The strongest soldier

Chapter 3945 Major Discovery

"Big discovery?"

Everyone was shocked and excited by Tie Diao's words. A big discovery means a big goal, and it means there is a big battle to fight. Everyone is not afraid of any battle, but they are so scared to stay under this dark and cold crack in the ground. It's not as enjoyable as a big battle. Everyone looked at the iron eagle in surprise. Luo Zheng was also pleasantly surprised. Looking at the stern eyes of the iron eagle that rushed out, he asked, "What's going on inside? "

"About fifty meters into it, there is a huge cave. It is naturally formed. There are many armed personnel hidden in it. It is a cave for hiding soldiers. At first rough estimate, it is no less than a thousand. There are also many weapons and ammunition piled up like mountains, including mortars. , heavy machine guns, RPGs, etc., all brand new." Tie Diao explained quickly in surprise.

Luo Zheng was shocked when he heard this. He was not surprised. Instead, his face darkened. He began to think about it. Everyone was stunned when they saw Luo Zheng's suddenly cold expression. Shouldn't they be happy to find such a big goal? Xu Gang exchanged glances with Tie Diao in surprise and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

"There are no less than a thousand people, and there are many brand-new weapons. This is just the periphery, and we haven't reached the core area of ​​the enemy's base yet. What do you want to do by hiding so many people here?" Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice, and everyone was stunned after what he said. , they all began to ponder, their eyes became a little more solemn, everyone is not stupid, there must be a scam hiding so many people in this place.

A depressing atmosphere spread. The cold and dark environment, coupled with the constant dripping of water drops, made everyone nervous and looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng thought for a moment, and suddenly showed a sudden sneer, looking at Xu Gang and Tie Diao whispered: "I understand."

"Understand what?" Xu Gang asked, and Tie Diao also looked at Luo Zheng curiously and asked.

"The previous battle is not over." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, but this sentence made everyone confused and even more curious. Luo Zheng took in everyone's expressions and explained in a deep voice: "Deliberately exposing the position to attract Our helicopters carried out an air strike, and then dispatched motorcycles to counterattack the helicopters. This plan is not over yet. The people who made this plan were meticulous, step-by-step, and sinister."

"It's not over, what do you mean?" Tie Diao asked, and the others looked at Luo Zheng and pricked up their ears.

"After we defeat the enemy, we will definitely come up to check. We will find abandoned positions and caves, and we will chase them all the way up. In fact, we did exactly that. If we had not discovered this fork in the road, the troops would definitely continue to move forward. Chase, if I guessed correctly, there will definitely be a trap waiting in front of us. Once we step into the trap, the enemy will definitely launch an attack. When the battle reaches a stalemate, the people hidden here suddenly come out, sneak attack from behind, and attack from front to back. , everyone knows the consequences even if I don’t tell you." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice.

"Hiss? What a sinister and cruel plan?" Xu Gang said in surprise.

"It's indeed ruthless. Fortunately, I didn't find the derailment." Tie Diao also said with lingering fear, a touch of happiness flashed in his eyes. After thinking about it, he asked: "This plan is indeed very powerful, and it is interlocking. It is not something that ordinary people can do." I wonder if the enemy already knows that this place is exposed?"

"We may not know." Xu Gang said in a deep voice. Seeing everyone looking over curiously, he quickly explained: "The satellite cannot detect the situation below the canyon, and the surrounding area is controlled by us. The enemy cannot effectively detect, so naturally they cannot see me who is not under the canyon. Depending on the situation, we may suspect that we have found this place, but we are not sure. Otherwise, if the people inside had already run away, would they still stay there?"

"Is there any other exit inside?" Luo Zheng looked at the iron sculpture and asked.

"It's hard to say. There must be many gaps in naturally formed caves. These gaps may be the exits. Moreover, the enemy cannot only build one exit. There is a high possibility of other exits." Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

"I didn't expect to catch a big fish in the net. It's great. Do you want to fight?" Xu Gang asked excitedly.

"Don't worry, take out all the grenades and blow this place up for me." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Exploded? How can we get in if it explodes?" Tie Diao asked in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng's determined face, he continued with some reluctance: "Boss, what are you planning? This is the only one we have found. It would be a pity if the passage was bombed. The enemy will definitely run away if they know this place is bombed. Wouldn’t it be in vain? Even if they don’t run, we don’t know where the other passages are. The enemy only needs to hide in it and not get out, and there is nothing we can do.”

"No, there is a way." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, waved his hand, and continued with an unquestionable tone: "Let's do it, blow up this place as soon as possible, we don't have much time."

The words of the commander on the battlefield are military orders. Military orders are like mountains. Once issued, there is no doubt. This is an iron law. Although Tie Diao and Xu Gang were full of curiosity, out of the trust and obedience of their opponent Luo Zheng, they immediately took action and shoveled engineers beside them. Digging holes to sell grenades.

The cave is not small, and everyone only has grenades. It is not easy to blow it up. Grenades need to be buried according to the characteristics of the terrain, such as where there are rocks, where the soil is loose, where a collapse will cause a chain reaction, how many grams of grenades are needed to be effective, etc., and Only directional blasting can ensure that the underground cave will collapse. Fortunately, everyone is an expert and quickly found the explosion point and deployed the grenade with skillful movements.

Everyone was extremely careful when doing all this and made almost no noise. The enemies within fifty meters did not notice anything unusual. After a few minutes, everyone deployed all the grenades and tied the safety ring with a rope. The rope was pulled out for a while. Tie Diao grabbed the rope himself, waited for everyone to retreat a certain distance, and then pulled hard.

The rope caused the safety tab to loosen and fall off, and the grenade was detonated. After waiting for a few seconds, explosions sounded one after another, boom boom boom - one after another, shaking the surroundings. Thick black smoke rolled out from the cave, blown by the wind. As soon as it blew, it floated up to the cracks in the ground, and the soil in the cave fell over a large area, completely blocking the passage.

Not long after, the explosion stopped, the passage was completely blocked, and it couldn't be cleared out within a few days. Luo Zheng looked at the collapsed hole and breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a deep voice: "Let's go out and talk about it later."

Everyone was full of curiosity and couldn't figure out why Luo Zheng wanted to blow up this place. However, seeing that Luo Zheng had no intention of explaining, they didn't dare to ask any more questions. They followed Luo Zheng and quickly evacuated the same way. Not long after, everyone rushed out of the crack in the ground and came to the front. In the canyon, Luo Zheng did not stop, found a not very steep slope and rushed towards the cliff on one side of the canyon.

The cliff was three to four hundred meters high. It took Luo Zheng a long time to climb up. Before he could find the mountain eagle who led the team to guard, he immediately shouted through the headset: "All helicopters are in the air. Guard the surroundings. If the enemy is found, attack immediately. Headquarters , send all the helicopters on standby in the camp, remember, load them with ammunition and prepare for a battle." As he spoke, his eyes stern, and an invisible murderous aura burst out, shooting straight into the sky.

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