The strongest soldier

Chapter 4 Chasing the murderer on a rainy night

After slowly regaining his senses, Luo Zheng saw that the ground was full of bullet casings and there were many bullet holes in the wall. It was obvious that the attack was sudden and there was no chance for anyone to fight back. Afterwards, they got angry. They are a group of extremely vicious people who must not be let go. For this group of people, the blood debt must be paid with blood. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng quickly rushed to the telecommunications room, only to find that the radio station had been burned down and could not communicate with the outside world. His expression changed greatly.

"Boom!" Suddenly, an explosion sounded faintly.

Luo Zheng was taken aback, and rushed outside with a cold face. It was getting late, the vast mountains and fields were covered in darkness, and the heavy rain was pouring down. He couldn't see clearly. "Is it thunder?" Just as he was confused, another explosion sounded faintly. Although it was very faint, it was still clearly heard. It didn't sound like thunder. Luo Zheng quickly turned his head and looked around. In the distance, red light flickered in the black curtain of the rainy night, and soon it was pitch black again.

"It was a grenade explosion." Luo Zheng looked coldly at the place where the grenade exploded in the depths of the rainy night, his eyes flashing coldly, and he let the rain hit him, with an angry look on his face, and turned around and rushed back to the barracks.

It won't take long for someone to come to the outpost to investigate. The scene cannot be moved, otherwise the clues will be destroyed. Luo Zheng found a pen and paper, and after writing a few lines, he placed the note in a conspicuous place, picked up the shell case and pressed it, and picked up a When I saw the Type 95 automatic rifle that comes standard with the outpost, I found that the gun body had been damaged by bullets and could no longer be used.

In desperation, Luo Zheng put the gun aside, and inadvertently noticed from the corner of his eye that the place where firewood was usually placed had been burned to ashes. The dust was blown away by the wind coming from the door, revealing a Mitsubishi bayonet. Luo Zheng knew this Mitsubishi bayonet. It is the squad leader's favorite thing. It is the only one in the entire outpost, and everyone plays with it regularly.

Overjoyed, Luo Zheng picked up the Mitsubishi awl and looked at the Mitsubishi bayonet made of forged alloy steel. He couldn't help but think: "Could it be that the squad leader and brothers are watching him in the sky and asking him to use this knife to take revenge?" ?" Thinking of this, Luo Zheng became more determined to take revenge and ran towards the weapons warehouse quickly.

The few weapons and ammunition in the warehouse had been looted, and not a single bullet or a usable gun could be found. Luo Zheng remembered a Type 65 army dagger collected by the squad deputy. It was said to be a special award from his superiors. Carrying it with him at all times, he rushed to the kitchen again and carefully checked the burnt remains of his comrades. Unfortunately, there was nothing. The dagger could not be burnt. It must have been taken away. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's lungs were filled with anger. exploded.

"Son of a bitch!" Luo Zheng cursed, ran back to the nearby barracks with a cold face, found a marching bag, packed a large bag with usable food, clothes, etc., and changed into a set of clean clothes. He put on his raincoat, picked up his Mitsubishi bayonet and military flashlight, put his luggage bag on his back, and walked out of the barracks.

"Boom!" A thunder exploded, the rainstorm intensified, and the cold wind howled, adding a chilling atmosphere to the entire wilderness and mountains. The endless night was heart-stopping, as if it were a wild beast that could devour everything.

Luo Zheng's slightly immature face became determined. Although he had never experienced a real battlefield, although he had never actually killed anyone, and he could not even shoot accurately, Luo Zheng had an unyielding heart and surging blood. In order to avenge his brothers, Luo Zheng risked his life.

In the square not far from the door, the old horse snorted irritably, arched his head against Luo Zheng, who was walking up, and moved his forelimbs. Apparently he felt something. Luo Zheng gently stroked the old horse's neck, and then moved forward. He pulled out a machete from the carriage and said in a firm but slightly regretful tone: "Old Ma Tou, I can't make you a wolfskin waistcoat anymore. My brothers are still watching me from the sky. I must go. Don't try to persuade me. You also have to go." Find a place to hide from the rain. Your superiors will send someone over tomorrow to check on the situation here. It’s time for you to retire and take care of yourself." As he said that, he strode towards the direction of the explosion with a determined look on his face, without hesitation and firmness. The footsteps made a splashing sound in the rain, as if the brothers were practicing, blessing, and saying goodbye...

Luo Zheng, who was born as a hunter, has lived in the forest since he was a child. He has an inexplicable familiarity and intimacy with the forest. His ability to survive in the wild is not too bad. In addition, his physical fitness has improved to a higher level after joining the army. In the heavy rain, Luo Zheng walked very fast, almost He trotted forward, holding the machete tightly in his hand. Rainwater flowed down the handle of the knife. A bolt of lightning tore through the night sky, reflecting Luo Zheng's resolute face. The machete's cold light flashed, as if he could feel the anger in its owner's heart.

Without the sound of explosions to guide him, Luo Zheng marched quickly based on his own judgment. The heavy rain could wash away all traces and it was impossible to find any clues. Such pursuit seemed a bit blind, but Luo Zheng had no regrets. If he didn't do something, he felt uncomfortable mentally. He thought of dying tragically. Brothers, their hearts are about to explode, and their whole bodies are full of power.

After more than two hours of running, Luo Zheng couldn't breathe. He was so exhausted that he had to slow down and continue walking. Unconsciously, he came to a hillside and saw two bullet casings on the ground. , Luo Zheng quickly used a military flashlight to shoot around, but found no suspicious person. He took two steps quickly, picked up the bullet casing and saw that it was indeed correct, but there were no clues.

"Could it be that the domestic special forces are chasing us?" Luo Zheng guessed, and his spirits were lifted and his blood boiled. As a soldier, Luo Zheng regarded the special forces as the goal and direction of his struggle. Unfortunately, he beat up a relation in the recruit company. After being beaten by the soldiers, he was sent to the border guard post. This life will be difficult.

Thinking that the special forces might be chasing him and seeking revenge, Luo Zheng became more energetic. He carefully observed the terrain, and relied on his hunting instinct as a child to choose a direction and rush over. Not long after, Luo Zheng saw some people after the grenade exploded. The fragments, lying quietly on the ground, told what had happened here.

Luo Zheng picked up the fragments, took a look at them, threw them away, and searched around. He quickly located a small pit, which was filled with rainwater. This pit should be the crater caused by the grenade explosion. Luo Zheng observed the terrain and looked around. After searching, they found that the traces of the battle had been completely covered up by the heavy rain, leaving only shrapnel and bullet casings. Luo Zheng guessed the battle scene based on the terrain, and then based on the premise that the murderer fled to the west and the pursuers came from the east, he judged the general direction. Continue to pursue the investigation decisively.

I don’t know how long I chased him, but the sky gradually became brighter and the heavy rain finally stopped. Luo Zheng was sleepy and tired, so he slowed down, took out compressed biscuits from his bag and started chewing them, and then took out a military bottle to drink some water. , feeling his eyelids drooping and feeling dizzy. The overnight march and high concentration consumed too much energy. Thinking of hatred, Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and persisted.

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