The strongest soldier

Chapter 426 Dangerous Waterway Travel

At noon in the primeval forest, the woods were unstoppably hot. The air was filled with heat and a faint smell of rot. It was unknown what kind of animal carcass it was. Everyone ate and drank enough and rested in place. Luo Zheng looked up through the woods. Looking at the sky, the sun was high, and the branches and leaves on the top of the trees were swaying in the wind. It was a pity that the wind did not enter the woods. Luo Zheng drank a mouthful of water, looked at the python's body, glanced at the river, and began to think.

"We have to hurry up and hurry up. There are mountains in front of us and mountains on both sides. Continuing to climb over the mountains will waste time. Let's take the water route? I checked the map. This river is connected to another river. That river is only 10 meters away from the base we want to go to. It’s only half a day’s journey, so taking the water route can save a lot of time and maintain your physical strength.” Lan Xue came over and reminded in a low voice.

"Yes, but we have to get a raft. This primitive forest is too weird. There may be dangers under the water, so we have to be careful." Luo Zheng agreed, with a hint of worry on his calm face, and looked at the surrounding woods. , continued: "I'm going to cut down some trees to make a raft."

"That's fine." Lan Xue did not object, but turned around and shouted to everyone who was resting: "Ghost Hands, Snow Leopard, help the ghosts chop down trees and build rafts. Let's take the water route, Mountain Eagle, on your left and on my right, be on guard."

"Yes!" Everyone agreed in unison and took action.

Luo Zheng came to a big tree with his hands clasped together, took out the dragon's tooth and chopped it. The dragon's tooth was extremely sharp. With one strike, it penetrated seven parts of the tree. Guishou and Snow Leopard were waiting next to them. Everyone took turns to attack. After a while, the big tree It was cut down to the ground, the branches and tail were removed, and the trunk was divided into two parts and carried to the river to be used as the hull of the boat. The trunks were also cut into fist-sized trunks and laid horizontally, tied up with tough tree vines, and tied tightly.

In about two hours, a simple boat was built. It had two sections of thick trees as the base. The boat was very strong. Everyone pushed the boat into the river and jumped on board. Luo Zheng picked up one and had already prepared it. The tree trunk was used as a pole, and the ghost hand also held a pole at the stern of the boat. The two of them punted the boat and went down the river. Blue snow and mountain eagles were on guard on both sides, and snow leopards were on guard at the bottom of the river.

As a qualified soldier, he naturally understands that one should not be careless at any time. The safer the time, the more danger lurks. Everyone went down the river. Luo Zheng calmly stared at the front. Both sides of the river were lined with green trees and tall trees. It was dense, with a few langurs playing in the trees, a water bird plopped into the water, and soon flew up again, with a big fish in its mouth, and flew away with its wings, leaving a peaceful scene on the river.

After walking forward for a while, Luo Zheng saw a water snake crossing the river. It was about the size of a fist. When the water snake spotted the approaching raft, it suddenly disappeared into the bottom of the river. Luo Zheng didn't pay attention and continued to move forward. Not long after walking, he felt that The raft was shaken, as if something hit it. I couldn't help but be startled, and asked in a low voice: "What's going on?" He looked forward without looking back, and handed the matter over to the snow leopard in charge of the bottom of the river. The more dangerous the situation, the more dangerous it was. Be more cautious.

The snow leopard responsible for the bottom of the river whispered: "I don't know, it seems like something swam across."

"What can knock this ship over? It's not a small fish or a shrimp, it's a crocodile, right?" Gui Shou whispered from behind, looking at the rear. There were five people, each of whom had their own position to watch. Division of labor and cooperation are basic tactical qualities. There is no chaos and I believe that my teammates can handle it well.

"Ghost, give me the dragon tooth." Snow Leopard said calmly, his eyes scanning the bottom of the river, constantly looking for suspicious objects. He held the steel gun in his hand tightly, not daring to be careless.

Everyone was approaching the destination. It was best not to shoot. Luo Zheng understood and threw the dragon tooth over. Snow Leopard took it and pulled out the knife. Suddenly he felt the raft shaking again. Snow Leopard saw clearly and stabbed it with the knife. When I felt that the knife had hit something, I couldn't help but be overjoyed. I held the knife handle tightly, rotated it, and quickly pulled it out.

Soon, the surface of the river was stained red with blood, and something was rolling at the bottom of the river. Unfortunately, it was hard to see clearly. The snow leopard held the steel gun tightly, with his index finger on the trigger, and waited seriously. Not long after, a crocodile emerged from the bottom of the river. Come on, open your mouth wide and bloody, rush out of the water, and bite the people on the raft.

Underneath the raft was thick hardwood, so there was no need to worry about being chewed to pieces. When the snow leopard saw that it was a crocodile attacking, he immediately became angry and roared: "Young beasts dare to be so rampant and seek death." He put down his gun and used his dragon teeth to chop. Go over there and go straight for the crocodile's mouth.

The sharp blade cut through the crocodile's mouth, pulling out a long gap in the crocodile's cheek. The crocodile was in pain, and its body hit the raft. It quickly rolled down to the bottom of the river and disappeared. Everyone was cautious, and the raft Continuing forward, the river gradually calmed down.

Snow Leopard did not dare to be careless and continued to stare at the bottom of the river. Looking at the gradually recovering river surface, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Brother Ghost, I have to say that this Japanese sword is still very good and sharp enough. Next time I have a chance, I will Get one and play with it, it’s a great weapon for home travel.”

"Okay, I'll help you." Luo Zheng smiled, staring ahead calmly, not daring to be careless.

Five people, in five directions, no one noticed a dark figure lurking in a tall and dense tree canopy on the river bank. He was dressed in black clothes, even his head was wrapped, and only a pair of eyes were exposed, staring at the raft. The people on board exuded a cold and fierce light. After the raft left, the black shadow jumped down from the tree like a monkey and disappeared into the surrounding woods in an instant, without a trace.

Being able to avoid the senses of Luo Zheng and others, this person's hiding ability is very high. Luo Zheng calmly stared ahead. After the raft moved forward for a certain distance, it entered another fork of the river. This river was much wider and the water flow was faster. After a while, the river bank was covered with lush bushes, so everyone continued to move forward cautiously.

Half an hour later, the river ahead became narrower. Some wild deer were drinking water by the river. When they saw the raft appearing, they all tilted their heads and looked curiously. A deer happily ran to the river and lowered its head to drink water. Suddenly , a huge black shadow rushed out from the bottom of the river, bit the deer's neck, and dragged the deer into the water.

The sudden change frightened the other wild deer and ran away. The river surged and was soon stained red with blood. Luo Zheng looked at this scene and knew that it was a crocodile preying on him. He remained unmoved. The law of the jungle is natural, and the food chain is endless. Killings happen every day and are nothing to be surprised about.

"It's a pity that the deer is still very small." Lan Xue said with some sigh, but quickly regained his composure. In the face of nature, any sympathy will lead to his own destruction, and he continued to monitor his position.

The raft continued to move, but Luo Zheng felt a little uncomfortable. He looked at the bushes on both sides of the bank in front of him in surprise, and then looked up at the sky. It was almost dusk. According to the GPS positioning, he would be landing in about an hour. , but Luo Zheng felt more and more uncomfortable as he walked forward.

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