The strongest soldier

Chapter 7 Strong Female Army

"Whoops!" A bullet accurately hit Luo Zheng's military bag.

Almost at the same time, Luo Zheng saw the female soldier suddenly jump up from the ground, like a hunting cheetah, and catch the gun thrown in the air. The moment her body fell, the female soldier's whole body erupted with strong murderous aura, and the murderous aura seemed to be real. Generally rich, the gun in his hand made a shocking roar, and the bullet made a sharp sonic boom, tearing the air and disappearing.

The female soldier quickly rolled her body after landing, and the two bullets almost followed the female soldier's rolling back and shot into the ground. Under Luo Zheng's incredulous gaze, the female soldier slammed the ground, her whole body rose up, and she leaped like a tiger. He rushed out five meters away and landed firmly behind a big tree. He huddled up into a ball, minimizing the attack surface as much as possible, and became motionless.

"Too strong." Luo Zheng stared blankly at the hidden female soldier. Unexpectedly, the enemy in the dark could shoot faster, and the female soldier could dodge faster. Such powerful skills. Could this be the mysterious and powerful soldier in the legend? Special forces? If the female soldier doesn't shoot herself, is she really one of her own?

Thinking that the female soldier might be his country's special forces, Luo Zheng's blood boiled, and the panic slowly subsided. He also regained his former calmness and shrewdness, and continued to hide behind the big tree. He knew very well in his heart that such high-level officials The battle above is not something that I can participate in. If I go out, I will die, and if I hide, I will die. I don’t know how many enemies there are, so I must do something to help the female soldier. To save others is to save myself.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng looked around and saw nothing that could be used. Feeling that the machete in his hand was still there, he couldn't help but have an idea. He looked at the dappled sunlight shining through the leaves, estimated the direction where the enemy might be hiding, and put the machete away. Slowly stretching out the big tree, the blade poured out, reflecting a ray of sunlight.

"Whoops!" A gunshot rang out.

Luo Zheng felt a strong force coming over him, and the machete in his hand was unstable. It flew far away and landed on the ground. The blade had been broken into two pieces.

"Whoops!" Another gunshot came from not far away.

Luo Zheng was shocked. He turned around and saw that the shooter was a female soldier. Then, Luo Zheng heard a slight muffled sound. Apparently someone had been shot. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He had a clear understanding of the female soldier's terrifying marksmanship, and also I felt that my method was feasible and my confidence increased greatly.

"Boom - bang!" A gunshot sounded, the big tree moved, and tree debris flew.

Luo Zheng felt a slight pain in his arm and blood was flowing out. He was stunned. He suddenly heard a female voice shouting to get down. His body instinctively fell to the ground. Only then did he realize that the big tree he was hiding in had been punched through. It was a big hole. Fortunately, the bullet changed its flight path after it entered the big tree. It only scratched the skin a little. Luo Zheng, who found that he had just passed by the god of death, was completely angry. A wave of evil fire surged up - risk it all and fight. .

Luo Zheng, who was preparing to fight back, heard gunshots not far away. He knew without looking that it was a female soldier who took the opportunity to fight back. Without caring about anything, he put force on his feet, screamed strangely, and rushed forward, planning to use himself as bait. Attracting the enemy's firepower and creating opportunities for the female soldiers, Luo Zheng was full of confidence in the female soldiers' marksmanship. Death was at the worst possible outcome, and it was better to die vigorously than to die in frustration.

"Hey, hey, hey, get down!" The sound of three consecutive rounds of bullets mixed with angry shouts rang in Luo Zheng's ears. Luo Zheng, who had already rushed out a few meters away, couldn't stop at all, and didn't pay attention to the arrow under his feet. The exposed tree roots made his lower body unstable. He tripped and fell to the ground and rolled out a long way.

The moment he fell to the ground, Luo Zheng felt a bullet flying past his scalp. The hot temperature was suffocating. Luo Zheng, who had fallen to the ground, hid behind the tree next to him in panic and sat down under the tree. Touching his head, he felt a sense of surviving a disaster. Perhaps he had experienced too many deaths and his heart was numb. Luo Zheng felt that it was not so scary anymore. He took a deep breath to calm down and saw the mottled grass under his feet. The sunlight made the Buddha flowers and butterflies dance. I couldn't help but look up at the sky and thought to myself, "Could it be that the spirits of our brothers are blessing us in the sky?"

"Boohoo!" Two more sharp bullet sonic booms sounded, and a female voice asked, "Are you dead?"

Luo Zheng suddenly heard the same voice just now, reminding him to get down, using familiar Mandarin. He couldn't help but turn his head and saw that it was the female soldier. She didn't know when she had arrived behind another big tree five or six meters away from him. He was hiding his body under the roots of a huge uplifted tree, with his gun pointed forward.

"You can't die, one of our own?" Luo Zheng agreed and asked in confusion.

"Retreat first." The female soldier shouted coldly, without answering Luo Zheng's question.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at the female soldier in surprise. He suddenly heard a sharp whistle coming from the direction of the enemy. He didn't know what it meant. Seeing the female soldier's face as serious as frost, he guessed it was not a good thing. He felt that the female soldier was completely It can be trusted that since the call was made to evacuate, there must be a reason to evacuate. Without hesitation, he ran in the direction from which he came, picking up his camping bag and machete.

He rushed out more than ten meters away without worrying about the sound of sneak attack gunfire. Luo Zheng didn't know what happened, but found that the female soldier did not withdraw. He felt that it was shameful for a grown man to leave a woman and run away first, so he prepared to turn back. When I went back, I heard a girl yelling: "Run."

Luo Zheng felt that the sound was nearby and was startled. He turned around and saw that the female soldier had rushed over at some point. She was staring at him coldly from behind the big tree three to five meters away diagonally opposite him. With an evil look on his face, Luo Zheng felt that this female soldier who appeared like a ghost was stronger than he expected, so he stopped being pretentious and sped up and ran.

In the battle between masters, he would be a burden if he stayed alone. At this moment, Luo Zheng realized how useless he was. Compared with the female soldier, they were completely different. They were thousands of miles apart. As for those enemies, they were different from the female soldier. Even though they were evenly matched, it wasn't easy either, and neither of them could compare to me.

After running for a long distance in one breath, there was no sound of gunshots behind him. Luo Zheng slowly stopped and looked around. He couldn't see the female soldier. He couldn't help but become worried. He gritted his teeth and ran back, leaving behind the woman and escaping for his life. Zheng can't do it, not to mention that the enemies in front may be the enemies who killed his comrades.

After walking back for about two hundred meters, it was quiet all around. Except for the sound of the wind blowing the leaves and rustling, there was no suspicious person in sight. It was as if nothing had happened just now. Luo Zheng was shocked and was thinking about it. What to do? An angry voice sounded from not far away, "What are you doing back here? Are you looking for death? Run away?"

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