The strongest soldier

Chapter 428 Rushing to the base

"The enemy camped in front and came all the way to join us. The total strength is about two hundred." Luo Zheng said in a low voice, squatting under a big tree, leaning against the tree, his eyes flickering, and he began to think deeply. The enemy sent out nearly two people at once. Hundreds of people came to ambush, obviously there were enough troops, and the Intelligence Brigade's total strength of nearly a thousand people was correct. However, this made the task extremely difficult.

Lan Xue glanced at Luo Zheng and gave him a questioning look. Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and continued to ponder. If someone diverted this enemy away, the number of troops in the base would be reduced, but he quickly rejected this idea. Not to mention that the people responsible for attracting the enemy are too dangerous. The loss of two hundred people is of little significance to the enemy base with a total strength of nearly a thousand troops. Eight hundred people are defending but they can't get in. What should I do?

While thinking, out of the corner of his eye, Luo Zheng saw Lan Xue's gesture of marching in a roundabout way. After thinking about it, the first priority was to find out the situation of the enemy's research base, so he nodded in agreement. Everyone got up and walked away in a roundabout way. Luo Zheng compared Using GPS and aerial maps, we took the lead and marched forward.

An hour later, night fell. Everyone put on their night vision goggles and continued on their way. Time was running out and the operation had been exposed. The situation in the research base must be understood as soon as possible in order to make the next plan based on the specific situation. Otherwise, nothing would be appropriate. .

All the way over mountains and ridges, walking in the woods, with night vision goggles, the difficulty of the journey is not big. I just encountered a few snakes along the way. I just caught them and threw them away. I had no time to pay attention to them, and I was focused on rushing. The moonlight came through. The leaves were falling down, and the stars were dotted, which was particularly charming, but everyone was in a heavy mood and was not in the mood to appreciate it.

In the middle of the night, everyone climbed up a mountain and looked around. In front of them was a valley surrounded by mountains. A river meandered through the valley. All the trees in the valley were cleared, the ground was leveled, and there was a building in the middle. , surrounded by tall walls, with an open space on the outside. The entrance to the building complex inside the walls is a small square with three helicopters parked and people constantly patrolling nearby.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng's face changed slightly when he saw this scene. The terrain here was too similar to the base of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group in the jungle. Luo Zheng couldn't help but look around. There were lush trees on the surrounding mountainside, and the edge of the valley There was a barbed wire fence surrounding the trees to prevent wild animals from entering. Several dead birds were hung on the barbed wire, which had been charred. Apparently, the barbed wire was electrified.

When everyone saw this scene, their faces became solemn. Snow Leopard said in a low voice: "There should be mines on the surrounding mountainside. I'll go back and investigate. The barbed wire fence more than three meters high must be electrified. It's difficult to get through. The valley is so big, it's clear at a glance." , it takes at least three minutes to rush to the wall, which is enough time for the enemy to react, not to mention there are so many people patrolling, and there are many people patrolling inside the wall. The building complex looks very complicated, and it is very difficult to penetrate. "

"I feel that there should be mines laid in the open area outside the valley. The density is not very high, but it is also very troublesome. There are no major roads here. These people should rely on helicopters to communicate with the outside world. The buildings are mainly made of wood and stone. They look a bit... Year, like an ancient tribe, it couldn't be an expansion of a certain tribe's ruins, right?" the mountain eagle said in a low voice.

"The possibility is very high." Ghost Hand responded in a low voice, staring at the valley in the distance with a cold gaze, and said with a solemn expression: "The enemy is well-defended, and it is very difficult to penetrate. In addition, it is impossible for nearly a thousand people to be so small. There should be fortifications underground as well as the buildings. Look at the mountain behind, there are two huge wind turbines."

Luo Zheng moved the sniper scope and observed for a while. His face was ugly. There was no hope of infiltration. How could he get in and destroy the opponent's research results? Time is running out for me, what should I do?

"Don't be anxious, everyone, take a look first and discuss later." Lan Xue said in a low voice.

Everyone agreed and continued to observe. Luo Zheng found that it was too difficult to conquer this base. It was almost impossible with just the five of us. As he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt something approaching and was startled. He quickly moved the sniper scope and looked over. It was pitch black in the forest and there was nothing there.

"What's wrong?" Lan Xue asked in a low voice, and everyone else looked at Luo Zheng. Everyone knew that Luo Zheng had been hunting since he was a child, and his sense of danger in the jungle was different from ordinary people, so they couldn't help but become cautious.

"It feels wrong, as if something is approaching us." Luo Zheng explained.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they all looked at Lan Xue. Lan Xue thought for a while, no matter how careful Luo Zheng was from time to time, he would rather believe it or not, and said decisively: "Escape first."

Everyone retreated one after another. Seeing that Luo Zheng had not retreated, they were all stunned for a moment and hid themselves in place. Lan Xue asked in a low voice through the headset: "What's wrong?"

"Everyone, follow me to cover the fire. I'll come for a moment to see what it is." Luo Zheng whispered, picked up the gun, hunched over and touched the mountainside in front of him. He moved very slowly and carefully, trying not to let himself go. It makes a sound, like a ghost that chooses an opportunity to devour it under the moonlight.

Soon, Luo Zheng found several black figures emerging from the woods in front. Their bodies were covered with tree branches to camouflage them. They were loaded with guns and fast movements. Luo Zheng was shocked. He squatted down quickly and gave a retreat gesture to the people behind him. But he didn't move immediately, and patiently observed.

Soon, a dozen people appeared in the field of view ahead, and they were spreading out to search and move forward, very carefully. Luo Zheng was shocked and couldn't figure out what were these people doing here in the middle of the night? Has it been discovered? While he was thinking about it, Luo Zheng noticed through the sniper scope that a shadowy figure dressed as a ninja flashed and disappeared into the woods about thirty meters ahead.

"Ninja?" Luo Zheng's face turned cold, and he immediately understood why he was exposed. In front of ninjas who are good at tracking and hiding, it is very difficult for everyone to hide. More figures appeared in his field of vision. Luo Zheng knew These people are coming for everyone, so they must retreat, otherwise it will become a blockade, which is inappropriate.

Luo Zheng made the retreat gesture again with an anxious look on his face, and he quickly retreated. He didn't know how many enemies there were. Since they were well prepared, there would definitely not be too few. Everyone stayed here to wait for death. Then, under the cover of the dense forest, everyone quickly retreated. Go down, not daring to stop, marching in a hurry.

While running, Luo Zheng looked like a wounded tiger, full of murderous intent and an ugly face. The mission was so unsatisfactory that they were all discovered like this. It seemed that there were masters among the enemies. Unless these masters were eliminated, everyone's whereabouts would be difficult to trace. Hidden, what to do?

Everyone marched for about half an hour and stopped in a forest. After Lan Xue signaled everyone to disperse the alert, he pulled Luo Zheng and squatted down, spread out the satellite aerial map and said: "The location of the base is correct, but these people's noses Why are you so smart? We were discovered before we even took action. What can you do?"

ps: I recommend a good book "Asura Tianzun". The powerful god of creation started from the dream masterpiece. He is already very fat. If you like fantasy, you can kill him.

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