The strongest soldier

Chapter 3914 Kill the enemy

"Drink-ha!" Two targets came to kill one from the left and one from the right, making strange sounds from their mouths, with a cold murderous aura. The iron eagle just emptied a magazine, and there was no time to replace the bullets and no spare ones. Magazine, his face darkened in the face of the oncoming attack, and he vaguely felt that these two people were not simple. They could avoid being shot by him in such a narrow range, so they probably had high status.

"Kill -" When a strong man meets a strong man, he becomes stronger. Tie Diao's fighting spirit was completely aroused by these two men. He roared angrily, jumped towards one of the targets with a sliding step, picked up the weapon in his hand and smashed it with a quick movement. Like lightning, the opponent rushed at him very fast. The distance between the two sides was less than two meters, and there was no time to dodge. The gun was hit in the abdomen.

"Crack -" A slight sound of bone breaking sounded, followed by a dull groan. The target was hit by the gun and flew away, with a large mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth.

Seeing that the move was successful, Tie Diao didn't even look at the opponent. He swung the deformed gun and threw it at the other person. It was like thunder, with a harsh sound of breaking through the air. The other person was about to use the killing move on Tie Diao when he saw The gun that was thrown at it was actually deformed just now. It was obvious that the force was so great that the human body could not withstand it. He was shocked. He quickly crouched down to avoid it and swept towards the iron eagle with his feet, intending to leave it to his opponent.

However, Tie Diao was determined to test the strength of these people, and decisively gave up his plan to jump up to dodge and kick the opponent. He took a sharp breath, sank his body, and landed on the stone pier, as steady as a mountain, with muscles on his legs It was as tight as steel, allowing the other party to sweep over.

"Bang——" a sound of physical impact sounded, like thunder, shocking the eardrums. Tie Diao felt as if he had been hit by a steel whip. His painful calf muscles twitched, and he almost lost his balance. He was shocked, and used his own skills to prepare in advance. He almost couldn't block the opponent's kick. It was indeed not easy. After a closer look, the opponent was rolling on the ground holding his feet in pain, and his body was even more huddled.

"Looking for death." Tie Diao roared, stepped forward, reached out with his big hand, grabbed the opponent's shoulder, and a strong force rushed over, crushing many of the bones on the opponent's shoulder. You must know that Tie Diao is very skilled. Basically, it's all in the hands. Although the feet are also very powerful, they are inferior compared to the hands.

"Ah -" the other party let out a cry of pain, but quickly held it back. He stared at the iron eagle with cold eyes, but he was also tough. The iron eagle stared at the other party coldly and shouted: "Be honest if you want to survive." point."

"Kill--" The opponent didn't appreciate it and roared angrily. He endured the severe pain and punched the Iron Eagle's Adam's apple with a tricky angle and an astonishing speed. Once hit, it would kill him or not.

Tie Diao didn't expect that the opponent would counterattack temporarily. He was furious. He grabbed the opponent's shoulder and pushed forward hard, pulling some distance away. His body even retreated. He could barely avoid the opponent's fatal blow. Tie Diao could feel it. Seeing the cold and evil aura on the opponent's fist, he frowned and took two steps back again. He could not kill this enemy anymore and had to keep him as a prisoner. The information was really important to everyone.

However, the iron eagle chose to be patient for the sake of information, but the other party did not appreciate it. He kicked his feet hard and jumped up, flying towards the iron eagle. His face was ferocious, as if a wounded hungry wolf was about to fight back in a cruel and cruel manner. The ferocity could not be ignored. Tie Diao's expression changed again. He got up and kicked the opponent directly in anger, hitting the opponent directly in the heart.

How powerful is the iron eagle that takes action out of hatred? One kick broke one of the opponent's ribs, and the broken rib pierced the heart. The opponent's body fell heavily to the ground, making a dull sound, like a torn sack. It rolled twice in pain on the ground, stopped moving, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing. A lot of blood came, and he stared at the iron eagle without closing his eyes. Maybe he didn't expect the person to be so skilled?

"Damn it." Tie Diao cursed angrily. He originally wanted to get rid of all the trouble. There were so many people alive that he could ask for the necessary information. Unexpectedly, these people would rather die than surrender. In the end, the two of them fought to the death without any fear. Such a person is not simple, Tie Diao quickly checked around.

Apart from daily necessities and weapons, there were no other valuable things in the room, not even communication equipment. Tie Diao was surprised and quickly told Luo Zheng the situation through the headset. Luo Zheng asked about the details of the process in detail, and immediately "Don't stir anything inside, wait until we come," he warned.

Tie Diao, who was looking through things, was stunned for a moment, and quickly agreed, stopped looking, and walked quickly outside, ready to meet Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng came very quickly, rushing up from the hillside. Because he didn't have to worry about being exposed, he let him go. He opened the car and ran up, and along with Luo Zheng was Sora Ishii.

Luo Zheng rushed to the vicinity of the bunker and saw the body lying outside. There were two hiding holes near the entrance and exit, distributed on the left and right. People could enter the hiding hole from the entrance and exit passage. There were also two shooting holes in the hiding hole toward the canyon. By shooting Kong could see two heavy machine guns and several boxes of bullets placed there. Luo Zheng's face changed slightly, he nodded to Tie Diao and quickly walked into the bunker.

When everyone came to the bunker, Luo Zheng quickly looked around and listened to Tie Diao describe what happened at that time again. After Tie Diao finished speaking, Luo Zheng asked a few more details and then became serious. After a while, Luo Zheng Zheng's face turned gloomy and he whispered: "There is no communication equipment here, how can you report the enemy's situation when you see it?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised too." Tie Diao interrupted Luo Zheng and said.

"There is only one possibility, that is, there is a cave not too far away from here. As long as the gunshot is fired, they will hear it, so they do not need communication equipment. In addition, once the communication equipment is obtained by the intruder, it will It is disadvantageous to become a monitoring tool, and the communication tool will make these people chatted and not monitor properly, so the enemy did not equip these peripheral observation bunkers with communication equipment." Luo Zheng analyzed to himself.

"It seems reasonable. Fortunately, I didn't shoot just now, otherwise I would have been in trouble. I went around and there was no random noise. Gunshots can be heard within a thousand meters. If it is raining, the distance should be closer. There are many. In order to take into account all kinds of weather, receive news in time and rush for support, I estimate that the other bunkers are within 500 meters." Tie Diao said in a deep voice, and was about to walk outside.

"Don't worry, this might be a good opportunity worth taking advantage of." Luo Zheng objected.

"Opportunity?" Tie Diao stopped and looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Was he about to be exposed or was it a chance? What kind of opportunity is this? Full of curiosity, Tie Diao walked up and looked at Luo Zheng closely, waiting for the next step. Even Sora Ishii looked at Luo Zheng curiously, with an inquiring look in his eyes.


I solemnly recommend a new book by a friend, "The Ultimate Miraculous Physician," with the pen name: Guao Crayfish. If you like it, you can search for the pen name or book title. The author is Guao Crayfish. The author is Guao Crayfish. The author is Guao Crayfish. .

The introduction is as follows: Wu Tian, ​​a barefoot young doctor in the countryside, received the inheritance of the medical sage in an accident. What's more, he also has the power of clairvoyance. How will he use these two magical skills when the time comes?

Is she a see-through beauty? Carry forward Chinese medical skills? Or lead the villagers to get rich?

Wu Tian: "Any man will understand!"

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