The strongest soldier

Chapter 3915 Calculating the Enemy

Opportunities are often hidden in inadvertent details. Also observing the bunker, Tie Diao saw the enemy's abilities and dangers, but his strategic thinking ability was a little worse than Luo Zheng's. He didn't see the opportunity. Even the wily Ishii Sora didn't see the opportunity. However, Luo Zheng just smiled at the two people's questions and did not answer immediately. Instead, he continued to observe the surrounding situation and frowned as he thought about something.

Tie Diao and Ishii Sora knew Luo Zheng's character and habits. Once they determined something, they would not say it outright immediately. Instead, they would deduce it themselves to see if there were any omissions, problems, etc. Once they said it out, they would often It was an impeccable plan with a high chance of winning. The two exchanged glances and waited patiently.

After a moment, Luo Zheng suddenly had a flash of light in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Xu Gang, Shi Qian, come to the bunker immediately to discuss things." After saying that, he gave Tie Diao and Ishii Sora a look, and strode outside.

The three of them came to the outskirts of the bunker together, using the faint moonlight to inspect the surrounding terrain while waiting patiently. Tie Diao knew that Luo Zheng already had a clue, but he would not tell it until Xu Gang and Shi Qian arrived, and his curiosity became even more intense. He glanced at Ishii Sora, then looked around at the deep night sky in surprise, wondering what Luo Zheng's plan was?

After a while, two figures rushed up from the canyon, walking as fast as flying. The steep cliffs seemed to be walking on flat ground. They looked like two cheetahs that had been touched in the night. The only shortcoming was that the mountains and deserts were severely degraded and the soil was loose. It was hard to step on them. There will be a slight noise when you go up. It is Xu Gang and Shi Qian. Fortunately, the bunker has been captured. There is no need to worry about safety when you rush up. The two rushed very quickly.

Not long after, the two people rushed up and saw Luo Zheng and others standing still on the platform at the entrance to the bunker, observing the surroundings without saying a word. The two curiously went up to the platform and came to Luo Zheng's side. Luo Zheng turned around and looked at the two of them. He nodded and said: "It took you seventeen minutes to climb up at your speed. If the enemy wants to attack, it will take seventeen minutes at the fastest. With the handle of a heavy machine gun, seventeen minutes is not enough to kill many people. As expected, here Easy to defend but difficult to attack.”

"Boss, what do you mean?" Xu Gang asked in surprise.

"Boss, what's going on inside the bunker?" Shi Qian also caught up and asked.

"Brother Tie Diao, please take the two of you in to take a look, tell us our findings and guesses, and then come out. I have an idea to share with you." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice, while looking at Tie Diao.

"Yes." Tie Diao knew that Luo Zheng wanted the two of them to understand the situation first, so that it would be easy to understand when he discussed the plan later, so he agreed and hurried in with the two of them.

Not long after, Tie Diao and three others came out of it and walked quickly to Luo Zheng, with curiosity on their faces. Xu Gang even asked more: "Boss, this place has been destroyed by us. These people must have a way to contact the superiors to report that they are safe. We will report it once within the stipulated time. If we don't report it, the superiors will definitely be vigilant. Not to mention the soldiers are approaching, our whereabouts will also be exposed. The situation is not good for us. What can you do to reverse it?"

"You are right, this is also the purpose of calling you here." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, pointing to the surrounding terrain, and continued to add with sharp eyes: "Look at the terrain here, it is surrounded by mountains and steep peaks. , intricate, there may be bunkers everywhere, the only place you can travel is the canyon, otherwise you can only climb over the mountains, but the mountains are steep, endlessly climbing, and more easily exposed, am I right?"

"Yes, there are bunkers in the towering mountains, and there are probes in the canyons. It's not safe anywhere. It would be difficult to infiltrate quietly. Boss, what do you mean?" Shi Qian asked in agreement.

"Since you will be exposed no matter how you go, and you may not know when you are exposed, the risk is too great, why not use this opportunity to calculate the enemy? Sooner or later, you will have to fight. Instead of being passively beaten, it is better to take the initiative and give the enemy a hard blow. , it’s better to reveal the enemy’s situation.” Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It's better to know the enemy's situation than not knowing anything, but to be sure?" Shi Qian asked.

Others also looked at Luo Zheng curiously, their ears pricked up, but the flames of war were beating in their eyes. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "Simple, the enemy doesn't know that we are coming, let alone that we have already arrived. After taking down the bunker, we can put on a show to attract the enemy."

"What play? How to sing?" Xu Gang asked in surprise. The others also cheered up and listened carefully, fearing that they would miss a word. Faintly, everyone felt that Luo Zheng was going to play a big game. This was in line with everyone's personalities and they all With excitement, even Sora Ishii's eyes became a little brighter, as if the stars were twinkling on a cold night.

"Simple, there is no news agency equipment in the bunker, so you don't have to worry about the enemy coming to ask about the situation and exposing your identity. But as soon as the gunshots are fired, the enemy will definitely know that something is going on here and will send people over. We can arrange people to lurk in the main road and set up a net. Wait and kill as many as come. Kill the enemy's communications troops or equipment first, without giving other enemies a chance to learn the truth. As long as the gunshots don't stop, the enemy will continue to increase their troops. This is a fueling tactic, but it is beneficial to us. Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It makes sense, but what if too many enemies come at once?" Xu Gang asked.

"Have you seen the terrain here?" Luo Zheng pointed to the surrounding terrain and analyzed: "The mountain below us is a single peak. Although the mountainside is connected to other mountains, the terrain is steep and it is easy to be exposed when climbing up. Enemy reinforcements may come from other places. Coming from the mountains, it is not easy to get to the location of the bunker, and it is even harder to get to the top of the mountain. We can arrange for people to set up an ambush halfway and kill as many as they come. We are condescending and have an advantage, so we are not afraid of the enemy's large forces."

"The problem is that we don't have any cover. I'm afraid we won't be able to stop too many enemies from attacking." Tie Diao said worriedly.

"This is simple. We have plenty of time. We can dig trenches first. There are trenches, and the terrain is steep. With the brothers' fighting power, it is no problem for ten people to block the attack of a hundred people. We have four groups and fifty people. We need The defense area is only the slopes connecting the surrounding mountains on both sides. The back is steeper and difficult to climb up. It is enough to arrange two people to guard it. There is a bunker in front. It is enough to arrange three people to guard three heavy machine guns. The rest are reserve teams. Mobilize at any time according to the enemy's situation." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It makes sense. We are afraid that the enemy will concentrate their forces to attack one place. Moreover, what if the enemy does not attack from the direction we selected? Also, the enemy has aircraft. If the enemy sends aircraft directly to bomb, what will happen then?" Ishii Sora He reminded worriedly, and the others also looked at Luo Zheng with frowns.

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