The strongest soldier

Chapter 520: Narrowly Killing Japanese Pirates

"Whoosh!" Luo Zheng saw his target stop in the bushes two meters in front. He covered his companions and continued to move forward. He didn't find himself. He took action decisively. He suddenly shot up, and the iron nail came out of his hand, roaring towards the front. It left, with a faint sound of sonic boom, and drew a black light in the void, which instantly disappeared into the eyes of a ninja.

"Ah!" Ninja screamed, covering his eyes and falling to the ground.

"Da da da!" Another ninja discovered Luo Zheng's figure keenly and fired quickly.

After Luo Zheng took action, he had no intention of observing the outcome of the battle. He turned around and ran away. As soon as he took three steps, he heard the sound of secret gunfire. Not daring to be careless, he fell down with a tiger leap, rolled his identity, and hid in the bushes beside him. , bowed his waist and quickly retreated.

"Ta-ta-ta!" The dense bullets rang out, leaving a mess all around. Luo Zheng had long been on guard against this attack and retreated very resolutely. He jumped out of the danger zone and quietly crawled into a thicket of weeds. Suddenly I saw a thumb-thick snake in the grass. I grabbed it as fast as lightning and was about to throw it away. Suddenly I thought of something. I pinched the seven-inch position of the snake with my other hand. I freed my hand and took out a snake. The iron nails clasped his fingers, lurking quietly, waiting patiently.

"Click, click, click!" Bullets fired randomly, hitting the surroundings with a rustling sound.

Luo Zheng knew it was fire reconnaissance, so he lay down tightly on the ground and waited without moving. The pursuers did not carry much ammunition and could not waste it carelessly. He quickly stopped firing. Luo Zheng slowly poked his head out and looked through the When Cao Cao saw someone approaching, dressed as a ninja, there was a trap in the direction of travel, Luo Zheng smiled coldly.

Not long after, Luo Zheng found that the other party had stopped. He looked around vigilantly. There were signs of changing direction, and the trap was only one step away. Luo Zheng threw the snake in his hand, turned around and ran away. The ninja heard the sound. , instinctively turned around to observe, and was about to shoot when he suddenly saw something flying towards him. He was startled and quickly retreated to avoid it.

"Whoosh!" A piece of hardwood as thick as an egg flew out from the bush, as fast as lightning. This ninja was very strong. When he heard the strong wind, he knew something was going to happen. His body strangely flew to one side, as fast as lightning. , the hard wood flew almost against the opponent's back, making a buzzing sonic boom sound in the air.

Luo Zheng had just changed a place to hide, and saw the hardwood flying into the sky. He knew that the trap had been avoided by the other party. He sighed secretly. He also knew more about the strength of this ninja. He knew that he had met a top master, and he avoided the hardwood in an instant. In terms of attack, this strength is definitely no less than that of Drunkard and others. In other words, the opponent has the strength of an elite soldier.

This was a master whose strength surpassed his own. Luo Zheng's face became solemn and his brows were furrowed. Suddenly he heard a scream. He couldn't help but was startled. He quickly burrowed through the weeds and was surprised to find that the opponent was rolling on the ground with his hands dead. Holding his neck tightly, a snake was grabbed by the other party and thrown high.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was surprised to find that the snake was thrown by him. Did the other party give up on guarding against poisonous snakes in order to avoid the trap? This is unreasonable. For a master who is already an elite soldier, he will never let go of any details. There is only one possibility, and that is an accident.

Luo Zheng was confused when he saw the ninja foaming at the mouth and twitching all over. He couldn't help but be shocked. He lowered his head and looked at his snake, and then looked at the snake that was thrown far away. He was shocked. Could it be that the snake just now was still the same? Isn't it the most poisonous snake? No way?

With full of doubts, Luo Zheng looked at the ninja who slowly stopped twitching, and was secretly grateful. Fortunately, he had acted quickly and resolutely, otherwise, he would have been the one to die if he was bitten by that poisonous snake. It seemed that this The jungle is not easy, so you have to be careful. If there is one venomous snake, there are definitely two, or even more.

In less than a minute, the snake poisoned a strong man with a strong body. How powerful is the poison? Luo Zheng glanced at the ninja with some sympathy, rushed over, and squatted down to take a look. It turned out that the bite was a vein. The toxicity occurred quickly, but it was still poisonous enough, so be careful.

"Ah——!" Another tragic cry sounded. Luo Zheng looked around vigilantly and found a ninja standing upright, with a bamboo pole as thick as an egg pierced into the opponent's abdominal cavity. Covering his eyes with one hand, he dropped the gun he was holding with the other hand. The muzzle of the gun was aimed in the direction of Luo Zheng. He quickly touched the bamboo pole in his abdomen. His face turned pale and his body began to tremble. This was a symptom of a sharp loss of vitality.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng saw that it was the ninja whose eyes he had injured, and he actually survived the injury. However, unfortunately, he stepped on the trap and was pierced in the abdomen. The bamboo pole was hollow, the sharp part was tilted, and there was a lot of air. After pouring it into the body, blood spurted out along the bamboo pole, racing like Lao Gao.

Luo Zheng didn't expect that the opponent's eyes were injured and he took the initiative to attack. He was really brave, but it was a pity that he stepped on the trap. Otherwise, he would have been successfully attacked by the opponent just now. Luo Zheng was secretly grateful and rushed over angrily, seeing the opponent's body stunned. He fell back in shock, showing no mercy. Either you die or I live on the battlefield.

The ninja looked at Luo Zheng intently, wanting to say something, but the corners of his mouth twitched and he did not utter a word. His cold eyes became confused and unwilling. Luo Zheng had no good impression of the Japanese pirates, so he grabbed the bamboo pole and Twisting, widening the opponent's wound, and then pulling out, blood spurted out, and the opponent screamed and lost his life.

"Damn it." Luo Zheng shouted coldly. He raised his firm eyes and looked into the distance. He found three figures running towards him quickly. He thought they must be the killer. They were only three or four hundred meters away from him. Luo Zheng quickly swept away. On the battlefield, there are two Japanese knives, two pistols, and two M4 rifles. This gun has 30 rounds of bullets and an effective range of 600 meters. It can shoot nearly a thousand bullets per minute. The rate of fire is very terrifying. It is a weapon for jungle warfare.

Luo Zheng put away the Japanese sword and pistol, picked up an M4 rifle, collected all the magazines from the two of them, and hurried forward, taking advantage of the cover of the bushes and running carefully. There was a huge rock in front of him, Luo Zheng. Zheng dodged over and hid behind the stone, breathing carefully while observing the rear vigilantly, holding the gun a little tighter.

After accidentally killing two Japanese pirates, Luo Zheng's confidence greatly increased. Judging from the speed of running, the killers were ten minutes behind, and their strength was far inferior to that of the ninjas. As long as the sneak attack was successful and more than one killer was killed, there was no need to worry about the remaining two. At least they had the strength to fight.

Luo Zheng already thinks it's a miracle that he can survive until now. He has become indifferent to life and death. If he doesn't kill these killers, Luo Zheng can't swallow this breath. Only by killing these killers can he attract Tulu's attention. , relax the pursuit of Lan Xue and others.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but look forward, a hint of worry flashing through his cold eyes.

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