The strongest soldier

Chapter 3699 Becoming a father for the first time

Luo Zheng has always regarded the Holy Warriors of the Dark Church, the Knights of the Round Table and the Dark Guard as his primary enemies, because these people are not only fearless of death, but also terrifyingly powerful. One Holy Warrior can deal with three to five powerful elite special forces. The Knights of the Round Table are stronger, and the Dark Guard is a headache for elite soldiers. The reason why the Dark Church has such power is that it has mastered a biological technology.

During the battle between Luo Zheng and the Dark Church, he discovered that his opponent could inject biological liquid into the human body, change the human body's genes and muscles and bones, and then use special methods to nourish it for a period of time. A holy warrior was created. The use of this technology The success rate was very low and mass production was impossible. More importantly, the nameless island that nourished the holy warriors was destroyed by Luo Zheng. Without those weird springs, it would be impossible for the enemy to create holy warriors again.

Unexpectedly, the situation has been completely reversed. The enemy's biotechnology has been upgraded, and a mysterious strong man can be created without spring water. He is even several times stronger than a holy warrior. Judging from the scale of the attacking enemy and the mysterious enemy encountered in the last Counter-Terrorism Alliance competition, Look, the Dark Church has completely mastered the technology of mass production. Although the success rate is unknown, it should be much higher than the success rate of the previous holy warriors.

A small number of powerful people are not scary. They cannot be mass-produced and have limited influence. Enemies that can be mass-produced and are more powerful are terrifying. If the Dark Church really masters this biotechnology, it will change the future battlefield. There will be no bulky evasion weapons. With the burden of the bullet armor, the enemy's strength and speed are fully unleashed, comparable to the elite soldier king. Now it is discovered that these people's physical strength is amazing. If they wear bullet-proof armor, wouldn't it be difficult to kill them?

Or is it that the Dark Church found that bullet-proof armor was useless and could not absolutely protect safety, so it simply abandoned it and fully released the combat power of these mysterious masters. Although they would still die if they were hit by snipers, their combat power was increased by more than twice, and the combat power was increased by more than twice. It has high energy production, so the Dark Church abandoned bullet-proof armor?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face became even more serious. After thinking about it, he asked in a deep voice: "Is there any way to restrain it?"

Dongfang Ling, who had been waiting online, said helplessly: "The biological potion changes the human body's genes and improves the strength of muscles and bones, but we are still human. There is no special way to restrain it unless we crack their biological potion, but this is difficult, otherwise You can’t find their biological potion formula, and even if you find it, it won’t be cracked in a day or two. Besides, they can be killed by you, so they are not invincible, so why waste time trying to find a way to restrain them?”

"It makes sense, as long as they can be beaten to death." Luo Zheng's eyes lit up and he said in a deep voice: "Red plum blossoms?"

"Yes." Hong Meihua, who was also waiting online, quickly agreed.

"The vice president here will become the acting president after today and officially take charge of this country. He will announce his joining the anti-terrorism alliance and invite the anti-terrorism alliance to assist in counter-terrorism. You can make arrangements immediately so that the troops sent by various countries can come here as quickly as possible to meet up. , they decide what to do." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"I understand. Also, do we need to send someone over here?" Hong Meihua asked.

"No need for the moment. Everyone has something on their hands. Please tell me to hurry up. The counter-terrorist alliance's base must be built as soon as possible, and other things must not be left behind." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood." Hong Meihua quickly agreed.

"Where's Lan Xing? Why didn't I hear her voice?" Luo Zheng asked.

Hongmeihua hesitated for a moment, then said: "They didn't let me tell you, for fear that you would be distracted. Blue Star left the base yesterday and went to the hospital to be with Xue'er. Xue'er gave birth to a son an hour ago."

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked, and then he was so ecstatic that he almost shouted: "You mean I'm going to be a father?"

"That's right, congratulations." Hong Meihua said with a heartfelt smile.

"I'm going to be a dad? I'm going to be a dad!" Luo Zheng giggled, feeling that his mind was a little blank and numb. He couldn't believe this was true. Luo Zheng felt like someone was smiling at him. , I feel like my bloodline has continued, it’s a wonderful feeling.

As a father for the first time, Luo Zheng lost his former shrewdness and just stood there laughing like a child. When Xu Gang and others heard Luo Zheng talking to himself, they reacted and gathered around them. Xu Gang was very happy He smiled and said, "Boss, congratulations."

Shan Diao and Zhang Yang also congratulated each other, looking at Luo Zheng with eyes full of envy. As a soldier, no one is afraid of death, and he also predicts that he will die on the battlefield one day, but there are three types of unfilial piety, and having no offspring is the worst. With children, we no longer have worries or regrets. Therefore, everyone longs for a child to extend their lives. It is a simple desire, but it is often difficult to realize it.

"Brother, call the captain." Shan Diao reminded in a low voice. Although Luo Zheng is the top person in charge of the Mystery Bureau, Shan Diao still calls Captain Lan Xue habitually.

Luo Zheng reacted and said with a smile: "I leave this to you. Take a closer look and don't overlook any details. In addition, collect all the Japanese swords and distribute them to the brothers." After saying that, without waiting for everyone's agreement, he hurried towards He rushed towards the pavilion, which made the vice president and others curious, and asked Xu Gang and others to inquire.

Soon, Luo Zheng rushed to the pavilion. Only Ishii Sora was sitting quietly on the pavilion, practicing and healing under the rising sun. Luo Zheng did not avoid Ishii Sora, but took out his phone and dialed the familiar number. His mood I got excited, put the phone to my ear, and looked at the rising sun, feeling a sense of guilt welling up in my heart.

The call was quickly connected, and a weak voice came through. The voice was very familiar. It was his lover. Luo Zheng suddenly felt a sore nose. Endless guilt surged into his heart, and he spoke with a deep apology. Said: "Xue'er, I can't be around. Thank you for your hard work. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. You must have heard about it, right? It's a few days ahead of the due date, and I'm finally safe. Just like you, you're a father." Lan Xue's voice sounded a little weak, but more... It's a surprise.

"It's good to be safe, it's good to be safe." Luo Zheng murmured to himself, feeling even more guilty. The child was born, but he was outside and couldn't go back. Deep self-blame welled up in his heart, and he said guiltily: "Xue'er, sorry!"

"Idiot, I heard that the war situation over there is unfavorable and very difficult. Just come back alive and well. We, mother and son, cannot live without you. We will give our son a name when you come back." Lan Xue laughed softly.

Luo Zheng heard the deep concern in Lan Xue's words, his nose felt sour, and he said seriously: "Okay, I will go back alive and name our son." A group of tiger tears fell down, facing the rising sun, their eyes Gradually, he became firmer and clenched his fists. So what if the enemy was strong? For the sake of the children, we must go back alive and well.

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