The strongest soldier

Chapter 3697 Cleaning the battlefield

In the vast and deep night sky, a red light appears from the horizon in the east. The light is weak, but it seems to have some infinite power. It competes with the deep night sky for the possession of the sky. Gradually, the red light becomes more and more abundant. , dispersing the surrounding night, the rays of light are endless, and hundreds of millions of light swords are pierced into the night, fighting with the night, the night gradually retreats, giving way to more space.

Soon, the sky in the east became bright, and the red sunshine emitted endless light, continuing to drive away the night. Before long, the sky and the earth became bright, the wind was warm, and the animals were singing happily. People also came out of the room, and it started. A busy day in life.

In a square of the Presidential Palace, corpses piled up like mountains, and countless guns and ammunition were also piled up. A heavily armed guard around them dispersed their vigilance. Their bodies were covered with blood. They had just defeated the sneak attack enemy, and their murderous aura was not yet complete. He faded away and looked around with red eyes, like a powder keg that could explode at any time.

Many guards came from all directions, carrying corpses or seized weapons, and piled them in categories on the square. Then they turned around and left, continuing to carry corpses and weapons. There was a battle last night, and the guards suffered numerous casualties. Sadness and anger filled the air. The atmosphere was filled with a bit of unwillingness and pain. Fortunately, the powerful enemy was defeated.

At this time, there was a commotion, and then a large number of troops slowly came over in neat lines. Someone was carrying some dead enemy corpses. It was the troops responsible for ambush the enemy who came back with the loot. Everyone arrived The corpses were piled together behind the square, and the captured weapons were sorted and thrown over. The troops gathered in an open area, sat on the ground, and rested.

Everyone was doing their own thing silently, no one spoke, and the suppressed emotions were blocked in their hearts and written on their faces. Thousands of people protected the presidential palace, but they were almost defeated by more than a hundred enemies. This result made everyone feel abnormal. Feeling uncomfortable, I also saw my own shortcomings and the strength of my enemy. Emotions such as shame, shock, anger, self-blame, etc. came up.

A majestic wind blew slowly, but it could not dissipate the thick smell of blood in the air. The blown-down houses, collapsed walls, mud and bricks everywhere, and the bodies buried in the houses, the earth was covered with blood. Dyeing red, all this is like a heavy slap in the face, hitting the proud presidential palace guards hard.

The Guards of the Presidential Palace are proud because they are well-equipped and have strong combat effectiveness. They have few rivals in the country. The Guards of the Presidential Palace are also proud of their qualifications. They are not timid when encountering the enemy, fight to the death, are disciplined and brave, and take protecting the Presidential Palace as their own responsibility. There are so many honors.

Faced with the siege of an enemy twice as powerful as the Free Army, the Presidential Guard did not retreat, did not collapse, and not even wavered. They fought very bravely and won the victory. This made the Presidential Guard even more proud and confident. Unexpectedly last night In the first battle, they were almost defeated by more than a hundred enemies. Although the enemies were defeated, it was still a tragic victory. This was difficult for the proud and confident Presidential Palace Guards to accept.

Luo Zheng and some people walked slowly, accompanied by the vice president and assistants. The presidential palace guards looked at Luo Zheng, the vice president and others who were walking towards them. They stood up one after another, straightened their chests and looked forward. After all, it was a kind of The well-disciplined troops were not defeated by the defeat. Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly and he quickly glanced at the whole place. He keenly grasped the low morale and unwillingness of the troops, but did not say anything more and just looked at the Vice President. At a glance, they were the presidential palace guards after all. Luo Zheng couldn't say anything, lest he be suspected of interfering in internal affairs.

The Vice President also saw something, but he knew that now was not the time to deal with morale. He and Luo Zheng came to the middle of the square. Looking at the corpses and seized weapons in the square, his heart became heavy. There was a fierce light in his triangular eyes. , as if a wounded beast cannot realize its ambitions, with strong unwillingness.

There were not many corpses in the square, and they all belonged to the enemy, but it was the lack of them that made the Vice President very angry. You must know that in the battle last night, nearly half of the Presidential Guards were killed or injured. Although the corpses of the Presidential Guards soldiers were not in the square, in addition It was moved to other places to deal with it, but the statistics of the battle results had been released and reported to the Vice President. Such a large battle damage ratio made the Vice President embarrassed, angry and a little worried. He couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng.

The enemy was stronger than imagined, and the Vice President had to re-evaluate the power he had and the chance of victory. It was not easy to say this to his face. The Vice President looked at the loot with a cold face and whispered: "Ghost, this loss It’s huge. I didn’t expect the enemy’s combat power to be so terrifying. More importantly, we don’t know how many powerful enemies there are like last night. What should we do next?”

Luo Zheng guessed the vice president's worries and anxiety, thought for a while, and lowered his voice and said: "We will take the lead in the next battle. You only need to publicly announce your joining the anti-terrorism alliance and invite the anti-terrorism alliance to send troops to assist in counter-terrorism. My people Only then can we come forward openly and go into battle.”

"Thank you for your understanding." The Vice President is so shrewd, how could he not understand what Luo Zheng meant? He continued with some embarrassment: "After all, this battle belongs to us, and we cannot put all the burden on you. If the enemy is not too strong, we don't need to trouble you too much."

"Your Excellency, Vice President, you are welcome. We have an agreement and this is what we should do." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"No matter what, you should be rewritten, so just do what you say. In terms of logistics, I will ask the assistant to go all out so that you don't have to worry about anything. As for the battle, you are the leader, and we can't be idle. We can still attack the underlings. , Don’t worry, the troops are still under your command.” The vice president immediately expressed his position.

"Thank you, Vice President, for your trust. By the way, should I change my name to you as President? Congratulations, Your Excellency." Luo Zheng laughed softly.

"Thanks to you for helping me defeat the Free Army and smash last night's sneak attack. Without these two big victories, many people who are waiting and watching will not express their opinions. Today I will hold a meeting to resume the normal work of the government. I will take the initiative to As the president, he came out to preside over the work." The vice president whispered gratefully.

"The troops are a little depressed. You need to comfort yourself while I go see the corpse." Luo Zheng reminded in a low voice, changing the topic. Luo Zheng wisely avoided any matters involving internal affairs to avoid getting himself involved. When the time comes to cause unnecessary trouble, in Luo Zheng's opinion, soldiers should be simple, pure, and not involved in politics.

Soon, Luo Zheng came to the pile of corpses. There were ninjas and other strong men. He said in a deep voice to Xu Gang, Zhang Yang, and Shan Diao who were following him: "Check the enemy carefully and see if you can find anything." ." As he said that, he pulled one out of the pile of corpses and took a closer look.

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