The strongest soldier

Chapter 451 Jungle Killing

The afterglow of the setting sun fell over the ancient primeval forest, and the golden light fell on the ground through the gaps in the bushes, mottled. In a dense bush, Luo Zheng lurked motionless, watching the surroundings coldly, holding a big bow in his hand. Opened, like a ghost walking on the edge of death, his cold eyes were filled with murderous intent. Through the gap between the dense shrubs, he spotted a soldier approaching. The cold murderous intent exploded in Luo Zheng's eyes. He let go of his hand and the arrow flew away. go out.

"Ah!" A scream rang out. After the soldier was injured, he fired randomly with the gun in his hand. The bullets were all shot into the air. The pursuers not far away watched the surroundings vigilantly. There were bushes everywhere in his eyes, and there was no way to know what to do. Looking for the target, he started shooting randomly at the bushes.

At this time, Luo Zheng nimbly crawled out of the bushes, detoured, and quietly stayed behind the opponent. He pounced and pushed the opponent to the ground. He covered the opponent's mouth with his big hand and held the tiger-tooth saber behind his back with his other hand. Without hesitation, he cut into the opponent's throat, then pulled it open, and a bloody arrow flew out.

After killing the pursuer, Luo Zheng looked around and saw that there were bushes everywhere and he could not find any of his people. Luo Zheng did not panic. As soon as the battle started, everyone chose to fight on their own in the hidden bushes, like hungry wolves. , constantly hunting down targets approaching one by one.

"Da da da!" The two pursuers fired at a bush in a panic. Luo Zheng didn't know if any of his own people were hiding in the bush. He quickly drew his bow and arrow, aimed at the neck of one of them, and shot an arrow like lightning. , before the other party could react, Luo Zheng rolled into another bush, using his hands and feet to crawl quickly.

"Ah! Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta" screams and gunshots sounded almost at the same time. Terrifying bullets hit the surroundings aimlessly, making a rustling sound. Luo Zheng stopped quickly and looked coldly at the outside of the bushes. There was one enemy standing, firing randomly with a horrified look on his face. Luo Zheng sneered and drew his bow again.

"Whoosh!" The arrows came out of the dense forest, but they were within six meters of each other. The arrow hit the target's throat, and a bloody arrow shot out. The pursuer fell back and instinctively pulled the trigger. The bullet was aimed at the target. The sky flew randomly, and soon there was no movement.

Luo Zheng bit the tiger-tooth saber in his mouth and retreated to the east. This was the agreed retreat direction. Although the enemy was blinded, it was only temporary. Once they reacted, everyone would suffer. With the cover of the bushes, Luo Zheng ran dozens of meters in one breath and saw Lan Xue turning back. His face was anxious and he hurried to meet her.

Seeing that Luo Zheng was okay, Lan Xue breathed a sigh of relief and glared at Luo Zheng. Without saying anything, she turned around and retreated. Luo Zheng smiled coquettishly, but felt warm in his heart. He followed Lan Xue, hunched over and ran for a while. , many natives around him caught up with him, and when everyone saw Luo Zheng, they quickly retreated.

After rushing out of the jungle, everyone did not dare to stop and continued on their way, rushing up a hillside, over a ridge, and into a dense forest. At this time, Hook chased him anxiously and shouted: "The brothers behind found out The enemy is in hot pursuit, there are about fifty people, what should I do?"

Luo Zheng looked around. There were tall trees with dense crowns. There were no weeds growing on the ground. The roots of the trees were exposed. There were dead leaves piled on the ground. The field of view was not bad. There was no way to hide in this kind of place. It was not a big problem to continue running. , this group of natives ran very fast and would not delay, but the enemy only had about fifty people. Luo Zheng wanted to kill the enemy's majesty, his face darkened, and he said: "How about everyone climbing up the tree?"

"No problem," Hook replied without hesitation and shouted.

Soon, Luo Zheng discovered that these indigenous monkeys were equally agile. They climbed up the tree in a few seconds and hid in the canopy, holding their bows and arrows with firm eyes. No one complained or panicked. Luo Zheng thought in his heart, they are all good warriors. He continued to Hook: "Tell everyone not to act rashly and wait for us to take action first."

"Understood." Hook agreed and shouted the order.

Luo Zheng glanced at the natives scattered in the surrounding tree canopy, looked at Lan Xue, and said: "Let's play with them in this forest, fighting and retreating to attract the enemy's attention. They attack from above. There are about fifty enemies, With fifty guns, it’s time to change weapons for these people.”

"You can give it a try. Everyone disperses and fights on their own. Be careful." Lan Xue Xunsi gave the order.

Everyone quickly dispersed and hid behind the big tree, waiting for the arrival of the pursuers. Hook ran to Luo Zheng with a puzzled look on his face. Luo Zheng explained the plan and warned: "Tell everyone, just shoot cold arrows. Be sure not to expose yourself.”

"Understood." Hook agreed, yelled a few times, and climbed up a big tree.

At this time, the pursuers had already rushed in with murderous intent. Their strength was far more than fifty. Luo Zheng was startled and roughly counted them. They found about eighty people. His face was ashen. But now that the matter had come to this, he couldn't blame the natives for lying about the information. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and shoot without turning back. Luo Zheng pulled the bolt of the gun and waited sternly.

The pursuers dispersed quickly after entering the woods and became vigilant. Luo Zheng quietly poked his head out and found an officer-looking man hiding behind the team. It was blocked by trees and was difficult to shoot. He had to give up and chose to walk on the road. Target ahead.

At this time, Luo Zheng found another target raising his head with shock on his face, as if he had discovered something. Luo Zheng was shocked. If the person in the tree was discovered, he would be a living target. At the critical moment, Luo Zheng fired. Although the enemy Not quite in the ambush ring yet, but can't afford to wait.

"Bang!" The bullets whizzed away, blood flew, and a headshot was fired. The sound of gunshots broke the tranquility of the woods and made everyone nervous. They entered a fighting state. The pursuers quickly seized the bunker and fired randomly at the front. stand up.

Luo Zheng hid behind the big tree, with his back pressed against the big tree. He felt the dense bullets hitting the tree, making a terrifying sound, and remained unmoved. At this time, Lan Xue and others also opened fire one after another, immediately killing the enemy. The bullets were attracted, and Luo Zheng knew that his chance had come. He quickly jumped out of the bunker and fired three shots at the enemy.

Three bullets whizzed towards the hearts of the three exposed targets. Luo Zheng did not dare to stop and look at the results of the battle, so he turned around and ran. As he ran, he felt the bullets coming towards him. Luo Zheng quickly hid behind a tree and did not move, letting the bullets Shooting the surrounding area into a mess.

Lan Xue dodged and attacked, constantly pulling the trigger. Five bullets roared out in a row, like machine guns that fired continuously, but they pounced on five different targets. The bullets shot their heads, and blood and arrows spattered. Lan Xue did not go there either. After seeing the result, he turned around and ran. As he was running, he saw that Guishou and others were also fighting and retreating, so they increased their speed and led the pursuers towards the ambush circle, and the battle began again.

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