The strongest soldier

Chapter 3941 Hidden Canyon

At the command headquarters, Luo Zheng looked at this scene with a cold face, and was shocked in his heart. He did not expect that the Dark Church would dispatch a motorcycle. This kind of modified motorcycle has been seen for a long time. It has amazing combat power and amazing speed. He did not expect that it would climb up the mountain. Poe's abilities are so amazing? He also carried four rockets. It seems that he still doesn’t know enough about this kind of motorcycle. It’s just a peripheral battle. Ten of them were dispatched after one car. Did the enemy have many of these motorcycles?

The think tank standing next to him also had a gloomy face and said nothing, recalling the details of the battle just now, trying to find out something. At this time, a representative hurried over with an ugly face, and said excitedly to Luo Zheng: "Commander-in-Chief, I I don’t want to interfere with your command, I just ask you to avenge us.”

Luo Zheng looked at each other in surprise. The tentacle monster happened to come over to ask for the next plan. Seeing Luo Zheng's expression of surprise, he reacted and quickly explained: "Their country dispatched a helicopter. Fortunately, you sent more helicopters to support, otherwise , the team on the hill will be in trouble, and those motorcycles may also run away."

"There are still us." Several more representatives came over and shouted emotionally, with angry faces and cold eyes. They were obviously representatives of other countries where the helicopter was located.

"Don't worry, this revenge must be avenged." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, waving his hands to signal everyone to wait.

Everyone knew that Luo Zheng had made a decision, and if he continued to talk about it, it would waste time and affect the situation of the battle, so they all wisely kept silent. The superficial attitude was enough for this kind of matter, and the decision-making power rested with Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng looked at the tentacle monster and said in a deep voice: "Order other helicopters to blow up the enemy position for me. Who is the closest unit to that place?"

"There are three squads within five kilometers. In addition, Manniu's squadron is also on standby seven kilometers away." The tentacle monster quickly replied. No one knows better than the tentacle monster how the troops are deployed and where they are.

"Order them to rush to support quickly and kill all the enemies outside. I estimate that there is an underground base in the canyon. No one knows how many people are hidden inside. As long as the enemies don't come out, don't fight yet. In addition, arrange a transport helicopter immediately. I want Go and see for yourself." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes." The tentacle monster quickly agreed and conveyed the order.

"Do you want to come to the encirclement for reinforcements?" the think tank asked in a low voice in surprise. Seeing that Luo Zheng was silent in thought, he continued: "I'll go with you."

"No, you stay here to take command. As soon as you discover the enemy's situation, immediately arrange for helicopter bombing. If the enemy is too strong, mobilize fighter jets to join the battle. It's time to attack forcefully. Don't worry about things getting out of control. Give these bastards a good beating." Luo Zheng said with murderous intent. Ten helicopters were blown up by the enemy in one fell swoop. If the situation is not brought back, it will be difficult for the countries in the anti-terrorist alliance to explain, and it will also affect the morale of the military.

"Yes!" Zhitan agreed.

"I'll go with you." Tang Tiantian asked in a deep voice.

"No, you can't move, and the command center can't mess up." Luo Zheng warned pointedly. Seeing Tang Tiantian nod knowingly, he looked at Jackson and said, "You are good at shooting, must your hands be itchy? Come with me. , Mountain Eagle, bring three teams with me, and leave the other teams to Zhou Gang to protect this place."

"Yes." Jackson and the mountain eagle said solemnly.

Luo Zheng looked at Sora Ishii and then at the tentacle monster. Sora Ishii nodded knowingly. Luo Zheng confidently picked up a sniper rifle placed on the table, his own special weapon, and inserted the magazine into the ammunition bag of his tactical vest. He glanced at the representatives of various countries with stern eyes and said in a deep voice: "Please rest assured, the matter of revenge is left to me."

"Thank you very much." Representatives from various countries responded gratefully.

"Let's go!" Luo Zheng glanced at the representatives of each country thoughtfully. There were some things he couldn't say clearly. If someone really dared to mess around, Luo Zheng wouldn't mind killing him. I hope he was overly concerned. He strode towards Walking outside, we hurried to the parking lot. Several transport helicopters had received orders from the tentacle monsters and were ready to take off, with their propellers slowly turning.

Everyone rushed to the transport helicopter and walked away. Soon, the transport helicopter took off and rushed towards the canyon. Three armed helicopters opened the way in front, full of murderous intent. Ten helicopters were blown up by the enemy, which aroused the roar of everyone in the world. , regardless of nationality, we are all soldiers, with the same title and identity, and now we are comrades fighting side by side, so naturally we share the same hatred.

Not long after, the transport helicopter arrived over the canyon. On the plane, Luo Zheng was condescending and saw the bombed position, as well as other helicopters hovering over the canyon. These helicopters that came to support did not immediately attack the motorcycle and the position after killing them. He evacuated, but stayed to supervise, and when he found the enemy, he pounced on him without hesitation.

Under the surveillance of more than a dozen helicopters, all military forces on the ground in the canyon were not destroyed. Luo Zheng and others landed safely on a mountain ridge in the canyon. The transport helicopter returned. Luo Zheng made a gesture, and everyone quickly dispersed and occupied the area. The terrain was favorable, and the muzzle was pointed forward.

Luo Zheng hurried to the edge of the canyon, found a place to ambush, and looked down. The canyon was too deep to see clearly. Luo Zheng immediately asked in a deep voice through the headset: "Headquarters, it's me, reporting the situation. ?”

"There was not much resistance in the enemy position. They were cleared soon. Most of the enemies got into the canyon and disappeared. They suspected there were underground fortifications. A small team blocked the entrance and exit of the canyon. Other troops were still on the way. They had already notified those transport planes. Go and get the response, you should be here soon." The tentacle monster's voice sounded in the headset.

"Hiding in the canyon?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice. After receiving the tentacle monster's affirmative reply, his face darkened. He looked along the direction of the canyon. The canyon was very long and deep. Without enough troops, he would probably die if he went down. The key is not to know the specific location where the enemy is hiding in the canyon and not to attack rashly.

"Arrange for Xu Gang and Tie Diao to lead a team to assist." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

The terrain of the canyon is complex, and there are unknown enemies hidden in it. The number is unknown, and the equipment is unknown. We must send people down to investigate first. The people in Shan Diao are all snipers. Xu Gang and Tie Diao are more suitable to go down to investigate the situation. Luo Zheng does not Forced to do so, he quickly made adjustments according to the terrain and situation. After getting the reply from the tentacle monster, he continued to warn: "Let the helicopter conduct high-altitude reconnaissance and expand the search area. Don't let the enemy escape."

The canyon is too long, too deep, and there is no sunlight at the bottom. The terrain is very complicated. It is difficult to see clearly through satellites. If you had not come to the scene, it would be difficult to find out that the canyon is so complicated. The enemy can use the terrain to sneak away quietly. This may be the enemy. Is it the reason why you chose to build a position here and openly challenge it? After getting the tentacle monster's consent, Luo Zheng looked at the surrounding terrain and began to think deeply, frowning, thinking about the dangers and countermeasures.

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