The strongest soldier

Chapter 3698 Shocking Discovery

The red sunshine shrouded the Presidential Palace Square, and the blood-stained ground reflected the sunlight, reflecting a scarlet luster. It was strange and alluring, making people feel heart-stopping. The thick smell of blood in the air made it even more difficult to breathe, but Many Presidential Palace Guard soldiers around him remained silent, as if they didn't see anything. After the battle last night, the troops became colder, more iron-blooded, and more elite.

Under the sun, Luo Zheng squatted in the square and carefully studied the corpse on the ground. The corpse was wearing ordinary combat uniforms. The bullets hit the chest and abdomen. They were sniper bullets. He didn't know who was hit. Luo Zheng untied the other party's clothes and took a look. , his face changed slightly, and his eyes narrowed into a slit.

I saw that the muzzle of the opponent's body was very small, a bit like the injury caused by the muzzle of the gun being fired at the wound. It didn't look like a shot from a long distance. When I turned over the opponent's body and looked at his back, I saw that the bullet did not come out. Instead, it remains in the body. You must know that the distance between the enemy and the enemy is less than two hundred meters. If the sniper bullets are concentrated at this distance, a big hole will definitely be punched in the body.

Luo Zheng was surprised and checked carefully. He didn't see any other wounds. He couldn't help but take off his gloves to touch the wound. He suddenly found that the muscles of the other party's body were very tight. Although the corpse would harden over time, this tightness didn't feel like a corpse. It becomes hard, more like the other person's muscles are very developed and unusually strong.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng became suspicious and couldn't help but pull out the dagger to cut the wound, only to find that the extremely sharp dagger couldn't cut the skin tissue at all. This abnormal phenomenon made Luo Zheng even more curious. He didn't need to increase his strength. The blade barely cut through a little flesh, but it was very difficult, so Luo Zheng used force again.

Some of the subcutaneous tissue of the corpse had been cut open, but Luo Zheng was shocked. He looked at the dagger in his hand with some doubts, and found that it was still the sharp dagger on that side. He looked at the cut wound again, and was a little confused. Why are the opponent's muscles so tight that even a tight dagger can't cut through them?

"There is something weird about these people's bodies." Luo Zheng immediately made a judgment, looked at Xu Gang and others and whispered: "Quickly, check these people and see if there is anything weird about their body muscles. They are so strong that they can be cut with daggers." No, are all other corpses like this?"

"Understood." Everyone agreed in surprise and took out their daggers one after another.

Luo Zheng dragged down a ninja corpse from the pile of corpses, pulled off the opponent's clothes, and used a dagger to cut the opponent's wounds. He found that the skin and flesh could be cut easily. Luo Zheng was surprised and tried several more corpses, and finally concluded In conclusion, the bodies of ninjas are normal, but the bodies of these mysterious strong men are different from ordinary people, and there must be something weird in it.

At this time, Xu Gang and others also tried several corpses and discovered this strange situation. Everyone gathered together, exchanged their findings and then began to think deeply. Seeing that no one could figure out the reason, Luo Zheng's expression deepened. He quickly turned on the headset, and after connecting to the headquarters, he said in a deep voice: "Headquarters, it's me."

"Boss, I'm here, please speak." Hong Meihua's voice sounded.

"Call Dongfang Ling immediately." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood." Hongmeihua agreed without asking any more questions.

Soon, another female voice sounded in the headset: "Boss, what are you looking for me for? Come on, I'm experimenting with something very important." It was Dongfang Ling.

Luo Zheng knew that Dongfang Ling was not only a scientific genius, but also a research maniac. He smiled and said, "I have a strange situation here. I believe you will be very interested."

"Oh, what's going on?" Dongfang Ling asked in surprise.

"We found a strange phenomenon on the enemy's corpses. Their bodies are difficult to cut open with sharp daggers and require a lot of strength. Do you know what this is?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Although it is difficult to dissect the corpse after it becomes hard, it is not difficult at all, right?" Dongfang Ling said casually. Perhaps thinking of something, he asked in surprise: "Wait, you mean to use a sharp dagger and a lot of force to cut it?" open?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"These corpses are weird. Could it be that they were injected with some kind of biological potion to mutate their bodies? Or have they developed a new type of bulletproof vest?" Dongfang Ling murmured to himself in surprise.

"Wait a minute, what new type of bulletproof vest?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"I don't know the specifics, but there is a theory in the scientific community. Through nanotechnology and biological fusion, spider silk and human skin are mixed and grown to create a super strong material. This material is stronger than commonly used body armor materials. More than 3 times, the scientific community calls it bulletproof skin, but so far, no one has researched it?" Dongfang Ling explained in surprise.

"If it is really the bulletproof skin you are talking about, it is three times stronger than ordinary bulletproof materials, which means that it is difficult for sniper bullets to penetrate, not to mention that a dagger can cut through the flesh with force. It should not be what you are talking about, by the way. What about the biological potion you mentioned?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It means that after injecting a potion, it can change the strength, acuity, speed and power of the human body to a certain extent, making people stronger. The scientific community has been secretly studying this kind of thing for a long time, but I haven't heard of anyone who has developed it. You are fighting against the enemy. Have you noticed any difference between them?" Dongfang Ling explained.

"Yes, that's it. Their strength is exactly what you said. The Dark Church can change human genes and create many holy warriors. It can improve this technology and make these people stronger. It seems that they have Master this biotechnology." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his eyes full of worry.

The Dark Church has holy warriors, knights of the round table and dark guards. Luo Zheng knows these very well. He also knows that these people's bodies are completely different from ordinary warriors. Their fighting power is different from ordinary people, but they are not invincible. They can deal with three people at the same time with their own abilities. Five holy warriors are no problem. What's more important is that these people all wear bullet-proof armor.

Now, not only do these mysterious strong men no longer wear bullet-proof armor, their speed and strength are beyond those of the Holy Warriors, Knights of the Round Table, and even the Dark Guard. Could it be that the biotechnology mastered by the Dark Church has been upgraded? The strength of the Holy Warriors, Knights of the Round Table and Dark Guard can be greatly improved, and the physical strength has also been improved a lot, so there is no need for bullet-proof armor?

"Hiss?" Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face changed drastically. If his guess was correct, then things would be in big trouble. Although the upgraded enemies no longer need bullet-proof armor, their combat effectiveness is even more terrifying, and more importantly, they can attack casually. With so many popping up, doesn't this mean that the biotechnology of the Dark Church has matured and can produce such mysterious masters in large quantities? How to fight the next battle? What should I do?

Luo Zheng looked at the rising sun, his eyes narrowed slightly, full of worry.

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