The strongest soldier

Chapter 3922 Little Wolf Commands

When holding an impromptu meeting on the battlefield, Luo Zheng asked everyone to turn off the signal transmitter. This undoubtedly cut off the direct communication channel with the troops. Once an enemy situation occurs, the troops cannot communicate with the commanders. It takes time to run up, shout or shout. Shooting a warning shot will expose you. The best way is to use a mirror to reflect the light, such as a sniper scope, a blade, etc. Everyone has many ways.

Soon, everyone's headsets connected to the signal, and a voice shouted anxiously: "Report, boss, Brother Xu, we found a large number of enemies coming this way, at the nine o'clock direction, about three thousand meters away in a straight line."

"Equipment status?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, and immediately looked towards the nine o'clock direction. Unfortunately, it was behind the mountains and could not be seen clearly. Luo Zheng had no time to wait for a reply, so he hurried towards the top of the mountain and quickly ran to a slope. , the angle was not enough, Luo Zheng continued to run up the mountain.

"The equipment is ordinary, except for RPGs, there are no other heavy weapons." The voice sounded in the headset again.

Luo Zheng didn't ask any more questions, and accelerated towards the top of the mountain. Soon he came to a ridge, and when he looked around, he saw that a team was coming. Luo Zheng was shocked. Worried about being discovered, he quickly retracted his body, leaving only half of his head exposed to observe carefully. When I got up, I found that this team was about 600 meters away from me in a straight line. Each person carried an automatic rifle and several magazines. There were about 200 people lined up in two neat columns.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng's face changed slightly. He didn't expect so many people to suddenly emerge from this vast mountain. It seems that this seemingly peaceful mountain is more complicated than imagined. There are unknown places where troops are hidden. Carefully After watching the marching direction of this unit for a while, it was heading towards the bunker and would pass by Xiaolang's defensive position.

This enemy was actually not very far away from Xiaolang's defensive position. They bypassed a mountain peak and walked along the mountain ridge for about a thousand meters. Luo Zheng quickly said through the headset in a deep voice: "Xiaolang, get ready for battle. , there are about two hundred enemies, how long can you hold them back?"

Xiaolang leads a group of the fourth group, which only has ten people. Even if there is a position to defend, it cannot stop the attack of two hundred people. What's more, we don't know the enemy's combat effectiveness. Luo Zheng knows this, and Xiaolang also knows it. After thinking about this for a while, Xiaolang's firm voice sounded in the headset: "It's hard to judge how long we can hold off. We don't know the enemy's situation, and we don't know what the opponent's combat capabilities are, but we will fight to the end."

"Iron sculpture?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Arrival-" Tie Diao's voice sounded in the headset.

"Arrange your brothers, abandon the garrison in the back mountain, and support Xiaolang from the side. In addition, the three heavy machine guns in the bunker will give me full firepower. As soon as they come up, they will give the enemy a hard blow. As soon as Xiaolang starts fighting, the enemy will Naturally, we will suspect that the bunker is occupied by our side, there is no need to hide it anymore, it is up to you to stop the enemy, others cannot move yet." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Understood, I'll rush to take command right away." Tie Diao promised.

After Luo Zheng handed over the enemy to Xiao Lang and Tie Diao, he began to think deeply. One hundred enemies suddenly appeared, and maybe more would appear. The aircraft might also be dispatched again. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's eyes froze and he said in a deep voice. : "Headquarters, notify the think tank immediately to launch fighter jets or bombers to join the battle and load them with ammunition. The aircraft is too fast and difficult to lock on. If necessary, implement suicide attack tactics to allow the pilot to be mentally prepared."

"Understood." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng heard that it was Lan Xue who was answering. With Lan Xue's combat experience, he could fully understand the intention behind the order. Luo Zheng was relieved and did not explain any more. Instead, he looked at the enemies marching in front and raised his binoculars, and found one of them. Carrying individual radios and wearing uniforms, everyone in the team looked stern, and an invisible murderous aura filled the air.

"Isn't it easy?!" Luo Zheng immediately defined this unit and quickly said in a deep voice through the headset: "Little wolf, get closer and fight, try to kill them all at once, and the remaining enemies will fight in a stalemate, not allowing them to attack. Just come up, wait until our fighter jets come up, don’t advance rashly, let alone take risks, the enemy doesn’t look simple.”

"Understood." Xiaolang's voice sounded again.

"Tie Diao, your people will cooperate with Xiaolang in fighting." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Xiaolang, who was commanding the troops to prepare for battle, was stunned for a moment when he heard these words, but he immediately smiled, with a touch of emotion and confidence on his face. This was absolute trust. For this trust, Xiaolang was not afraid of sacrifice. , without fear of any powerful enemy, immediately ordered the brothers to put out all the grenades.

This was the first time for the fourth group to engage in a large-scale blocking battle, and they were all inexperienced. However, seeing the calm expression on Xiaolang's face, they calmed down for no reason. Although they didn't understand why Xiaolang asked everyone to take out the grenades first, they all followed suit. He acted without any hesitation, and an invisible fighting spirit filled the air above the position.

Xiaolang followed Luo Zheng and participated in numerous battles, large and small, and had rich combat experience. He had already understood something from Luo Zheng's orders. He looked back at the bunker on the high mountain behind him, where there were three heavy machine guns waiting for an opportunity. When moving, heavy machine guns help from a high position, and the huge firepower is enough to make the enemy collapse.

After waiting for a while, Xiaolang saw the enemy coming up from the mountain in front, only five hundred meters away from him. He didn't panic. He glanced at the brothers beside him and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, don't worry, there are only two hundred people." ? Put it closer and fight, we have heavy machine gun firepower to suppress the formation, no matter how many are there, we are all watching with wide eyes, don’t start fighting all at once and be done with nothing."

"Heh heh heh -" Everyone smiled knowingly, their nervousness swept away, and they waited patiently.

Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, the enemy is getting closer, but Xiaolang's order has not yet been given. Everyone is nervous again, and the palms holding the guns are full of cold sweat. These are two hundred enemies with live ammunition. Look at the rush. The momentum coming up is not simple. Once such a person gets close, how can a mere ten people stop him?

Everyone became worried and looked at the little wolf one after another, but the little wolf seemed to be fine. We had seen this kind of scene too many times. When we were fighting with Luo Zheng, we had already done things like letting the enemy go fifty meters away before fighting, let alone those who were still meters away from him. Far away, Xiaolang's calm mood quickly infected the others, and they all slowly stabilized.

One hundred meters, eighty meters┅┅The enemy is getting closer and closer. Little Wolf spat, picked up a grenade with murderous intent and shouted in a low voice: "Brothers, attack with grenades, use all the grenades as quickly as possible." I'll throw it out, brothers in the bunker, leave the ones in front to us, you kill the ones in the middle, cut off their formation, kill!" As he spoke, he pulled the safety of the grenade and threw it with all his strength.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh -" Others also took action, throwing grenades with all their strength. Each grenade rose into the sky with terrifying murderous intent, drawing parabolas of death in the void, with a fierce fighting spirit.

I recommend a book "Dragon Soul Special Forces", pen name: Dongfang Xiaoshao. Friends who like it can go to QQ Reading to search and read.

Here is the synopsis: The King of Soldiers returns, and a beautiful woman is in his arms.

With hatred and mission, he stepped into the city eight years later, stirred up the storm, fought against the world, and created a passionate legend!

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