The strongest soldier

Chapter 3944 A different world

The chill in the cold cracks in the ground was so intense that even a helicopter with infrared thermal imaging could not detect the situation below. Luo Zheng had to lead a team in to investigate, and asked Xu Gang, the most powerful fighter, to clear the way, while he followed closely behind to prevent the situation. In case, after walking for a certain distance, apart from the cold wind and the dripping water drops on the cliff, there are only messy footprints in the passage. There are no plants and no traces of human life. Everything is weird.

An invisible pressure spread across the air, like a huge boulder pressing down on everyone's heart. If they hadn't been used to seeing life and death and seeing too many dangers, everyone would have retreated in fear. Several tactical flashlights illuminated the front, and some People are even more experienced and use flashlights to keep an eye on them, just in case something unexpected happens.

In front of the team, Xu Gang suddenly made a stop gesture. Hearing Luo Zheng's questions, he didn't answer. Luo Zheng was surprised and motioned to the people behind him to stop and quickly stepped forward. His face changed drastically, and he saw a huge one appearing in front of him. The entrance to the underground cave is blocked by a raised boulder, so it is absolutely difficult to find it until you are in front of it.

"The footprints went towards the cave." Xu Gang said in a deep voice, his face full of surprise.

Who would have thought that there is a cave in the crack in the ground, and it is two meters high and two meters wide. It is square enough for people to walk upright. The ground is full of footprints, and the walls of the cave are covered with moss. There is water seeping on the moss. Flow down along the cave wall, and there is a smaller water diversion ditch below, which leads the water to the cracks outside, making the middle of the cave relatively dry, and the messy footprints are very obvious.

"If there's anything weird, I'll go in and take a look." Xu Gang was brave and said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry." Luo Zheng grabbed Xu Gang who was about to go in. He stared at the cave carefully and thought about it. This cave was dug manually. It was obviously dug by the enemy. What is the purpose of digging a cave in the cracks in the ground? ? Is it a passage to other bases? Or is it an underground base inside?

The follow-up troops came up and were surprised when they saw the cave, but they didn't ask any questions and quickly alerted the surroundings. Luo Zheng thought for a moment and tried to get in touch with the headquarters or camp. He found that the signal transmitter had no signal. He understood a little and whispered: "The enemy has already arrived." You know that this crack in the ground can not only avoid helicopters with thermal imaging capabilities, but also interfere with signals, so you chose this place as an escape or hiding place. No wonder you dare to openly challenge it. Was it intentional?"

"What's intentional?" Xu Gang asked in surprise.

"People deliberately showed up at the entrance and exit of the canyon to attract our helicopters, and then sent out motorcycles to counterattack, and quickly evacuated after they succeeded. But we didn't expect that we would follow up with helicopters and kill their motorcycles and the people exposed on the position. Enemy, otherwise we will suffer big losses, it’s a good plan.” Luo Zheng said seriously, showing a look of surprise.

When Xu Gang heard this, he also reacted and said angrily: "These bastards had a good idea. Our ten helicopters were all gone. What they lost was only ten motorcycles. No matter how the account was calculated, it was all us." I have suffered a loss and I must avenge myself. What should I do next?”

"Wrong, it's not a loss, it's a big loss. If the leader hadn't arranged for helicopters to follow up, their motorcycles would have definitely evacuated after killing the first row of helicopters. We wouldn't be able to gain anything, and it would end in a disastrous defeat." Mountain Eagle said in a deep voice. , looking at the entrance of the cave with an unusually cold gaze.

"That makes sense. It's a good thing I saved a few extra tricks." Xu Gang said solemnly, agreeing with Shan Diao's analysis.

Luo Zheng did not answer, but looked around vigilantly. Finally, when he looked up at the sky, he could only see a narrow line of light. The crack in the ground was too narrow and deep, and the visibility was very limited. Luo Zheng withdrew his gaze and said in a deep voice: "Mountain Diao, arrange for two teams to go up there to guard us. The terrain here is narrow and the teams cannot move. We cannot make any mistakes in our retreat. In addition, there is no signal here, so we need people up there to help contact the camp."

"Understood, I will lead the team myself. What do I need to communicate with the camp after going up?" Mountain Eagle knew the importance of the retreat, and he agreed and asked.

"Arrange helicopters to be on alert and on standby, and no accidents are allowed." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood." Shan Diao agreed, and hurried there with two teams. This was a cave, and there were too many people to use it. It was enough to leave a sniper team, plus two groups of god-level soldiers from Xu Gang and Tie Diao. Enough to cope with all kinds of dangers, time was tight, the mountain eagle and others walked very fast, and disappeared after a while.

"Shall I go in?" Xu Gang looked at Luo Zheng eagerly and asked.

"Don't worry, wait." Luo Zheng pressed Xu Gang's shoulders and said in a deep voice, his eyes stern.

At this time, the broken iron eagle came up without knowing why. He was shocked when he saw the hole. He immediately understood and looked at the hole curiously and said: "It looks very deep. I can't hear any movement and there is no one guarding me. Look. Come on, the enemy didn’t expect us to find this place, this cave should be a passage leading to somewhere, I’m fast, let’s go in first and take a look.”

"Have you noticed that there is wind in the underground cave, but it is very small, which means it is very long. I am afraid it is not as simple as a passage. The passage runs through both ends, and the wind is often very strong. There should be a large underground space inside to disperse the wind, so the wind becomes stronger when it comes out from here. It's very weak." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"Hiss, that makes sense." Tie Diao said in a deep voice, becoming alert.

"Brother Tie Diao, you are fast. Go in and take a look. If you find the situation, exit immediately. Don't be brave. I won't send people to respond, so as not to slow down your retreat in the event of an accident." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood." Tie Diao promised, eager to go in alone. If there is danger and needs to retreat, one more person will become a burden and slow down the speed. As he said that, Tie Diao put on the tactical goggles and ducked in. Inside It's pitch dark and you can't see anything. It's inconvenient to use a flashlight for reconnaissance. The best way is to wear tactical goggles with night vision capabilities.

Others were waiting outside and in their hearts. Silence returned to the surroundings. Only the sound of water droplets falling on the cliff was left, dong dong dong - beating in everyone's heart. A depressing emotion filled their hearts and they couldn't help but become nervous. , the palm of the hand holding the steel gun was full of cold sweat, the surrounding was too quiet, too dark, and too weird, like a passage leading to hell.

A few minutes later, subtle footsteps suddenly came from the cave. Immediately afterwards, a figure flashed out like a ghost. Luo Zheng shined a flashlight and saw that it was Tie Diao. He quickly lowered his voice and ordered: "It's Brother Tie Diao, don't wait." Shoot, what's going on inside?" The latter sentence was about the iron sculpture that came out.

"Big discovery." Tie Diao shouted excitedly, his voice trembling with excitement.

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