The strongest soldier

Chapter 3942 Discovering the Cave

Complex terrain is what the attacking side hates to see the most, because it is full of too many unknowns and possibilities, and the risk factor is too great. Luo Zheng is considered the attacking side, while the Dark Church is considered the defensive side in this canyon, and they can completely rely on the complex terrain. The terrain set up various traps. If you were not familiar with the terrain and entered hastily, you would die. Luo Zheng did not dare to act rashly. He issued a series of adjustment orders and waited patiently.

The helicopter was conducting aerial reconnaissance along the direction of the canyon. He was worried that the enemy would launch an air attack from within the canyon and did not dare to fly too high. As a result, the reconnaissance effect in the canyon would be much lower. There were troops stationed at the exit, so he had nothing to worry about. Luo Zheng Just worrying that the enemy will rely on the complex terrain below the canyon to quietly evacuate will be a waste of time.

After a while, Luo Zheng was a little disappointed with the reconnaissance results sent by the helicopter, but he also knew that the helicopter had tried its best and flying low would be dangerous. Too many helicopters had been lost. Luo Zheng did not want any more helicopters to be bombed by the enemy, so he could only endure it. Temperament awaits.

Time passed by, the cold wind blew slowly on the hill, and there was silence. Everyone lurked and waited patiently, glancing at Luo Zheng from time to time. After a while, two transport helicopters roared over and dropped Xu Gang and Tie Diao. The two groups returned to the camp.

The arrival of Xu Gang and Tie Diao made Luo Zheng relieved. He asked the two of them to come to the edge of the cliff. He pointed at the complex terrain of the canyon below and said, "Brother, you will understand the situation below at a glance. The enemy may be hiding below. From now on, The specific situation below cannot be seen from above, so I need people to investigate from the front and sweep the clear valley."

"Understood." Xu Gang and Tie Diao glanced at the canyon. The strange rocks below were rugged and bottomless. Countless raised boulders completely obscured the bottom of the canyon. The two exchanged a tacit look and agreed.

"Let's search inside from the entrance and exit. I'll go with you." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"You are the commander-in-chief. You can't make any mistakes. Just let us go." Xu Gang said quickly.

"Stop talking, let's make this decision." Luo Zheng said resolutely. He was not used to letting his brothers take risks in front, so he hid behind.

Xu Gang and Tie Diao also understood Luo Zheng's character and temper, and knew that persuasion was useless. They nodded silently. Luo Zheng gave an order, and the team took action quickly. Everyone rushed down the hillside in one breath and came to the entrance and exit of the canyon. The captain of the garrison team Immediately coming up to him, he was about to salute Luo Zheng. Tie Diao quickly shouted: "Don't salute, are you looking for death?"

Saluting a superior on the battlefield is tantamount to pointing out the target for an ambush sniper, which is a taboo. Luo Zheng stipulated that all members of the Secret Bureau are absolutely not allowed to salute their superiors on the battlefield. This team was sent by one of the member states of the Counter-Terrorism Alliance, and I didn't know Luo Zheng's rules, but he was just out of politeness. When I heard Tie Diao's warning, he reacted, smiled awkwardly, and quickly explained: "Commander, everything is normal, please give instructions."

"Thank you for your hard work. Guard this place for me and don't allow anyone to come in or out until you receive my order. How is the morale of the troops?" Luo Zheng asked with concern.

"No problem, I promise to complete the mission." The team leader quickly agreed.

Luo Zheng nodded and said nothing more. He turned to look in the direction of the canyon. He saw that the canyon was full of huge raised rocks. The rocks blocked the sun and it was cool below. There were also many stones rolled down from the cliffs on the ground. There was a thin layer of ice and snow, Luo Zheng looked serious and strode towards the canyon.

Xu Gang and Tie Diao were shocked and hurried to follow. Tie Diao even gave a signal to Scud Ye Tong. Ye Tong rushed forward knowingly and used his own speed to rush forward. Shan Diao and his people also rushed up, wanting to rush forward. When he went to the front to clear the way, he was pulled by Luo Zheng. He shook his head and signaled to Shandiao Palace to press the formation behind him. The sniper was more threatening behind him.

Everyone walked forward cautiously. After a while, the surprised voice of Ye Tong, who was leading the way, sounded in the headset: "Report, found a large cave, no one, please give instructions."

"Watch closely, don't move, and wait for us to come." Luo Zheng was shocked. Sure enough, there was a fortification. He immediately ordered, while rushing forward quickly. The others also reacted to Ye Tong's voice and quickly followed.

Everyone rushed up quickly, and sure enough they saw a cave behind several boulders. It was difficult to find because the boulders were blocking it. Luo Zheng immediately signaled the troops to disperse and let the snipers seize the commanding heights while sizing up the cave. The entrance was ten meters wide. It is about 5 meters high and about 5 meters high. It is surrounded by boulders and there is a larger slope above it, which just blocks the view. The cave cannot be seen from above.

There were many debris scattered around the cave. It looked like someone had lived in it and left in a hurry. Luo Zheng's face darkened and he looked at Xu Gang. Xu Gang nodded knowingly, rushed up and groped along the edge of the cave. , the iron sculpture also went up and searched along the cave wall from the other side of the cave.

The two people quickly disappeared into the shadows. There was no light in the cave, and the sun couldn't shine down. It was dark inside and nothing could be seen. Xu Gang and Tie Diao quickly turned on their strong flashlights and shined them in. There was something deep inside. , the ground was full of debris, and the two continued to move forward.

Luo Zheng and others waited patiently outside. After a while, everyone saw the cave lights turned on, and a huge cave appeared in sight. Xu Gang and Tie Diao were searching, and no one could be seen. Apparently the enemy had already After running away, Luo Zheng's face darkened and he immediately ordered: "Helicopter, expand the search area, the enemy has escaped."

"Understood." The helicopter pilot agreed immediately.

"Let's go in and take a look." Luo Zheng said angrily and moved towards the cave. The second and third groups agreed to follow closely. The mountain eagle did not move and ordered the troops to guard the surrounding area just in case. one.

Luo Zheng hurried to the cave and found that the cave was larger and could accommodate hundreds of people. There was no cave. The situation was clear at a glance. There were piles of ammunition boxes in one corner, as well as some food boxes. The ground was full of daily necessities and miscellaneous items. There were also scattered bullets and weapons. There was a light bulb installed on a larger battery, which illuminated the surrounding area with hot light. There was hay spread in the open area, bedding on the hay, and some cooking tools.

This is a simple military base for the garrisoned troops to live in. Luo Zheng walked to the ammunition box and opened a wooden box, which was full of golden bullets. He opened another box, which contained grenades. Luo Zheng visually inspected the storage. The ammunition is enough for a company of troops to fight a large war of attrition.

"The enemy did not blow up the ammunition. It can be seen that they retreated in a hurry. There are many motorcycle marks on the ground. Maybe one of the motorcycles has run away. Let's chase it." Xu Gang came forward angrily and suggested softly, the motorcycles were shot. Ten helicopters were lost, and this revenge must be avenged.

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