The strongest soldier

Chapter 3921 Adjusting Tactics

Half an hour later, Shi Qian, Xu Gang, Tie Diao, Ishii Sora and others gathered around Luo Zheng. Everyone sat around the big rock, and the tentacle monster was also there. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng without saying a word, and Luo Zheng was slightly closed. His eyes remained motionless, as if he was deep in thought. Everyone knew that Luo Zheng had the habit of thinking about problems, so they did not disturb him. Even his breathing was controlled as quietly as possible, for fear of disturbing Luo Zheng's train of thought.

After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly opened his eyes, looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "Brothers are all here, let's have a meeting." He pointed at the headset and turned off the signal first, and others also followed suit. Turn off the annunciator so that no one else can hear what you say.

It wasn't that Luo Zheng didn't trust the other brothers, but that he was worried that the communication was being monitored. Seeing that everyone had turned off the signal, Luo Zheng continued: "Convene an impromptu meeting in front of the station. First, I will review my mistakes. What happened just now? The general direction of the battle was correct. Not only did they capture the bunker and eliminate the reinforcements, but they also discovered the enemy's aircraft hiding spot, which was a huge gain. The only miscalculation was in the canyon. Unexpectedly, the enemy used aircraft as soon as they came up. It was my fault that the first group almost lost."

"Boss, how can there be no accidents in a war, let alone┅┅" Shi Qian said quickly.

"Listen to me." Luo Zheng waved his hand and interrupted Shi Qian's words. He looked at everyone and continued: "Mistakes are mistakes. There is no need to avoid or deny it. The lesson learned is that if the aircraft is involved at the beginning of the battle, I will Let you hide on the cliff instead of in the canyon, it is much safer on the cliff."

Everyone thought it made sense. The cliffs on both sides of the canyon were towering. Find a cliff closer to hide. As long as the specific location is not exposed, it will be fine no matter how the aircraft attacks the canyon. They all nodded and showed a little more respect for Luo Zheng. There are not many people who can reflect on themselves and find shortcomings and correct them in such a short period of time.

"Brothers, the first group should be fine, otherwise I would not be able to face everyone. This defeat also serves as a wake-up call for us. The enemy will use all possible means, and there are no rules to follow. We cannot be careless in any decision in the future. , I have an idea next." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Everyone sat up straighter, raised their chests and looked at Luo Zheng, raised their ears, and looked a little more serious. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and continued: "The battle here is not over yet. The enemy will definitely send people to check. I plan to fight the enemy again here for two purposes. First, to kill as many enemy forces as possible; second, to confuse the enemy so that they cannot figure out our true intentions; third, and most importantly, , find out the specific hiding spots of the enemy aircraft."

"It's okay to fight a few games, but how to avoid enemy aircraft?" Xu Gang reminded.

"I asked the headquarters to calculate it. It takes about ten minutes for the enemy aircraft to arrive, and it takes about half an hour for our fighter jets to arrive. Therefore, I will let our fighter jets take off twenty minutes early, and rush to the battlefield at the same time, and be entangled by the fighter jets. Aircraft." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Fighters may not be able to entangle the aircraft. The aircraft is too fast." Xu Gang continued to remind.

"This is not a problem. Twenty fighter jets will be dispatched at the same time. In addition, I will discuss with the think tank. The think tank will come forward to coordinate with various countries and choose death squads to fly fighter jets. If you can't compete with the speed, then use desperate tactics, such as blocking the front and crashing the plane." Luo Zheng said murderously.

"Hiss? This is really a way of killing each other. At close range, twenty fighter jets are all blocking the front of the aircraft. Even if the aircraft is fast, it is difficult to avoid twenty aircraft hitting it at the same time. As long as one of them hits, the aircraft will be destroyed. There is no way to escape. However, the ammunition carried by fighter jets is limited, why not use bombers? However, the aircraft belong to various countries, not ours. Will they listen to our requests and risk their lives against the enemy?" Tie Diao nodded in agreement, and said the next part A little more worried.

"Leave this problem to the think tank. I believe he can handle it well. As for the issue of risking one's life, all countries have suffered a lot from the Dark Church. Many people have died at the hands of the enemy. There are always people who are willing to risk one's life. Again, Let the think tank handle it." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, with the wisdom of the think tank, we should be able to handle this matter. What's more, this suicide tactic is not without a chance of survival. You can also parachute. Once the problem of the aircraft is solved, the subsequent battle will be much easier. What's next?" Xu Gang asked.

"Then it depends on the enemy's response. After killing the enemies who come to help, if there is no more enemy support, we will press towards the predetermined target and attack openly. There is no need to hide and tuck in. Anyway, we have been exposed. Once we advance, There were a large number of enemies blocking the road. We immediately fired a feint and headed straight to the valley. At the same time, we mobilized all bombers to attack the valley and flatten the aircraft's hiding spots, paving the way for our attack. The purpose of attacking towards the predetermined target was to lure the snake out of its hole and mobilize the enemy. , leaving the valley empty, and finally achieving the true intention of attacking the valley." Luo Zheng said with murderous intent.

"Hiss--" When everyone heard this, their eyes began to shine, and they all understood that Luo Zheng was building a plank road in secret to infiltrate Chencang. The real purpose was the valley. The purpose of attacking the intended target was to attract more enemies to block the front, especially to mobilize the valley. There may be enemies inside. Once the valley is empty, they will immediately strike with thunder and completely wipe out the valley. Without the aircraft, the subsequent battle will be easier to fight.

"Boss, this is a conflict with the aircraft, but I like it." Shi Qian immediately expressed his position with a smile.

"I also agree with this strategic concept. First blow up the valley and destroy the aircraft. Without this threat, it will be much easier to destroy other targets." Tie Diao also immediately agreed.

"There is a problem. We feinted a shot and went straight to the valley. The enemy is not stupid and will follow and kill us. Our few people may not be enough? Moreover, the enemy has run this place for who knows how many years. There are too many bunkers. There may be air defense positions, artillery positions, etc., so this battle may not be easy to fight," Xu Gang reminded.

"That's right, so we still need to execute the original plan and complete the show." Luo Zheng said murderously. Shi Qian's first group of brothers were almost bombed, which made Luo Zheng hold back his anger and wish he could fight with him right away. The enemy was killing a lot, and he glanced at everyone with sharp eyes and continued: "We will adopt the method of advancing in small groups. Once we encounter enemy obstruction, we will fight if we can. If we can't fight, we will call for air support and put on a general offensive." The posture of predetermining the target is first to force the enemy, and secondly to confuse the enemy and prevent the enemy from guessing our true intention."

"It makes sense. As long as we attack the intended target more fiercely, the enemy will be less likely to think that we will attack the valley. If the valley is empty and there is nothing, it doesn't matter. At least we can kill the aircraft. The enemy without the aircraft is not a concern. This plan is feasible. And it’s very necessary.” Shi Qian agreed.

Everyone nodded one after another, and their eyes became sharper. Suddenly, a bright light was reflected, which was a warning signal. Everyone was shocked, turned their heads forward, and quickly turned on the signal.

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