The strongest soldier

Chapter 5 Jungle Shootout

After walking for a while, the sun came out. Luo Zheng climbed up the hillside and took a look. The surrounding mountains were winding and continuous. The hillside was overgrown with withered grass and bushes. There was no way to find the road, and there was no human habitation. It was so desolate that it was suffocating. It was like entering a world. In the dead no man's land, only a few birds flew high into the sky, chirping cheerfully, adding a bit of life to this dead wasteland. Luo Zheng knew that he was lost, and he had completely lost the clue.

Distraught, Luo Zheng sat down to rest, closed his eyes slightly to regain his strength, and started to breathe according to the secret method passed down by his family. Luo Zheng's ancestors had hunted for a living for generations, and the only things left passed down were a handful of earth sprays and these. The secret method has no name and no one knows where it comes from. It has been passed down from generation to generation. The biggest benefit is that it can make people smarter and faster, and it can speed up physical recovery. It is most suitable for hunting in the forest.

After all, he is an elite who has never received professional military training. Luo Zheng has only been in the border defense army for half a year from the recruit company. He is still a recruit after all. He chased here with his passion, which he accumulated from hunting with his father when he was a child. After running around all night, his experience and body were basically exhausted, and he gradually fell asleep.

"Boom!" A faint explosion sounded.

Luo Zheng suddenly woke up from his deep sleep, and a light burst out from his eyes. A carp stood upright, looking around, but there was nothing. The mountain was still the same mountain, vast and vast, with light clouds and gentle wind. The air after the heavy rain was particularly fresh. , it was refreshing and refreshing. Luo Zheng looked up at the sun high in the sky. He was sure that it was not an illusion. It was impossible to thunder on a sunny day on the plateau. The only explanation was the sound of explosions.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng became energetic. He quickly put his luggage on his back and grabbed the machete. He looked around with stern eyes, waiting for another explosion. Under the influence of the breathing method taught at home, the short rest allowed Luo Zheng to completely After regaining physical strength and energy, the whole person looks energetic again.

"Boom!" Another explosion came faintly.

This time, Luo Zheng keenly felt the direction of the explosion, which was deep in the mountains far away from him. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, and ran over without thinking too much. He was secretly glad that he finally had a clue and thought of his comrades. Looking like he died tragically, Luo Zheng was filled with strength, and his feet were like tigers and tigers.

After climbing over mountains, crossing mountain ridges, and wading through canyons, the sound of explosions never appeared again. An hour later, Luo Zheng came to a hillside and looked around. There were still endless mountains around him, and there was no human habitation. , but further away is a forest, with tall and dense trees towering into the sky.

Seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar mountains and wilderness, Luo Zheng couldn't help but feel discouraged. These vast mountains and wilderness already belonged to neighboring countries. Where could he find the murderer? What should we do if we look in the wrong direction, are busy in vain, and miss the best opportunity to chase the murderer? The scene of the tragic deaths of his comrades came to mind again, and Luo Zheng's face was full of sorrow and helplessness.

"Ga!" A sharp bird call came, tearing through the clear sky and adding a bit of vitality to the barren mountains. Luo Zheng turned his head and saw a mountain eagle flying into the sky. Then, a group of birds flew from the towering mountains. The tree emerged from the forest and flew high into the sky in panic.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng became energetic and frightened the birds out of the forest, indicating that there was someone in the forest. "Boom!" A weak explosion sound came from the forest, confirming Luo Zheng's judgment. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and went crazy towards the forest. He rushed over without considering whether there would be any danger. For revenge, Luo Zheng was fearless.

After entering the forest, Luo Zheng used his hunting experience to look for traces everywhere. Broken branches, trampled ground, touched bark, etc. were all the best clues. After some investigation, Nothing was found, but fortunately there was another explosion in front of him. Luo Zheng ran forward and could faintly hear the sonic boom of the bullet tearing through the air.

"There are people fighting in front." After Luo Zheng confirmed this, he ran faster. The sound of bullets coming out of the front was louder, occasionally mixed with a grenade explosion.

Running in the forest is very physically demanding. Fortunately, the trees in this forest are tall and the sunlight is blocked by the dense canopy. Since there is not much sunlight to nourish the ground, shrubs and weeds do not grow. Except for the huge tree roots exposed on the ground, Only thick dead leaves were left, and the air was filled with the smell of rotting leaves and silt. After heavy rain, the depths of the forest were not as beautiful as they looked on the outside.

All this is nothing to Luo Zheng, who is used to the jungle. When he was ten years old, he followed his father through the depths of the forest. He walked for more than half a month. Luo Zheng was very kind and familiar with the forest. When running, Luo Zheng was like a sensitive bird. The mountain monkey keeps jumping over the obstacles in front of it, very fast.

Ten minutes later, the sound of fighting in front stopped. Luo Zheng instinctively slowed down. Although he had no combat experience, he knew that it was dangerous to go further. He carefully observed his surroundings and ran on tiptoe to a big tree. Later, after seeing the surrounding situation clearly and confirming that there is no danger, quickly run to the back of another big tree and continue to observe.

Luo Zheng has been accustomed to the cruel killings between animals since he was a child. His uncles and brothers died tragically when hunting. He is not too afraid of death, but he cherishes his life. He only has one life. He can only live to avenge his brothers!

The further forward Luo Zheng became, the more cautious he became. Not long after, he saw a man lying in front of him. The back of his head and shoulders were covered in blood. Most of his head had been blown away. He was already dead. He was wearing a very strange camouflage uniform with a dark background. Green is the color, and the colors are yellow, brown and black, which naturally blends the person and the surroundings into one. If the man hadn't been bleeding from his head, he wouldn't have been able to notice it at all.

Luo Zheng walked up cautiously and turned to look at the other person. He had an oriental face, a resolute face, a pair of black and white eyes showing reluctance and nostalgia for life. Next to him was a high-end weapon that looked good, like a sniper rifle. , there was no proof of identity on him, Luo Zheng picked up the gun and checked it.

For a new border guard recruit, Luo Zheng had been accustomed to fighting trolls since he was a child, but he didn't have many opportunities to use guns. He only touched them a few times during the training of the recruit company. The bullets were pitiful and he didn't know much about guns. , I had a chance to touch a gun when I arrived at the border post, but the bullet management was very strict. I hadn’t fired a shot in half a year. I didn’t know how to use such high-end goods. I could only roughly judge the name of the parts. Suddenly I heard two gunshots coming from the front. ring.

Luo Zheng was shocked. He picked up the gun and rushed forward. Not long after, he suddenly saw a person shooting in the distance. After holding the gun, he quickly rolled to one side. The place where he was hiding was hit by three rounds of bullets. There was no distance between the front and back. In the blink of an eye, if you slow down even half a beat, that person will definitely die.

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