The strongest soldier

Chapter 3923 A fierce battle

"Boom, boom, boom -" Dozens of grenades exploded one after another, blasting out huge flames in the enemy group. The fragments scattered in all directions, with a terrifying buzzing sound, and the powerful shock wave even shook the surrounding enemies. They all flew far away, and the air was filled with blood.

"Ta-ta-ta--" In the bunker, three heavy machine guns fired fiercely. The bullets shot up like a violent storm, forming three suffocating tongues of fire in the void, tearing apart all the enemies in front of them. The broken limbs were flying in the sky, and blood was spilled wildly, dyeing the ground red.

The terrifying surprise attack caught the enemy off guard, causing them to fall nearly halfway in an instant. The enemy fell to the ground one after another, raising their guns to fight back. The success of this sneak attack was due to Xiaolang's clever trench digging, and he chose a spot on the mountainside. Near the raised mound, the raised mound blocked the ground below. The trench was behind the mound, and it was almost impossible to see it with the naked eye. In addition, the excavated soil was the same color as the ground soil, and there were no plants around it. The mounds of dirt lay flat on the ground, making them difficult to distinguish.

Because of the mounds of earth, the enemy could not see clearly the trenches behind them, let alone their opponents. However, Xiaolang and others were hiding in the trenches from a high position, but they could see the enemy's situation clearly. Everyone was overjoyed to see the enemy's hidden counterattack, and quickly took aim. Start firing, bang bang bang - although the gunfire is not dense enough, the accuracy is very high. In addition, the enemy does not charge, everyone fires calmly, killing many more enemies in an instant.

"Ta-ta-ta--" The fierce firepower of the three heavy machine guns on the bunker seemed to be unstoppable, suppressing the enemy. The bunker was on a high ground, and the enemy's concealment could be seen clearly. If you aimed to hit, where would the enemy be? Can you withstand a brutal shooting? In an instant, dozens of people fell into a pool of blood again.

When the remaining enemies saw that something was wrong, they turned around and ran away. In this way, the enemies became living targets, and some of them were shot to the ground. The blood instantly dyed the ground red, and the endless breath of death mixed with the smell of blood filled the air. As they drove away, even the wind could not cool them down. When the remaining enemies saw that something was wrong, they lay down again and did not dare to move again.

Retreating means handing your back to the opponent, which is undoubtedly courting death. The deterrence of the three heavy machine guns is so powerful that the enemy cannot lift his head under pressure. It is useless to counterattack if he wants to. The angle of the feint attack is not enough and cannot be seen at all. The specific location of the heavy machine gun was also the reason why Luo Zheng dared to let Xiao Lang face the enemy directly.

As a commander, observing and making good use of terrain is a must-have skill. Luo Zheng paid special attention to this. He had long discovered the advantages of the terrain that Xiaolang was defending, and watched the battle through a telescope from a long distance. Seeing that the enemy was being suppressed and beaten, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said in a deep voice through the headset: "Brothers, slow down the pace, don't kill all the enemies at once."

"Understood." The response from Xiaolang and others sounded in the headset.

Soon, the three heavy machine guns gave up continuous fire and switched to burst fire. They fired rapidly one by one to kill. Although the fire suppression of the enemy was weakened a lot, the deterrence was still terrifying. Once hit by burst fire, large-caliber bullets were enough to kill the enemy. It was difficult to survive after tearing people apart, so Xiaolang and others also resorted to burst shooting.

In this way, the ferocious firepower disappeared all of a sudden. The enemy who was overwhelmed by the firepower and could not lift his head got a chance to breathe and fought back hard. The intensive firepower was suppressed towards the trench behind the slope. Unfortunately, the angle was slightly different. As long as Xiaolang and others If you hide in the trenches and don't come out, you won't be shot by bullets, which makes everyone fight more calmly.

The enemy and us entered the confrontation stage. In fact, the enemy was passively beaten. The enemy was feinting at the foot of the hillside. The angle was not enough. The firepower seemed fierce, but it did not pose a threat to Xiaolang and others, especially to the bunker. The only threat was grenades. , Fortunately, everyone has trenches to hide, and when they see the grenade flying, they immediately evade it, which is fine.

As the battle continued, the enemy may have realized that evacuating would only lead to a faster death, and became more ferocious. He lay on the ground and fought back hard, gradually stabilizing the situation. The two sides faced off with firepower, and the fight was in full swing. Time passed by.

"No, the enemy aircraft is dispatched again. This time the satellite can see it clearly and has basically locked the approximate position of the enemy aircraft." Suddenly, Blue Star's voice sounded in the headset, with a bit of worry and excitement. Worrying about the aircraft's target Everyone was intimidated and excited to finally find the hiding place of the aircraft.

"Great, we have finally attracted the enemy. Pay close attention to the whereabouts of the aircraft and make sure it is in the right position." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood." Blue Star quickly agreed. The hiding place of the aircraft was too important, and no one dared to be careless.

"Xiaolang, Tiediao, brothers, the aircraft can arrive in ten minutes at most, but our fighter jets may be a little later. The enemy aircraft has been attracted out of the hole. There is no need to stay any longer. Attack in five minutes. Give me a hard beating." , strive to destroy this group of enemies." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice, giving the order for a general attack.

"Understood." All the combatants responded solemnly.

The three heavy machine guns of the bunker roared fiercely again, and the burst fire was changed to continuous fire. The three terrifying tongues of flames slashed at the enemy like death's scythes. The place they passed was a mess, and the enemy could not hide at all. In the blink of an eye, During the time, many more people fell down.

Xiao Lang and others no longer held back, and quickly increased their shooting speed. At this time, Tie Diao also led his brothers to attack from one side, charging and beating hard. The enemy was caught off guard, and more than a dozen people fell in a pool of blood in an instant. During the attack, other enemies turned their guns to fight back. Although Tie Diao and others were powerful in combat, they were still dead if they were hit by bullets. They did not dare to fight hard, so they fell to the ground one after another, rolling to avoid the bullets and finding a place to hide. Stop and fire vigorously at the enemy in front again.

There is a bunker on the top of the mountain, which is blocked by heavy machine gun fire. Xiaolang and others are shooting accurately from the position above. Now there are attacks from the side, such as Iron Eagle and others. The enemy is attacked from three sides. They are beaten and unable to fight back. I don’t know who shouted. Without saying anything, all the enemies not only refused to retreat, but fiercely launched a desperate charge towards Tie Diao and others.

Perhaps because they felt that Tie Diao and others suddenly entered the battlefield, their foothold was not stable, and they had no geographical advantage, the remnant enemy chose to launch a counterattack against Tie Diao and others. However, how terrifying is Tie Diao's third group's combat effectiveness? He didn't hesitate when he saw the enemy charging forward. He picked up his gun and launched a charge. He ran a textbook evasive step, walking as fast as flying and difficult to catch. He fired fiercely forward with the steel gun in his hand.

"Charge up and kill them." Seeing that the remnant enemy actually charged at Tie Diao and the others, Xiaolang was extremely ferocious and furious. His fighting spirit was completely boiled by the stimulation. He was worried that the fire would hurt Tie Diao and the others, so he roared angrily, with The brothers broke out of the trenches and pounced on the enemy.

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