The strongest soldier

Chapter 3920 An unexpected gain

A round of red light burst out from the eastern sky, illuminating most of the sky. The morning glow was endless, and the earth seemed to be covered with a layer of golden light. Over the vast mountains, the aircraft appeared without warning, which shocked Luo Zheng and others. Even None of the headquarters satellites noticed it. It came and went without a trace. It had no time to fight back and could only passively evade. The aircraft's terrifying speed, stealth performance, and terrifying micro-missiles made it absolutely an invincible weapon on the battlefield.

Everyone stopped shooting and hid. Xu Gang and others had nowhere to hide because they were ambushing enemy reinforcements. They rushed for a distance, rolled over and found a low-lying place or a mound to hide. They lay on the ground and did not dare to mess around. When moving, he is wearing a mountain camouflage combat uniform. The color is similar to that of the surrounding land. It is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye from a high altitude. In addition, the combat uniform has an anti-infrared detection function, so as long as he does not move, there is no need to worry about being exposed.

The aircraft turned around and slowed down a lot. It was flying about 500 meters above the ground, but it was still difficult to aim with the naked eye. An anti-aircraft cannon protruded from the bottom of the aircraft. It had eight barrels, the motor rotated, and it sprayed large amounts of fire towards the ground at high speed. caliber bullets.

"Boom, boom, boom--" Large-caliber bullets came down like hailstones, the density was suffocating, hitting the canyon, the canyon was filled with dust again, and hitting the cliff, a large piece of soil collapsed suddenly, It was extremely terrifying. With a buzzing sound, the aircraft roared down the canyon, plowing through a hole and attacking a distance of about 500 meters in an instant, pouring down tens of thousands of bullets.

The aircraft flapped its wings and flew high, perhaps because the ammunition was empty. It circled in the sky and roared in one direction. Everyone's scalps were numb when they saw it. The lethality was so terrifying that it only took three seconds to reach 500 meters. The clock passed by, but tens of thousands of bullets were poured down. It was a terrifying rate of fire. Under such intensive shooting, not even a single person, let alone an ant, could survive.

"Shi Qian, Shi Qian, I heard the reply." Luo Zheng's anxious shout sounded in the headset.

No one heard the reply from Shi Qian and the members of the first group. Everyone's hearts were raised and they looked anxiously towards the direction of the canyon. It was already full of desolation. Can the first group survive such a terrifying attack? ? No one knows the answer.

The mountain breeze blew away the dust over the canyon, with a somewhat tragic atmosphere, and the vast mountains returned to calm. There were no gunshots, no explosions, and not even a human figure could be seen. An invisible murderous aura filled the air. Zheng looked steadily in the direction of the canyon. He was stunned, as if he had been hollowed out. He couldn't believe what he saw. It was too tragic. The attack of the aircraft was too fierce and underestimated.

"Boss?" the tentacle monster shouted in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng reacted and quickly shouted through the headset: "Hurry, Xu Gang, take your people to the canyon immediately for support. Be sure to find the brothers in the first group. Hurry, the others are lurking and stay put."

"Yes." Xu Gang also agreed anxiously.

"Shandong Diao, what's going on over there?" Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice. We are only five kilometers apart, so we can communicate normally through the headset without having to go through the headquarters.

"We haven't been attacked, how are you?" The mountain eagle's voice sounded in the headset.

"The enemy's aircraft focused on attacking the canyon. The first group of brothers are in trouble. Their lives and deaths are unknown." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his eyes full of regret and anger. He expected that the enemy would counterattack, but he did not expect to send aircraft as soon as the enemy came up. Come and fight back, the attack is so fierce, I hope everyone is okay.

Waiting is a kind of torture, but Luo Zheng knows that he has to wait. It is dawn, and there may be enemy satellites monitoring overhead. Large troops rushing to the canyon to rescue people will not only not help, but also expose their whereabouts. Any mistake will lead to catastrophe, and Luo Zheng will not allow himself to make any more mistakes.

"Report, the satellite found that the aircraft disappeared two hundred kilometers in the direction of your advance. The place of disappearance is a valley. The surrounding peaks are towering into the clouds, with an altitude of more than 5,000 meters. The terrain is extremely complex. It is suspected that there is a large underground fortification on a certain mountain peak. The aircraft can directly Fly in and hide." A voice sounded in the headset, it was Blue Star.

Luo Zheng was startled and reacted suddenly. He took a deep breath, suppressed his uneasiness, and stared at the front, thinking deeply. It seemed that he had lost the battle just now, but he finally gained something. At least he knew what the aircraft was hiding. Luo Zheng suddenly asked with murderous intent: "Aircraft are our biggest threat. Can we directly mobilize missiles to blow up that valley?"

"It's very difficult. The valley is huge, and it's surrounded by towering mountain peaks. We don't know where the aircraft is hiding, and it's hard to predict where the missile will hit. It would be a waste to hit it hastily." Blue Star's voice sounded again.

"I have an idea." Lan Xue's voice suddenly sounded in the headset: "Aircraft are the enemy's biggest killers and the weapons that pose the greatest threat to us. I propose that the troops go straight to the valley, force the enemy to come out to fight, and then use Our air power engages the enemy openly and openly."

"Forcing the enemy to take the initiative to fight?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, the valley may be an important military base of the enemy, or even the enemy's real headquarters. The base coordinates provided by Tokugawata may be just an auxiliary base. With the caution of the Dark Church, it is impossible to directly take Tokugawada there. Headquarters, that is a false target, the real target is in the valley, it is more beneficial for us to attack it and save it." Lan Xue analyzed in a deep voice.

"No." Luo Zheng frowned and said thoughtfully: "Suppose the valley is the enemy's headquarters and we press forward. They will evacuate as quickly as possible, and even lay down a dragnet to wait for us. They will continue to attack false targets and find ways to lock the aircraft. Location."

"It's not too difficult to lock the aircraft's position, as long as it comes out again," Lanxing said.

"Then let the aircraft come out again." Luo Zheng said murderously.

"Have you thought of something? Or do you have other plans?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

At this time, another voice sounded in the headset: "Ahem, cough, boss, we are fine, we escaped."

"Are all brothers okay?" Luo Zheng was overjoyed and asked.

"It's okay. The Hidden Soldier Cave was collapsed by the bomb. Fortunately, there was not a lot of soil that collapsed. With the help of Xu Gang and others, they dug inside and outside at the same time. Finally, it was opened. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you if it's later." Shi Qian. He said while coughing.

"That's good, that's good, it's okay." Luo Zheng was excited and incoherent. Everyone in the first group was obsessed with them. If there was an accident to the backbone elites of the Secret Bureau, Luo Zheng would never do it in his life. Forgive yourself, this battle was still careless in the final analysis. As the commander, Luo Zheng has an unshirkable responsibility. The only good thing is that the brothers are okay and they have found the hiding place of the aircraft. It can be regarded as an unexpected gain.

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