The strongest soldier

Chapter 521 Latent attack and killing

The scorching sun is baking the tropical virgin forest, suddenly and unstoppably, as if the moist air is being evaporated. The forest is airtight and the air cannot flow. The smell of various corpses and rotting leaves permeates the surroundings. Poisonous insects breed and ferocious beasts roam freely. The miasma is so pervasive that even an inconspicuous flying insect may kill a person. This place is synonymous with danger, a breeding ground for fear, and is also a paradise for the strong.

A small river meanders through a canyon somewhere in the vast mountain forest. Because the terrain is relatively flat and open, some wind blows over and blows down the weeds as high as a person, revealing two corpses with warm blood still there. Gurgling out, several unknown flying insects smelled the blood and rushed over excitedly, hovering above the corpse.

There is a huge boulder in the inconspicuous grass more than ten meters away from the body. The boulder is obscured by tall and dense weeds, making it difficult to see until you are in front of it. Under the boulder, a young man with a resolute face is lying down quietly, slightly. He stuck his head out and stared coldly into the distance, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. There was a strong murderous aura in his eyebrows. His face was covered with sweat, mixed with stains, sliding down his face. It was Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng lay motionless, as if he had become a part of the boulder. His clothes were soaked through, and the palms holding the M4 rifle were also full of sweat. A breeze came out gently, but it did not bring much coolness, but instead made the sweat The soaked wet clothes clung tighter, making it even more uncomfortable.

The surrounding weeds rustled, and the singing birds had long since disappeared. Luo Zheng's stern gaze moved, not missing any detail in front of him. His whole body was tense, as if he was a wild beast that chose the opportunity to move at any time. All will burst out with earth-shattering fighting spirit.

While waiting, the three pursuers suddenly stopped about a hundred meters ahead. Their figures disappeared in the bushes. The smell of blood from the corpses was too strong. If they were blown by the wind, they would have drifted away. The smell of blood was the most familiar, and he could smell it naturally. Luo Zheng had already guessed this, and did not move, continuing to wait.

Of the three large traps and five small traps that were laid out before, two were triggered. There is still one large trap and five small traps left. Luo Zheng has no hope that they will work. The requirements for ambushing behind boulders are not high. , it is enough to kill one pursuer. As long as one person is killed, the threat of the remaining two will not be fatal.

While waiting, Luo Zheng used the breathing method passed down from his family to control his body's aura so as not to be exposed. He even closed his wide eyes slightly and raised his ears. For a master who has been on the edge of life and death for a long time, his intuition is very sharp. , could feel that he was being targeted, Luo Zheng did not dare to deliberately mark him, so as not to alert the target.

The three killers were distributed in a triangle, relying on the cover of weeds as tall as a person, and waited motionless for about five minutes. The one in front made a gesture, and the two behind raised their guns and aimed forward, providing fire cover. Only then did the killers in front He ran forward vigilantly, hunched over, running very fast, and ran about ten meters. He raised his gun and looked around. After he found that there was no danger, he made a gesture. Another killer trotted forward about ten meters, looked around, and gave a signal to the people behind him. The other person gave the signal.

The three people always maintained a triangular formation and advanced forward vigilantly. Their faces were as cold as iron, their eyes were slightly closed, and they were flashing with a cold light. Their movements were light and fast, and they advanced alternately. Unknowingly, they arrived at a position about ten meters away from the corpse, taking the lead. One person signaled the two people behind him to provide fire cover, and then climbed forward.

He was too close to the suspicious location, so crawling was one of the best ways to move forward. In addition, the surrounding weeds were blown by the wind and were not easily exposed. The man did not crawl fast to avoid touching the surrounding weeds too much and arousing suspicion. After advancing about five or six meters, he gave a signal to the two people behind him.

The two people at the back trotted forward in a half-crouched position, their guns always aimed forward, with stern expressions, as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They stopped about ten meters away from the person in front, and looked around vigilantly, searching, but nothing suspicious was found. The person in front of them made combat sign language to continue searching.

The killer in front continued to move forward after getting the signal, and soon discovered the two corpses lying in front. His expression changed drastically, and he quickly made a few gestures to the back. The two people behind did not move, but became more vigilant. The killer in front moved forward carefully. Crawling, crawling very slowly and carefully, with a slight arch of the body, and can dodge sudden dangers to both sides at any time.

After crawling forward for about three meters, there was no gunshot. The killer in front was not careless at all. He stopped and continued to observe. After observing for about five minutes, no danger was found. Then he continued to crawl forward cautiously, unaware of the distance. The body was very close, but there was still no expected gunshot.

The killer became a little confused. Has the target already withdrawn? Thinking of this, the killer couldn't help but raise his head and searched around with cold eyes. Except for the rustling of weeds in the wind, there were no suspicious targets and he couldn't feel any danger. This made the killer even more curious, but he did not take it lightly. , but continued to climb forward.

Not long after, the killer came to the body, carefully examined the body, and after confirming the cause of death, he was secretly shocked. After chasing him all the way, the killer also saw the strength of the ninja, with sufficient endurance, strong physical strength, fast speed, and better tracking ability. I feel sorry for myself, I didn't expect to die here.

Perhaps because they had fought together, the killer felt a sense of sorrow for the death of a rabbit, but he quickly calmed down, slowly picked up the corpses, raised them high, and shot without expecting them. He became even more suspicious in his heart. Could the target really be there? 's left? Normally, if someone is suddenly exposed, they will definitely be attacked.

Thinking of this, the killer gritted his teeth, put down the body, gave a few gestures to the people behind him, stood up suddenly, and used his life as bait to attract the target to take action. He raised his gun and looked around for the target, but there was still no one he expected. After shooting, the killer secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After searching for a while, he still found nothing. The killer's tense nerves relaxed and he slowly lowered the muzzle of the gun.

If he didn't find it, the target should have run away, the killer thought, and was about to signal to his companions. Suddenly, a red light appeared in front of his eyes, and then, a black spot slowly enlarged in the pupil, and a gunshot rang in his ears. The killer His face was horrified. He didn't expect the target to be hiding not far away, but he didn't notice it at all. How high is his latent ability? This thought flashed through my mind, but my body instinctively twisted to avoid it.

"Click, click, click!" A dense barrage of bullets came over like rain. The M4 shot nearly a thousand bullets per minute, which meant that there were more than a dozen bullets per second. The distance was only a dozen meters away, and there was no obstruction. The killer avoided it. The first bullet to the head, but unable to avoid the other bullets that followed.

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