The strongest soldier

Chapter 3943 Abnormal Discovery

The sky is blue and cloudless, with only a fiery red sun hanging high in the sky, emitting endless heat, but unable to melt the ice on the top of the iceberg. The mountain wind is whistling, carrying a cold chill across the mountain. At the post, several helicopters were hovering over the canyon, conducting reconnaissance. The roar of the propellers resounded throughout the fields and spread far and wide.

Below the canyon, Luo Zheng and others continued to chase up the canyon. The enemy gave up the cave and fled, and fled in such a hurry that they did not even blow up the ammunition. It was not because they could not, but because they were unwilling. Blowing up the ammunition would reveal their whereabouts. The enemy was so It was intentional. It was obvious that there were experts among the enemies who escaped. Luo Zheng was angry and led his team to pursue them.

No one knows how many enemy troops were stationed in the canyon. Judging from the ammunition in the cave, there should be a company of troops stationed there. However, there was only one platoon of people at the entrance and exit of the canyon, and all those people were killed by helicopters. In other words, Two enemy platoons were withdrawn.

The only thing that is clear is that there are no motorcycles, because no traces of motorcycle wheels were found along the way. It can be seen that there are only ten motorcycles in the cave, and they were all killed by the follow-up helicopters arranged by themselves. The ten motorcycles killed ten helicopters. Luo Zheng didn't expect that motorcycles had such powerful air defense capabilities, and that micro rockets had guidance functions. He regretted that he was careless.

After chasing for a distance, a voice suddenly sounded excitedly in the headset: "Report, enemy situation discovered." It was the voice of the helicopter pilot.

"Report the location." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"There is a forked road about three thousand meters ahead. On the right, the enemy enters the forked road. The forked road is very narrow. No wonder the enemy was not discovered just now." The other party's annoyed voice sounded again.

"Seal the fork in the road and wait for us to come." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, and with a wave of his hand, he led the troops to accelerate forward.

Three thousand meters is not very far. Everyone arrived quickly. Sure enough, they saw a fork in the road on the right, more like a crack in the ground. It was only one meter wide but four to five hundred meters high. It was bottomless and dark. , it looks like a dead end no matter how you look at it. If there is no helicopter to remind you, even a shrewd person like Luo Zheng will ignore it if he passes by here, because it doesn't look like a place where you can hide people.

The fork in the road should be a crack in the ground. The so-called ground crack is a crack in the earth, with different sizes, lengths and depths. It is called a wonder of the earth together with the sinkhole. It is easy to form in places with unstable geological structures, and earthquake zones are also easy to form. Luo Zheng sees He meditated on this crack in the ground and did not immediately lead the team to rush in.

"This fork in the road is very weird. The ground is wet and the inside is cold. It is not suitable for human survival at all. Moreover, this fork in the road looks like a crack in the ground. The cracks in the ground are all dead ends. There is no need for the enemy to run in? I'm afraid there is something strange in it. Do you want to confirm again?" Xu Gang came up and reminded in a low voice.

"Helicopter, report the situation. How did you discover the abnormality?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice through the headset.

"Report, we have searched a radius of fifty kilometers and found no trace of the enemy. From the time the enemy fled to the time we searched, there was only about fifteen minutes. The enemy could not have fled fifty kilometers in fifteen minutes unless the other party had transportation. Tools, in addition, the branch road is the only passage, and it is cold inside. It is difficult for the helicopter's infrared thermal imaging to detect the situation inside. Finally, my thermal imaging sensor track is a suspected target, but the target disappears quickly. In view of these three points, I initially judge that the branch road is The enemy's only way out." A helicopter pilot explained in a deep voice, his words full of confidence in his own inference.

Luo Zheng thought about it carefully and found that the other party's analysis was absolutely reasonable. You must know that the helicopter has infrared thermal imaging equipment, which can sense the enemy's position within a certain range. After searching for fifty kilometers, he could not find it. It is impossible for the enemy to take transportation. To run away, the only possibility is to hide, and the side road is cold and infrared thermal imaging does not work, so it is the most ideal hiding spot.

"The terrain inside is complicated, be careful." Luo Zheng looked at Xu Gang and warned in a deep voice.

"Understood." Xu Gang agreed and walked inside to act as a vanguard.

When Tie Diao saw Xu Gang entering, he immediately followed him and was caught by Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng shook his head, loaded his gun, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Xu Gang is in the front, that's enough, but we need snipers in the back to suppress the formation." , I am more suitable than you, you stay behind, Mountain Eagle, you follow me, and the others turn on their tactical flashlights."

"Yes." Shan Diao responded in a deep voice. Tie Diao thought it made sense. It was dangerous for Xu Gang to explore the way in front, and he needed a sniper to protect him from behind. No one was more suitable than Luo Zheng, so he quickly agreed.

Luo Zheng strode after him with a sniper rifle in his hands. He switched to the breathing method passed down from his family and soon entered an ethereal state. Everything around him became clear and smellable. Luo Zheng stared ahead vigilantly at the dark and damp passage ahead. Illuminated by many strong flashlights, the cliffs were covered with wet dew, and dew flowed down, forming a stream on the ground that slowly rose forward. Some water droplets fell directly from above and landed in the stream, making a crisp sound. Ding-dong sounds fell on everyone's bodies, and there was also a slight sound on the helmets.

Waves of cold breeze blew by, and an icy breath swept over, making everyone tremble, and their teeth chattered uncontrollably. It was so cold, everyone involuntarily tightened their tight clothes, but it was of no use, the cold wind just It burrowed into everyone's sleeves and collars as if they were alive.

Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked ahead, his brows furrowed, and he became worried. This place was too cold, like a passage leading to hell. It was not suitable for human life at all. As long as the opening was sealed, it wouldn't take long for the people inside to Freezing to death, why would the enemy take the initiative to hide here? There must be fraud here.

"Xu Gang, be careful, there's something weird." Luo Zheng warned in a worried voice.

"Understood." Xu Gang, who was leading the way in front, responded casually and scanned the ground with a strong flashlight. The ground was full of messy footprints. It was obvious that many people were passing by. Xu Gang couldn't help but speed up. Luo Zheng was surprised and speeded up too. He followed, staring straight ahead, with a high degree of concentration, and even held his index finger on the trigger to ensure that he fired as soon as possible when danger was detected.

The cold and dark underground passage is like a huge open mouth of a devil, with the chill of swallowing everything. No matter how talented and brave everyone is, they can't help but feel scared. This place is so weird and cold, it's almost like It was the road leading to hell. Everyone walked for a while and suddenly found a stop in front of them. They also stopped moving forward and got ready for battle.

Luo Zheng also stopped. While giving the brother behind him a stop signal, he looked ahead with cold eyes and asked in a low voice: "What's going on?"

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