The strongest soldier

Chapter 519 The pursuit of troops

Under the moonlight, in the forest, Luo Zheng ran forward, constantly changing directions to avoid the bullets that might come from behind. Although it was quiet behind him, who could guarantee that the enemy would not catch up? It was as if a wounded tiger was being chased by a hunter. His face was livid, and his cold eyes showed endless murderous intent. Suddenly his foot slipped, his body tilted forward, his center of gravity lost control, and his whole body rolled down.

Luo Zheng reacted and knew it was a slope. He couldn't help being shocked. He quickly put his head in his hands and held in his breath. His whole body tensed up and he was rolling. Luo Zheng hit a tree hard and almost spit out his breath. It's important. Holding on, his body continued to roll under the effect of inertia, and his head soon hit something. Fortunately, he protected his head with his hands. The pain from his arms made Luo Zheng twitch.

Soon, Luo Zheng felt his whole body rising into the air and falling downwards. He was horrified. He twisted his body desperately and kept his feet facing the ground as much as possible. Soon, Luo Zheng felt as if his feet had stepped on the ground. He prepared to use his strength to offset the impact of the fall, but the speed of the fall was too fast, and there was no time to react, and the body rolled forward again.

"Pfft!" Luo Zheng felt his waist hit a big tree hard, and he let out a breath he was holding in. His whole body seemed to fall apart. A overwhelming pain swept through his mind, and his consciousness was somewhat scattered. When he got up, Luo Zheng knew something was going to be bad, so he quickly concentrated and told himself not to faint. There were pursuers in the deserted mountains and wilderness. Fainting meant death, and there was no chance of survival.

Thinking of death, Luo Zheng broke out in a cold sweat. He suddenly woke up for a few minutes, and his scattered consciousness slowly recovered. He lay motionless to rest, gasping for air, and observed the surroundings vigilantly. The surroundings were gray and could only be seen. The trees one or two meters in front are difficult to see clearly even further away.

Based on the speed and time of his fall, Luo Zheng judged that he was far away from the top of the mountain. The hillside was steep and the pursuers should not dare to approach before dawn. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and slowly sat down while taking advantage of his body. He felt that the problem was not big. The hard Qigong practice was not in vain, but the pain was so severe that I couldn't walk for a while.

The pistol had rolled away to nowhere, the Japanese sword had fallen off, the tiger fangs were still stuck in the military boots, the AK47 was hanging around his neck, and the magazine was gone. Luo Zheng took out the magazine in the gun and looked at it. It was empty. , he threw the weapon aside helplessly, and used the breathing method passed down from his family to regulate his breathing.

Time slowly passed and the sky gradually became brighter. Luo Zheng slowly opened his eyes and felt that his body had recovered a lot. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. The effect of the family's breathing method on healing became more and more obvious. Luo Zheng looked around and saw the visibility. It was much better than at night. I guessed that the enemy was about to catch up. I stood up and moved around. I felt that there was nothing wrong with my body, so I continued walking along the hillside.

When the first ray of sunshine jumped out of the sky and fell on this ancient tropical forest, Luo Zheng had already arrived at the foot of the hillside. He looked up at the sky. There was a bright morning glow and no clouds in the sky. Several big birds were flying in the sky, singing happily, as if While celebrating the arrival of a bright morning, Luo Zheng looked at the sun and sighed secretly: It's so good to be alive.

"I wonder what happened to Lan Xue and the others?" Luo Zheng looked ahead. He saw a vast expanse of woods with no end. He was full of worry and strode forward. After taking a few steps, he suddenly felt something slipping on the hillside. , couldn't help being startled, quickly fell to the ground, rolled over and hid in a low depression, looked up and saw rocks rolling down the hillside, obviously the pursuers.

"These bastards." Luo Zheng was extremely angry, but it was a pity that he didn't have a gun. Otherwise, he could find a place to hide and attack. He looked at the only cold weapon, the Tiger Tooth Saber, and was very depressed. His face darkened and he headed towards the chosen one. He ran in the same direction. While running, Luo Zheng checked the direction from time to time to avoid running in the wrong direction.

Running at high speed is the most energy-consuming thing. With the pursuers behind, there is no time to eat to make up for it. At most, he can cut down a grapevine or something to replenish his water. At noon, Luo Zheng came to a river, tired and hungry. I couldn't run anymore, so I looked up and looked around. The river surface was narrow, the water was crystal clear, and the water flow was slow. The surrounding terrain was flat and overgrown with weeds, which was tall enough for a man to be there, so it was suitable for hiding.

There are mountain peaks on both sides of the river, with lush trees, birds and beasts chirping, and the scorching sunshine shining all around. The heat is unstoppable. If it weren't for the fear of the leech, Luo Zheng would like to take off his clothes. If he keeps running like this, he won't be beaten to death. He would be exhausted. Looking at the bushes around him, Luo Zheng had an idea and pulled out his tiger fangs to take action.

Setting traps in the wild is not difficult for Luo Zheng. After carefully observing the surrounding terrain, Luo Zheng had an idea. He cut down tough trees, got some tents, and set up traps according to the surrounding terrain. There were no weapons. , people can't run anymore, Luo Zheng can only set traps to protect himself.

In about half an hour, Luo Zheng set up three big traps and five small traps, which were connected to each other, and then used Teng Man as a traction. After everything was done, Luo Zheng took Teng Man and found a place. He took a rest in hiding, but what Luo Zheng didn't expect was that as soon as he sat down, he saw a figure flashing in front of him, and the enemy was catching up.

"So fast?" Luo Zheng knew his speed and ran with all his strength. Unexpectedly, the enemy was only half an hour behind. It seemed that the speed was still not fast enough. If the shadow was there, he would have disappeared long ago, right? Luo Zheng quickly took cover and reached forward, holding an iron nail in his hand.

The belt was tied to his body and was very strong. He didn't drop it during the whole escape. This gave Luo Zheng some comfort. He lurked quietly under a pile of weeds and stared at the front with cold eyes. He concentrated and waited patiently. When prey comes to your doorstep, the first prerequisite for hunting in the jungle is patience.

Luo Zheng had a lot of patience, so he used the traditional breathing method to breathe, integrating himself with the surroundings. He closed his eyes slightly and waited for the target quietly. Not long after, Luo Zheng saw a group of figures rushing over, dressed as a ninja. , the speed is very fast, and there is a ninja following behind. The two of them move forward alternately, one behind the other, and they cooperate very well.

"Come on." A sneer appeared at the corner of Luo Zheng's mouth. He held his breath, restrained his murderous intent, and looked at the target coldly. At this moment, Luo Zheng seemed to have entered a mysterious and mysterious state of stillness, as if the surroundings were quiet. , the only thing in his eyes is the target that is quickly chasing up.

Seeing that the target was only seven or eight meters away from him, like a hungry wolf, walking and stopping, his identity even more erratic and elusive, Luo Zheng did not make a move and continued to wait, imagining himself to be a stone and blending into the surroundings. The breath was exposed for a second.

Five meters, four meters┅┅, the target is getting closer and closer, the speed of advancement is very fast, and the stop position is very clever, making it difficult to start. Luo Zheng is not in a hurry and waits patiently.

Note: The week has started, are there any recommendation tickets? What about monthly tickets? Lao Lang looks forward to everyone’s support.

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