The strongest soldier

Chapter 3627 Return to the Embassy

The darkness before dawn was deeper and windless. Only a hazy moonlight could be seen in the vast night sky. The sky and earth were so gray that it was so dim that one could not see the distance five meters away. Luo Zheng, Sora Ishii and Xu Gang drove there. Near the embassy, ​​seeing that the enemy had not caught up with them, they quickly found an alley to stop and hurried towards the embassy on foot. Only then did everyone realize that Luo Zheng was actually holding a package.

While running, Xu Gang rushed up and walked side by side, asking: "Is it heavy? Can you get something good for me?"

"It's a bit heavy, okay, here you go." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly and handed the big bag to Xu Gang. It contained hundreds of thousands of cash and various precious gold and silver jewelry. Luo Zheng didn't know how much it was worth. , in order to create the illusion of a home invasion and robbery to confuse the enemy, he had to take away this windfall. He lost a fortune in buying weapons. Maybe he would need it later to buy information, which would be useful.

Xu Gang curiously touched it with his hand, but couldn't feel what it was. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't say anything, he didn't bother to ask more questions. The three of them walked faster and unknowingly arrived at the entrance of the embassy, ​​just in time to see a large truck leaving. , there were bags as high as a mountain piled up at the door. Xu Gang asked in surprise: "This is it?"

"Rice." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Seeing that no one came out to carry it, he couldn't help but frowned and became suspicious. His feet speeded up unconsciously. Xu Gang and Ishii Sora also speeded up to follow in surprise.

The three of them quickly arrived at the gate. Seeing that the big iron gate was closed, Shi Jing went up and smashed the door. Luo Zheng even asked through the headset: "Zhang Yang, what's going on? We're at the gate, open the door."

"Here we come." Zhang Yang's voice of agreement sounded in the headset.

Soon, Zhang Yang opened the door himself, looked at the mountains of bags at the door, looked at Luo Zheng, and quickly explained: "Suddenly a car came here. We don't know what the situation is, so we can't shoot. We're worried about someone." It’s a scam. Everyone was hiding inside and didn’t dare to open the door. Who knew the car would tip over automatically, unload the cargo and run away? I was about to come up to check when I heard you guys were back.”

"No wonder it came so fast. This is rice. Let the young men inside come out to carry it. The security forces cannot move and must be quick." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He looked at the mountains of rice and breathed a sigh of relief. With this cart of rice, There was no need to worry about food problems in the embassy for several months.

"Rice, that's great." Tang Wu ran up behind Zhang Yang. He looked at the rice and said excitedly, "I'm going to notify everyone to help. Now it's better. You don't have to worry about food." He hurried inside .

Luo Zheng looked at the rows of residential bungalows around him. It was quiet without any movement, and no lights or people could be seen. He said with some worry: "Zhang Yang, you are responsible for directing the transportation here and urging everyone to speed up. It will be dawn soon. We must all move in before dawn to prevent the enemy from launching a sneak attack after dawn. Xu Gang and Sora Ishii, you are responsible for guarding the left and right bungalows and report any problems immediately."

"Understood." The three people agreed quickly.

At this time, the lights of the embassy were turned on, and many people ran out happily, obviously without rest. Luo Zheng looked at everyone who rushed out worriedly. The days are long, and it is not a good thing to not rest. Once he falls ill, it will be even more troublesome. But when I think about it, we are all ordinary people. We will inevitably be nervous when encountering a war. It’s hard to say anything. We can only wait a few days and see again. I hope everyone will gradually adapt to the current situation.

Soon, everyone rushed out without any instructions, each carrying a bag of rice and walked inside. If it couldn't be carried, two people carried it. It was quite positive. Luo Zheng took a bag and walked inside, throwing it into the living room. Inside, the ambassador was not seen, so he called a spy from the intelligence station and warned: "Go find the ambassador and let him take charge of the work here. See where it is safer to hide the food."

"Yes." The other party agreed quickly and hurried away.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and came to the temporary headquarters. The president had revealed too much information and he needed to calm down and sort it out. There was no one in the headquarters, so Luo Zheng didn't turn on the lights. He picked up a chair and sat down, watching. He stared at the gray moonlight outside the window and pondered, carefully recalling the details of his previous conversation with the president.

After a while, Luo Zheng came to four conclusions. First, although the president was an elder of the Dark Church, he had no specific tasks for the time being. All matters were handled by members of the Free Army. Second, the Free Army robbed wealth and disrupted society. It forces more people to join the army to protect themselves and increase their strength. As for how long this process will take, it is not known when the government troops will come out to quell the war and clean up the chaotic situation; thirdly, there is a stronger base below the Free Army base, which is not good Deal with it; fourth, the president knows about the nuclear warhead, but the other party would rather die than tell them. This is very different from the previous greed for life and fear of death. Why?

After thinking for a while, Luo Zheng slowly sorted out his thoughts, but he had no good way to deal with the difficulties. This feeling made Luo Zheng feel aggrieved. Unknowingly, the sky became brighter and he watched the sky rise in the east. Looking at the vast night sky gradually filled with red light, Luo Zheng stood up slowly, walked to the window, opened it, and took a deep breath of fresh air. Only then did he realize that all the food had been moved back, and the big iron door Still closed.

"Isn't it almost dark in China at this time?" Luo Zheng thought of his family and his lover, so he couldn't help but take out his cell phone, pressed a familiar phone number, and after waiting for the call, he said affectionately: "It's me. "

"I know it's you, are you okay?" Lan Xue's concerned voice sounded from the phone.

"Well, I'm fine." Luo Zheng agreed and told Lan Xue all the recent events in detail. This has become a habit of Luo Zheng's life. As long as he doesn't go on missions with Lan Xue, No matter what he experienced, he would share it with Lan Xue. The chattering process made Luo Zheng calm down quickly, and the pressure in his heart was not so great. Luo Zheng enjoyed this process very much.

Lan Xue also knew that Luo Zheng was under a lot of pressure and needed to talk, so she listened patiently until Luo Zheng finished speaking. After thinking about it, she chuckled and said, "Everywhere you go, things are turbulent. This time it's even stronger. What you said The president should be worried that his family will be implicated after confessing, and it also means that not many people know about this matter. The other party knows very well that if it is exposed, he will be the only suspect, so he would rather die than confess."

"Hiss, that makes sense." Luo Zheng didn't expect this and said in surprise: "In other words, even the general of the Free Army probably doesn't know about the nuclear warhead. Those who know should be hiding in the military base of the government army. If someone goes to the base to inquire about this information, the president will be the only one who leaks the information, so he is afraid. It is interesting that this matter must be taken advantage of."

"What solution have you come up with?" Lan Xue's surprised voice sounded.

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