The strongest soldier

Chapter 449 Arriving at the base

"I don't know if this bastard has sent out the information he found." Luo Zheng looked at the walkie-talkie and found that it was turned off. He breathed a sigh of relief and shouted into the headset: "Mountain Eagle, caught a big fish, hurry up Come here, watch your surroundings and be careful.”

After a while, Shan Diao and Lang Sen ran over. Shan Diao looked at the dead ninja and looked at Luo Zheng in disbelief. Just as he was about to say something, Lang Sen went crazy and threw himself at the corpse on the ground. His eyes were red and he looked at Luo Zheng. He started beating the corpse fiercely, hitting the opponent's head with his huge fist, and after a few punches, his appearance was completely gone.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at Lang Sen, feeling that there was a blood feud between Lang Sen and this ninja. He pulled the mountain eagle who wanted to dissuade him and shook his head. The two of them took a few steps back, alert to the surroundings, while talking to Lan Xue, asking everyone to hurry up. Come here, without Hook to translate, who knows what this Lang Sen is crazy about.

"Ouch -" Lang Sen vented the anger in his heart to his heart's content. Two lines of hot tears rolled down from his eyes. He gasped for air. Maybe he had vented enough. He stared at the front of the forest with a sad face and mumbled. Luo Zheng couldn't understand a word of what he was saying. He glanced at the corpse on the ground. Where was the human figure? I can't help but feel some sympathy. I can't live without death.

Not long after, Lang Sen woke up and bowed respectfully to Luo Zheng. Perhaps he knew that he didn't understand what he was saying, so he didn't say anything and stepped aside. At this time, Lan Xue rushed over with everyone and looked at the ground. Lan Xue, who was not a ninja in human form, asked in surprise: "What happened?"

"This guy was lurking in the tree. I accidentally knocked him down and died." Luo Zheng explained.

"Ninja? Japanese sword? Mine." Snow Leopard shouted excitedly, snatching the sword from Luo Zheng's hand, taking it out and taking a look, smiling with satisfaction, holding it tightly in his arms, for fear of being snatched by others. He stepped back and said, "Brother Ghost, it belongs to me. Brothers, please don't snatch it from me."

"A broken knife, what about it?" Guishou said dissatisfiedly.

"Hook, what happened to him?" Luo Zheng looked at Hook and asked.

Hook chatted with Lang Sen for a few words, looked solemn, and explained to Luo Zheng: "Ten years ago, a man like this broke into his home and killed his whole family. He was also stabbed. Fortunately, he was not alone. Fatal, he was rescued, you can see the scars on his abdomen, penetrating wounds."

Luo Zheng took a look at Lang Sen's abdomen. Sure enough, there was a scar. It turned out to be a blood feud. He smiled knowingly and said, "Tell everyone, I'm not sure how many of these people there are among the enemies. These people are very good at hiding." , search and assassination, hiding in this woods, I guess the previous actions were exposed, it was discovered by such people, and a helicopter was called, everyone, please be careful. "

"I've heard of them, they seem to be called ninjas, but here we call them devils." Hook agreed and turned around to explain to everyone.

The corpses on the ground were left to be dealt with by wild beasts. People eat beasts, and beasts eat humans. This is the natural law of this forest, and it is also the prerequisite for maintaining ecological balance. No one cares about the corpse of the ninja. Luo Zheng handed the pistol to Hook for later use. Hook is grateful and the team moves on.

Luo Zheng took the mountain eagle and Lang Sen to continue exploring the road ahead, perhaps to vent their anger. Lang Sen's mental state was much better. He looked at Luo Zheng with eyes full of respect. Everyone hurried on cautiously and came to a place unknowingly. Standing on the top of the mountain, Luo Zheng stared coldly at the valley in front: the research base of Japanese pirates.

The base was more heavily guarded than before. Many people were patrolling, and the transport plane was nowhere to be found. Luo Zheng observed for a moment and found that there were at least nearly a hundred people patrolling the outside, and there were also nearly a hundred people inside the wall. The others were hiding somewhere, four of them. Machine gun positions were set up in all directions, with sandbags used as bunkers. Each machine gun position had a squad of people.

Under this kind of defense, a strong attack would lead to death. Luo Zheng had no intention of a strong attack. He looked at Hook and said, "Let's get moving. Time is running out." As he said that, he looked at the forest in front. There were thick bushes, as tall as a man. It's airtight, and it's indeed a good place to hide.

Setting traps is a matter for the natives of the tribe. As soon as Hook told everyone, they all took action. Luo Zheng was not worried about everyone's ability to set traps. It was impossible to survive in this primitive forest without some means. Luo Zheng and Everyone went to the valley and walked very carefully.

About half an hour later, everyone came to a hillside and lurked. This place was only about a thousand meters away from the valley. Luo Zheng was already very satisfied with being able to lurk here. Looking at the research base as if facing a formidable enemy, Luo Zheng was determined. A fierce murderous look appeared on his face, and he quickly set up his sniper rifle.

"I didn't expect that the enemy retreated to the base and gave up the outer front, giving us an advantage." Snow Leopard did not have a sniper rifle, so he lay down next to Luo Zheng and observed, saying with emotion.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Luo Zheng keenly felt that there was something wrong with Xue Bao's words and couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing?" Snow Leopard looked at Luo Zheng and explained: "The enemy has sufficient troops. There is no reason to retreat to the base to fight defensive battles. This is too passive. Is it because the armed helicopter was destroyed? Without air superiority, they will not Dare to fight us? It just feels a little strange."

"Xue'er, what do you think?" Luo Zheng felt something was wrong and asked through the headset.

"The enemy's total strength is nearly a thousand. Even if we have killed over a hundred of them in the past few days, there are still nine hundred. There are only two hundred patrolling and guarding the outside. Where are the remaining seven hundred? When the war comes, there is no reason for them to huddle in the basement, right? ? Something is indeed wrong with the situation." Lan Xue said with a worried tone.

"Captain, what you said is true. Are their troops arranged in a place where we can't see them?" Snow Leopard said in surprise, looking around vigilantly.

"One thing is for sure. The enemy thought we would come, but they are not sure where we are coming from. There are forests everywhere here. It is not easy to find us. Moreover, we are already here. If the enemy knew, they would have pounced on us long ago. Coming up." Guishou added seriously.

"Not good." Luo Zheng suddenly thought of something and exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Lan Xue's pretty eyes narrowed and she asked everyone's curiosity.

"Do you still remember the ninja who was killed?" Luo Zheng's face turned cold and he said coldly, with a hint of worry in his firm eyes, and continued to add: "I suspect that the enemy sent many ninjas to lurk in the woods for reconnaissance. If If you don't send a message back for a long time, it will definitely arouse suspicion. It has been an hour since the ninja was killed. Look at the valley, the machine gun position is adding more people, you should be alert."

"These bastards have pretty good noses. It seems we've been exposed. What should we do?" Mountain Eagle asked.

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