The strongest soldier

Chapter 450 Start counterattack

"Now that he's here, even if it's a tiger, I will break off one of his teeth. Guishou, please go and tell Hook and arrange for people to spread out a thousand meters to conduct reconnaissance. If you find the enemy's situation, report back immediately. Don't act rashly. Hurry." Luo Zheng said coldly, his sharp eyes fixed on the valley, filled with murderous intent. He finally got here, wouldn't it be in vain to just go back like this?

Seeing that Luo Zheng had made a decision, everyone did not say anything and took cover one after another, aiming their guns forward. Guishou agreed and turned back. It would take some time to set up the trap. Luo Zheng waited patiently. Time passed by and there was nothing wrong with it. When the news came, Luo Zheng thought that the Japanese pirates in the valley base were aware of the danger, but were not sure where everyone was hiding. The surrounding area was so large and full of dense forests that it was not easy to investigate.

However, about half an hour later, Hook ran up anxiously and said that the brothers who had dispersed had discovered the troops searching the mountain. There were more than a hundred people and they were about a thousand meters away. Luo Zheng was shocked. He didn't expect that he had been guessed. , his face darkened, and asked: "How are the traps prepared?"

"It's just a part, there's not enough time." Hook said worriedly.

"It's too late. Let's notify everyone and ask everyone to hide and stand by immediately. Don't act rashly." Luo Zheng said quickly. After Hook left, Luo Zheng stared coldly ahead. The machine gun position was added to the manpower of a squad, with one more machine gun. Heavy machine guns, one-third more people on perimeter guard, and the guard area expanded.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng's eyes fell on those buildings, his eyes lit up, and he whispered: "Xue'er, mountain sculptures, incendiary bombs, targets, buildings, I want them to have nowhere to hide."

"Good idea." Lan Xue's eyes lit up and he praised. Destroying buildings may not have the effect of killing enemies, but it can create chaos. The smoke and fire caused by burning are enough to make people underground come out, even if there are isolation measures. , without the building on the ground to block it, the enemy's concealment will be weak, making it easier to attack in the future.

"You don't have much time, get ready." Luo Zheng said coldly, and quickly aimed at the target. It was about 1,500 meters away. The house was a large target and easy to hit. Luo Zheng fixed his eyes firmly on a house in the southeast corner, his eyelids He slowly closed it, slightly closing it into a needle-like shape, blocking the anger in his heart, and quickly pulled the trigger.

"Boom!" The incendiary bomb quickly came out of its chamber, whizzed away, drew a beautiful arc in the void, and instantly entered a house. The house was ignited and the fire broke out.

In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng saw that Lan Xue and Shan Diao also opened fire and set the house on fire. The enemies in the base became panicked. Someone came to put out the fire, but where could the high temperature of the incendiary agent be extinguished?

"Boom!" Luo Zheng and the other three continued shooting in tacit agreement. Another shot each fired, setting three houses on fire. Luo Zheng looked at the panicked base with stern eyes, unmoved, his face as dark as water, and continued to shoot, crisply. The bullet shell popped out like a beautiful note.

When the fifth shot came, Luo Zheng looked at the base where the fire was rising into the sky and smiled coldly. Five shots per person meant fifteen shots. The fires in the fifteen houses were so fierce that they were about to become one and difficult to put out. Luo Zheng Zheng thought that the enemies from Sou Shan were about to arrive, so he quickly fired his pistol and shouted: "Quickly, retreat."

Everyone turned around and ran away with clean movements. Luo Zheng heard gunshots from the woods on one side and knew it was the Japanese pirates who were searching the mountain. Seeing Hook running towards him with an anxious look on his face, he asked, "What's the matter?" "

"Those bastards are coming soon. Everyone is hiding in the woods. What should we do next?" Hook asked hurriedly.

"Notify, use traps to cover, and retreat while fighting." Luo Zheng heard the intensive gunfire, and the number of troops was far more than a hundred. His face condensed, and he quickly made a decision. Seeing that Hook agreed to pass the order, he also He followed closely and said through the headset: "Follow the route Hook took and be careful of traps."

"Understood." Guishou and others agreed and moved forward in column.

Everyone got into the bushes and soon discovered the indigenous people hiding in the bushes. They were all ready with their bows and arrows ready, without any panic. Their firm eyes showed a cold murderous aura, as if they were hungry wolves in the forest. Waiting for the prey to come to you, the surroundings are quiet.

"There are many traps here, everyone follow me." Hook reminded softly.

"Ta-ta-ta!" The enemy chased after them, conducting fire reconnaissance in the quiet bushes. Luo Zheng was worried that these natives could not bear running around. He looked up worriedly and saw figures in front of him, with guns in their hands firing randomly. It was the pursuers, no one was running around in the bushes, everyone was well hidden.

The pursuers dispersed and came menacingly. Luo Zheng had an idea and quickly aimed at a man who looked like an officer. He judged the distance. It was only about a hundred meters and there was no wind around. With this distance and shooting environment, there was no need to consider the advance. Luo Zheng Zheng quickly pulled the trigger.

"Ah!" The officer was hit by an incendiary bomb, his body burned, and he screamed and ran around.

The sound of gunfire revealed the location. Under the order of the officer, other pursuers rushed over. The bullets were fired fiercely, causing a mess in the surrounding woods. The sound of gunfire was also an order. The natives quickly attacked, emerging from their hiding places and aiming. Shoot at the target and run immediately after shooting, like a cheetah, moving very fast.

Luo Zheng saw the cold arrows being continuously fired from the dense bushes and the screams mixed with the dense gunfire. He smiled and said into the headset: "Fight and retreat at the same time to attract the pursuers."

Everyone agreed and opened fire one after another. Luo Zheng changed his weapon to a Type 95 assault rifle, poked his head out from the bushes, aimed at the two enemies in front and fired two bursts, hitting the heads with his guns. After he succeeded, he turned around and ran away, taking advantage of the dense bushes. Hidden, disappearing in a few jumps.

"Ah!" The screams kept ringing. The indigenous people had a low level of civilization and did not have advanced weapons, but they were familiar with this forest and jungle battles. Everyone hid in the dark and fired cold arrows. After shooting, they ran away without exposing themselves. The pursuers were immediately caught off guard. After the situation was stabilized, everyone had retreated a hundred meters away.

"Kill him!" An officer pulled out his command knife, pointed angrily forward, and roared. Countless pursuers heard the order and chased into the dense forest without hesitation. Their faces were as dark as water, without any fear, and they had no choice but to Admittedly, the combat literacy of this unit is very high.

"Ah——" Countless screams rang out in the dense forest. Traps were activated, including flying arrows, ground thorns, pits, slings, wood bumpers, shotguns, etc. The sharp parts were all smeared with venom. Once hit, they would be destroyed. It was not as simple as being injured. With the cold arrows of natives hiding in the bushes like hungry wolves, the pursuers began to suffer extensive injuries.

In the bushes, Luo Zheng cautiously poked his head out and saw the pursuers disappearing into the bushes. He smiled, took out his bow and arrow, and slowly moved forward, quickly disappearing.

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