The strongest soldier

Chapter 427 Encountering the Enemy

Intuition is a very mysterious thing, but it is often very accurate, especially on the battlefield. It is better to believe it than to believe it. Luo Zheng believes in his intuition very much, and this intuition has saved his life more than once. Luo Zheng After taking a look at everyone, they all watched their respective directions vigilantly. They didn't feel anything unusual. After thinking about it, they decisively pushed the raft towards the river bank.

Everyone felt something strange about Luo Zheng, and Lan Xue asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, something doesn't feel right. Let's go ashore first," Luo Zheng explained.

Everyone knew that Luo Zheng was not a random person, and they also knew the importance of intuition on the battlefield. There was no objection, his face became solemn, and he became more cautious. Not long after, the raft docked. Everyone dragged the raft ashore and fixed it with two poles. On the river bank, it’s hard to say whether it will be used in the future, so be prepared.

Everyone quickly got into the woods and stopped in an open area. Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "I feel that the front is not good. Let's go around along the river and take a look. ."

"That's fine." Lan Xue agreed, not objecting because of Luo Zheng's preoccupation. On the battlefield, there is nothing wrong with being cautious. She would rather walk more, work harder, and save her life first. Only by staying alive can she complete the mission.

Luo Zheng took the dragon tooth handed over by Snow Leopard, stuck it in his back, and walked in front with a gun. Everyone set up an attack formation to search and move forward. They walked extremely carefully, no one said anything, and their ears were filled with leaves blown by the wind. There were rustling sounds and the roars of birds and animals, and several colorful frogs were lying on the trees in front, croaking strangely.

"Is it a dart frog?" When Luo Zheng, the leader, saw this scene, the relevant information that he had hurriedly popularized before came to mind. Among them, this creature, which is the most beautiful in the world and one of the most poisonous species, was specifically mentioned. He quickly Detouring, not wanting to cause trouble or causing trouble, everyone followed and looked at the various dart frogs hanging on the trees in front of them, feeling their scalps numb, so they detoured away.

In the virgin forest, the more colorful things are, the more beautiful they are. For example, the colorful dart frogs and piranha flowers all look beautiful and cute, but if provoked, they will be very troublesome. Everyone knows this common sense. In a roundabout way After a long circle, bypassing this forest, continue walking along the river.

A bend soon appeared in the front, and the river turned here. The river bank was covered with dense shrubs. There were no tall trees. The shrubs were full of flowers of various colors, which were very bright. Even the determined Lan Xue was shocked when she saw this scene. I couldn't help but admire, it was a woman's nature to love flowers, but she quickly regained her composure.

After walking continuously, everyone was a little tired. Luo Zheng suggested resting for ten minutes. After putting down his backpack, he went to explore the road ahead. However, after walking for only a few minutes, Luo Zheng saw a person squatting next to a huge rock on the slope ahead, a few meters away. He was only about ten meters away, carrying a personal radio on his back, and was concentrating with his eyes closed. Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly raised his gun and took aim. He zoomed in through the scope and found that the opponent was a yellow man, wearing camouflage, and his nationality could not be identified.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked around in surprise, and soon discovered that the opponent's ambush position was not far from the river bank. If he came over with a raft, passed the bend, and happened to be surrounded by these people, he couldn't help but be shocked and immediately realized that he had been exposed. , his face darkened, and he tapped the headset twice to warn everyone.

At this time, a man also wearing camouflage bent down to the person carrying the individual radio, picked up the radio and started talking in a gibberish voice. Luo Zheng didn't understand a word, but he heard the other person's last respectful "hi". This is an exclusive term used by Japanese pirates, and it is absolutely unmistakable.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng realized that these were Japanese pirates, waiting for him here. If he had not landed early, he would have fallen into an ambush circle. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face turned cold, and he quickly searched, and soon found this The team began to evacuate and headed towards the mountain forest.

"Eh?" Luo Zheng was startled. He looked at the nearly a hundred people who were emerging from the bushes. His expression changed greatly and he did not dare to move to avoid making any noise. After all these people left, Luo Zheng quickly He retreated, joined everyone, and recounted his findings with a solemn expression.

When everyone heard this, they were all secretly glad. Guishou said angrily: "With a team of nearly a hundred people, there may be some of their people on the other side of the river. This place has entered their territory. They must be very familiar with the surrounding environment, otherwise they wouldn't If we choose to ambush us here, I propose that we touch them, fight silently, and kill some of them, since they have already been exposed anyway."

"It takes about an hour to get here from where we landed, and it only took us a little longer to go around here. Judging from their evacuation, it is obvious that they have calculated this time accurately. They evacuated without seeing anyone coming. They really know the surrounding terrain very well. , However, they did not attack us, which means they do not know our current position. It is okay to fall behind and touch a few, but it will be exposed unless we eat all of this team." Snow Leopard said.

"The possibility of eating them is almost zero. In my opinion, it's better to follow them and find the base first." The mountain eagle suggested, while being cautiously on guard.

Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng thought for a while, nodded and said: "I agree with Shan Diao's analysis. Killing the enemy is not our task. The top priority is to find the base, understand the situation around the base, and then determine the next part of the action plan. The enemy's situation Big, we don’t need to go head-to-head.”

"Okay, let's go." Seeing that everyone's opinions were basically the same, Lan Xue made a decision immediately.

The team immediately took action and followed the traces. Luo Zheng was walking in front, Lan Xue and Shan Diao were behind, and Snow Leopard and Ghost Hand were in the middle. The attack formation advanced. Soon, everyone passed through the bushes and entered the woods. It is humid and shady, with towering trees blocking the view from the dusk. There are no weeds on the ground because it has not been exposed to sunlight for a long time. Many tree roots are exposed, and you will trip over if you are not careful while walking.

After chasing all the way, Luo Zheng couldn't understand how everyone was discovered without any sign. He observed the surroundings vigilantly and soon found another group of people coming out of the woods. They seemed to be familiar with each other, so they joined forces. We stopped to rest in an open forest.

Luo Zheng was shocked. He raised his hand to indicate that he would be on standby. Everyone saw Luo Zheng's gesture and stopped one after another. They squatted down and held the gun flat on their shoulders. They calmly searched the surroundings. Luo Zheng slowly backed up, his eyes alert. , his face was solemn as iron, his arms were vertically downwards, his fists were clenched and he was swinging back, making a retreat gesture.

Everyone fell back in surprise, hunched over, and watched the left and right with vigilance. Not daring to be careless, they retreated about a hundred meters in one breath. Everyone spread out in a circle, back to back, watching the front vigilantly, covering Luo Zheng after he came down. , everyone did not move, did not ask, and continued to remain on alert.

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