The strongest soldier

Chapter 3626 Fishing in troubled waters

Without the searchlight, the top of the mountain fell into a gray sky. The lights inside the villa could not illuminate the situation in the parking lot outside. Luo Zheng and Sora Ishii quickly rushed to a small car parked not far away under the cover of night. The door was locked. Yes, Luo Zheng smashed the car window with the butt of his gun. He reached in, opened the car door, and quickly got in the car.

The two of them looked at the chaotic group of armed men who were shouting and chasing towards the intersection. They breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the enemy was completely attracted by Xu Gang. This was a good thing. Luo Zheng looked at more cars around him. I started the car and rushed out. Just as I was about to lower my head and pull out the lower cord to start the ignition, I saw a person hurried over with a key in his hand.

The man didn't expect there was someone in the car, so he was stunned for a moment. Luo Zheng knew something was going to happen, and was about to get out of the car and start snatching, when he saw Sora Ishii swooping up, knocking the man unconscious with a hand knife, and then helped him to prevent him from falling to the ground. In order not to arouse the suspicion of the surrounding armed men, it was dark and the faces of the two people could not be seen, but one could be seen falling to the ground.

Ishii Sora helped the other person to the car. It looked like the other person came over by himself. He threw the ball to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng quickly lit the fire and shouted: "Get in the car, hurry up."

"Understood." Ishii Sora threw the other party to the ground and quickly got into the car. With the car body covering it, he didn't have to worry about being exposed immediately. As for the future, he couldn't care about it now.

The two drove out quickly. Luo Zheng slammed the accelerator, merged the car into the traffic, and moved forward along the road. They quickly rushed out of the top of the mountain and onto the winding mountain road. Ishii Sora looked at the crazy car in front of him with a shocked face. Looking at the vehicles that rushed away, and then looking at the vehicles that were catching up behind them, no one suspected him. He was overjoyed and said with admiration: "Boss, you are so brave. You are not afraid of being exposed. If you are exposed, we will definitely die."

"This is called taking chestnuts from the fire and fishing in troubled waters. The searchlight is gone, the light is too dark, and the armed men are busy chasing Xu Gang. Who would have thought that we would drive away? Normally, even if there is someone behind you, you should run from the woods. Do you understand reverse thinking? ?" Luo Zheng explained proudly, and suddenly heard that Sora Ishii had just called himself "boss". This was a specific title, and only he could call him that, could it be?

I was overjoyed when I thought that Ishii Sora might completely surrender to me and follow me sincerely to fuck Luo Zheng, but I didn't point it out and secretly kept a cautious eye on it. Although Ishii Sora's name just now had an element of excitement, it was considered as someone who couldn't help but encounter a surprise. , but it was also from the heart. Seeing that Luo Zheng clearly heard it but did not object, indicating that he had accepted it, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and laughed completely.

With the big tree like Luo Zheng and the Secret Bureau at his back, Ishii Sora no longer has to worry about being hunted down by the Dark Church. His child Ishii Man is also protected. As a parent, what else can be more secure than your children? Something better? Ishii Sora said sincerely: "Boss, I am completely convinced. I didn't expect you to remain calm in such a crisis and think of this evacuation method."

"Hey, there will be something more fun later, get ready to fight." Luo Zheng heard it more clearly this time, but still didn't point it out. He acquiesced to the title and responded with a smile.

"Fight? Aren't you exposed as soon as you shoot?" Sora Ishii said in surprise.

"Look back, don't be in a hurry." Luo Zheng smiled, staring sharply ahead and concentrating on driving.

Not long after, the convoy rushed out of the winding mountain road and onto the main road. Luo Zheng accelerated suddenly, steering the car forward quickly, passing several cars in a row, and soon saw three cars in front, and a pickup truck further away. It should be Xu Gang who is speeding. The pickup truck has a rear compartment where people can sit, and they can fight back without any obstruction, or even jump directly from the second floor. Xu Gang is very thoughtful in driving such a car to respond.

Unfortunately, pickup trucks can’t run very fast, at least not as fast as cars. If Xu Gang hadn’t been a skilled driver, he would have been overtaken long ago. However, the distance between the two parties was getting shorter and shorter, and it was only a matter of time before he caught up. At this time, there were people in the three cars behind him. He got out of the car window and opened fire violently at the pickup truck in front. The bullets hit the car with a thud, leaving bullet marks, and the situation became critical.

"Xu Gang, fire back, don't worry about whether you can hit or not." Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly reminded.

"Where are you? Are you in the back?" Xu Gang's voice sounded, with a bit of surprise.

"Yes, mixed in the convoy." Sora Ishii answered excitedly.

"Hahaha, you are so brave to be mixed up in the convoy." Xu Gang shouted excitedly.

Soon, Xu Gang controlled the steering wheel with one hand and held out the gun with the other hand. He guessed the direction and fired randomly to fight back. Luo Zheng saw that Xu Gang had opened fire and immediately shouted: "Ishii Sora, open fire and destroy the first car. Can you?" Do it?"

"I'm afraid not, the speed is too fast, and it will expose us." Ishii Sora said with some embarrassment.

"You drive." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Sora Ishii was stunned for a moment, but he immediately came over from the co-pilot position and quickly exchanged positions with Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng picked up his weapon and looked out, saying in a deep voice: "As long as Xu Gang fires, the enemy will never expect that there is someone behind him, and they will only think that there is someone behind him. It's Xu Gang who is lucky. You should concentrate on driving, don't keep a straight line with the car in front, provide me with an angle, Xu Gang, watch carefully, only hit the car behind you, don't accidentally injure yourself."

"Understood." Xu Gang and Sora Ishii agreed almost at the same time.

Luo Zheng quickly aimed at the vehicle in front. The speed was too fast and it was impossible to hit the tire. Luo Zheng's gun muzzle was raised. The distance was only twenty meters away. All the lights were turned on and he could see clearly. Luo Zheng decisively aimed at the first vehicle. From the driver's seat in the back of the car, heavy fire began.

"Click, click, click -" A bunch of bullets were fired violently, and the first car quickly rushed to one side and hit a wall hard, making a loud thud. I don't understand, Luo Zheng didn't After hesitating, he aimed at the two cars in front and fired at them again, while shouting: "Ishii Sora, pay attention."

"Understood." Ishii Sora agreed, staring straight ahead and not reducing the accelerator. He saw that the two cars in front were rushed out by Luo Zheng, and one of them also hit the wall next to it. The other car shook and shook, shouting. As if drunk, Ishii Sora found an opportunity to rush over quickly and surpass the opponent.

At the moment of overtaking, Ishii Sora pulled out his pistol, aimed at it, and quickly pulled the trigger. A bullet happened to hit the driver's head. The injured driver suddenly lost his life. He lay on the steering wheel and let the car rush forward. Someone in the co-pilot quickly reached out to help.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Luo Zheng took advantage of the two cars running parallel to each other and shot over them. The bullet hit the front tire. The front of the car squatted, and the whole car suddenly rolled over, rolled over in the void, and fell to the ground. Blocked in the middle of the road, the vehicles following behind couldn't stop, they collided hard, and stopped sideways on the road. More vehicles rushed over, making loud crashing sounds, and the road was completely blocked.

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