The strongest soldier

Chapter 3916 Deploying Tactics

"What I want is this effect. As long as the enemy is concentrated, or the number of troops in a certain attack direction exceeds 300, bombers will be called immediately for support. Moreover, our reinforcements are behind us and can arrive within two hours. We can notify them in advance of where they are. We are on standby half an hour away and will provide support at any time." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, not paying attention to the question Sora Ishii mentioned.

Everyone nodded and did not interrupt. Luo Zheng looked at Sora Ishii and continued: "So, the concentration of troops you mentioned is not terrible. As for the direction of attack, this is simpler. After the brothers are ready, fire from the bunker in the direction of the canyon. , the canyon arranges a troop to counterattack, and the bullets are fired upwards. It does not need to be too violent, as long as it can attract other enemies to come up. When the enemy sees that we are in the canyon, they will definitely circle around and outflank both sides of the canyon, and we are ambushing on the mountainside. The troops can just attack the outflanking enemy, and the terrain here meets the conditions."

Everyone looked at the surrounding terrain and nodded repeatedly. The bunker was several tens of meters low on the ridges on both sides of the main peak and winding toward the canyon, forming a line. The front of the ridges on both sides protruded toward the canyon, making the canyon concave into an arc. , the location of the bunker can clearly see the canyons on both sides of the arc, and if the enemies coming to support attack the canyon in a roundabout way from other places, the terrain is lower, and the brothers ambushing on the mountains on both sides can kill them with firepower.

In other words, the ambushes left on the mountains on both sides of the main peak can not only prevent the enemy from attacking the main peak, but also block other surrounding lower mountains with firepower. Coupled with the terrifying firepower of the three heavy machine guns in the bunker on the main peak, no matter which angle the enemy comes up from, they will be It is difficult to escape shooting, and the terrain is very favorable.

"As expected, I didn't expect that the location of this bunker was so tricky, so it gave us an advantage." Xu Gang looked at the surrounding terrain and said in surprise, suddenly thought of something, frowned, and added with some worry: "Since the enemy's bunker selection The address is here, so I must be aware of the terrain and won’t be fooled easily.”

"This is the key point." Luo Zheng smiled, with a confident expression on his face, and looked at everyone and continued: "The enemy has no communication tools and does not know the situation of the bunker. As long as the bunker fires and someone in the canyon responds, other enemies will We thought that the bunker had discovered something and was attacking with fire, but we didn’t suspect that the bunker had fallen into our hands, and our chance came.”

"Yes, I think it's okay." Tie Diao's eyes lit up and he agreed in surprise.

Others also nodded in agreement. The most critical part of this plan is the bunker. If the enemy already knows that the bunker has been captured, the plan will not be successfully implemented and may even fall into the enemy's counter-plot. However, the enemy does not yet know that the bunker has been captured. Once it changes hands, it’s worth taking advantage of.

Seeing that everyone agreed with this plan, Luo Zheng looked at the deep night sky around him and said in a deep voice: "The premise of all this is that the enemy does not know that the bunker has changed hands, but we have to prepare for the worst, so our deployment needs to be more flexible. The mountains on both sides are handed over to the fourth group, and the fourth group has two groups, divided into two, just to guard the mountains on both sides, Ishii Sora, is there any problem?"

"No problem, I promise to complete the mission." Sora Ishii promised. Guarding the mountains on both sides was the key to the plan. If it failed, the people in the canyon would be worried. Sora Ishii felt a strong sense of responsibility and pressure, but he still did not hesitate. Take the order and prepare for a big fight.

"Note that the trenches must be deep to prevent RPG attacks. In addition, each person needs to dig a separate trench with a depth of more than three meters to prevent aircraft attacks. There are still about two hours until dawn, and we only have two hours. Be prepared, it is easy to be exposed after dawn, we have to be prepared for enemy satellites above our heads." Luo Zheng warned, looking at Sora Ishii firmly.

"Don't worry, it's no problem." Sora Ishii solemnly promised.

"Shi Qian——" Luo Zheng looked at Shi Qian and shouted.

"Arrived!" Shi Qian straightened his chest and responded.

"Your people are in charge of the canyon, using the broken walls to dig caves to hide in order to avoid enemy reinforcements or aircraft attacks, and cooperate with the direction of the bunker to fake attacks." Luo Zheng warned, Shi Qian's first group were all talented people from the world, and they fought well. It's not the strongest, it's more suitable to stay in the canyon.

Shi Qian agreed with understanding. Luo Zheng looked at Tie Diao, thought for a while and continued: "Your people are responsible for the bunker and the back mountain. Foxholes also need to be dug in the back mountain to hide in order to prevent enemy aircraft from attacking. Inside the bunker A lot of ammunition and weapons are just for pretending to fight, and we can't waste our own ammunition easily."

"Understood." Tie Diao agreed. He looked at Shi Qian and added, "I'll have your people come up and carry the ammunition down for later use. There's quite a lot of it, enough for us to put on a good show."

"Okay." Shi Qian agreed.

"What about us?" Seeing that nothing happened to him, Xu Gang quickly asked.

"Your people are lying in ambush around to hunt small groups of enemies or investigators." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Xu Gang's second group has the strongest combat effectiveness. It is a pity to engage in positional warfare. It would be better to spread out and hunt the enemy's vanguard soldiers. .

"Understood." Xu Gang agreed with understanding, most satisfied with such an order.

Luo Zheng looked at Ishii Sora, thought for a while, and continued: "There is a mountain peak behind the canyon. It is about a thousand meters away from the peak at the foot. The mountain is not low and you can have a bird's eye view of the whole situation. I, Ishii Sora and the tentacle monster will go there. Hidden, not directly involved in the battle.”

"Yes." Everyone knows that Luo Zheng is leaving the army and looking for another headquarters. As long as he does not join the battle, the enemy will not know where they are hiding. It is most suitable to be condescending and take charge of the overall situation. Once the battle starts, no one will be sure of the command. No, it would be inappropriate for the commanders and combatants to be together and it would affect their judgment, so they would all agree to it.

Luo Zheng looked at everyone and said solemnly: "Brothers, this is the beginning of a battle with the enemy. Because the enemy's situation is unknown, this battle is not trivial. There are too many variables. You must not be careless. You must tell the brothers about this and supervise them. Dig trenches, foxholes, and hiding holes, and do it.”

"Yes." Everyone solemnly puffed up their chests and agreed, their eyes extremely fervent.

"Let's go too." Luo Zheng looked at Ishii Sora and said, and rushed down the mountain with long strides. Ishii Sora hurriedly followed. Time is everything, and we can't afford to waste any minute. Xu Gang, Tie Diao and Shi Qian also hurriedly passed. The headsets contacted their respective brothers and deployed the battle plan. The invisible fighting spirit spread in the night sky, like the cold moonlight covering the sky and the earth, and the war was about to break out.

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