheng felt that his energy and blood had solidified. His body stiffened, as if all his strength had been drained, and he could not move.

At this time, a female soldier with a face full of oil paint slowly appeared from the other side of the big tree. She was wearing a tactical bulletproof helmet covered with withered grass to camouflage. She was 1.7 meters tall and her loose camouflage combat uniform still couldn't hide her proud figure. The hand holding the pistol was as white as an onion, but gave people a terrifying sense of power. His eyes were as cold as lightning, and his face was as cold as frost, full of murderous intent. When he saw Luo Zheng clearly, he bit his sexy lips and let out a slight sound of surprise. Come on, look at Luo Zheng more carefully.

Luo Zheng didn't know when someone was approaching him. He was horrified. Facing the black hole of the gun, he felt that death was so close to him for the first time in his life. His head suddenly went blank. He heard the slight surprise from the other party. There was a sound, and he looked at the person who was hesitant to shoot. He waited in a panic, and suddenly thought that the other party might be one of his own. In horror, he quickly said: "Don't shoot, you are one of our own."

Perhaps the familiar Mandarin dispelled the female soldier's concerns, or perhaps the standard soldier uniform on Luo Zheng's body gave the female soldier a little more trust, and the violent murderous aura on her body softened a bit, but the hand holding the gun did not move at all. The muzzle of the gun was locked firmly between Luo Zheng's eyebrows, with a cold face, he asked without any doubt: "No.? Name? Position?"

Luo Zheng was about to answer when he suddenly found a gun stretched out from under a big tree three hundred meters away behind the female soldier. He didn't see anyone, so he muttered something bad and had no time to explain, so he shouted: "Be careful." , with a sudden force on his feet, he pounced forward, hugging the female soldier who was one step away from him and lying down on the ground.

"Whoops!" A bullet whizzed past and sank directly into the depths of the tree. The powerful kinetic energy stirred up a huge tree hole in the tree, causing tree debris to scatter everywhere.

The female soldier reacted, pushed Luo Zheng away in embarrassment, twisted her body strangely, kicked Luo Zheng in the abdomen, and kicked Luo Zheng a few meters away with skillful force, and landed him heavily on a big tree. Stopping, the female soldier quickly slid out a few meters away with a kick, and fired at the same time. Her movements were clean, lightning fast, and so powerful that it was staggering.

Almost at the same time as the female soldier fired back, three bullets hit the place where she had been lying down in a Z-shaped pattern. Dust flew up and three pits appeared on the ground. Luo Zheng, who was on the battlefield for the first time, looked at this scene in horror. , quickly found a place to hide, and after hiding, he found that the female soldier had disappeared.

"Boom!" There was another gunshot, and a big hole was punched out in a big tree. Luo Zheng looked up and saw a person hiding behind the tree. It was the female soldier. Luo Zheng rubbed the painful part. Lower abdomen, thinking of the thrilling scene just now, if the other party hadn't kicked him, he might have turned into a cold corpse.

"Who are these people who fell to the ground? Why are they so powerful? People who are hiding in the dark and shooting can't see their shadows. They don't know where they are hiding and where they will shoot at the next moment. The female soldiers are not bad either. They are actually at the muzzle of the gun. He escaped and saved his own life." Luo Zheng thought in confusion, hiding behind the big tree and not daring to move.

"Boom!" There was another gunshot, and the bullet came from an unexpected corner and hit the original big tree. The big tree was penetrated, and the female soldier hiding behind the big tree fell to the ground. Not daring to move, he looked around with an evil look on his face, as if he was looking for something.

Luo Zheng took a closer look in surprise and found that the female soldier only had a pistol in her hand. There were no bunkers within five or six meters of the surrounding area. She would definitely be shot if she went out. There were at least two enemies hiding in the dark three hundred meters away. , it can be said that the female soldiers were completely trapped in death.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng knew that he had to do something. The enemy was more terrifying than he imagined. Once the female soldier died, he would surely die as well. How could he talk about revenge? Thinking of revenge, the sight of his comrades' tragic death came to his mind, and his blood boiled when he saw it. The high-end weapon lying on the ground next to him picked up a stone and threw it at the big tree not far away. Then he picked up the gun on the ground and quickly hid it behind the tree.

"Boom!" A bullet accurately hit the stone, and the stone was directly exploded into powder in the air.

"Whoops!" Another bullet hit the ground next to Luo Zheng. If he was slower, he would definitely die.

Luo Zheng looked at the ground next to him in horror. A plume of gunpowder smoke came out of the pit as big as a watermelon. A wave of fear came to his heart. His back was swollen with cold sweat, and his body was shaking uncontrollably. He had no experience. People who have been on the battlefield can never understand the horror of it.

He was afraid of returning, but Luo Zheng knew clearly that he had to do nothing, otherwise he would definitely die. He looked up and found that the cold-faced female soldier was looking at him in surprise. She gave a wry smile and was about to throw the gun away. Suddenly I thought of the terrifying marksmanship of the enemy in the dark, and wanted to continue looking for rocks to attack in the east and west, but found that there were no rocks around, and a feeling of powerlessness came to my heart.

"Boom - bang!" A bullet hit the big tree. Luo Zheng, who was hiding behind the tree, felt that the whole tree was shaking. He was horrified and quickly moved away. He happened to see the female soldier looking at her anxiously. He gestured as if he was asking himself to throw the gun.

Luo Zheng didn't want to throw the gun over, but he was not sure at all. The time to fight had arrived. Luo Zheng's blood surged up again. He took a deep breath to suppress the fear in his heart. His heart was still beating hard. He let out a long roar and forced After he calmed down, he threw his camping bag to the side and swung the gun in his hand towards the female soldier on the other side.

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