The strongest soldier

Chapter 3625 Weird reaction

Luo Zheng was startled by the sudden abnormality of the president. He stood up suddenly and pounced on him like a hungry wolf. He covered his mouth with his big hands. Fortunately, the people in the living room outside had been killed, but they were still guarded by the gate. The people heard that someone started banging on the door and shouting. Luo Zheng was furious. He pulled out a pistol and pressed it to the other person's heart. He shouted: "You want to die, don't you? I will help you."

"You are a ghost, you are a ghost┅┅" The president muttered to himself as if he had not heard Luo Zheng's threat, his eyes full of fear and despair.

Luo Zheng became surprised and asked in a deep voice: "So what if it's a ghost?"

"You are a ghost, you are a ghost, and you still know about nuclear warheads. I am dead." The president continued to talk to himself, as if he was frightened by the bomb.

"Why?" Luo Zheng became even more surprised.

The president suddenly became stunned, stared at Luo Zheng and shouted: "Why are you a ghost, why are you not a killer, what a good killer, I can push everything away, but you are a ghost, and the higher ups know that the ghost has been here , and you’re still asking about nuclear warheads. If you don’t kill me, I will die. Just kill me, please.”

"Why?" Luo Zheng became even more confused, confused by the other party's behavior.

"Kill me so that my family can live in peace." The president said in a deep voice, and suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "Someone is coming, someone is coming, the ghost is coming." While struggling hard, he hit Luo with his body. Zheng.

Luo Zheng was shocked. Thinking of the consequences of being exposed, he became furious. Although the man in front of him was the president, he was also a notorious elder of the Dark Church. He would die just because of this. Originally, Luo Zheng had planned to instigate the opponent and install him in the Dark Church. A nail, which now seems impossible, immediately knocked the other person unconscious with a hand knife, put a pillow against the other person's heart, and fired three shots with a pistol, ending the other person's life.

A president who only cares about self-interest and not the country and the people, an elder of a terrorist organization, such a person should be killed. Luo Zheng quickly shouted through the headset in a deep voice: "Xu Gang, Ishii Sora, prepare to fight." He was about to rush. When he went out, he saw a bag full of gold and silver jewelry and cash from the corner of his eye, and quickly ran out with it.

As long as the cash and gold and silver jewelry were taken away, the Dark Church would think that it was some tycoon who was seeking wealth and murder, and would not think about it in a deeper way. Luo Zheng quickly rushed to the study with it, and then walked out of the bay window. Go out, throw the bag on the overpass, jump up, grab the overpass with both hands, and twist your body to climb up.

After getting on the overpass, Luo Zheng quickly rushed to the opposite villa, raised his weapon and aimed forward. There was no one on the third floor, and there was a noise on the stairs on the fourth floor. Luo Zheng turned around and saw someone rushing down. Luo Zheng fired at the stairs with a shuttle. , two people were beaten down, and more people shrank back.

Time was running out, Luo Zheng did not dare to fight, and quickly rushed to the second floor. Seeing Sora Ishii controlling the heavy machine gun and getting ready for battle, he immediately shouted: "Sora Ishii, kill the two observation towers and the heavy machine gun position at the intersection, and then knock down the searchlight. I'll cover the rear for you."

"Understood." Ishii Sora roared without hesitation, quickly aimed at the observation tower and opened fire, shooting over with a shuttle. The three people on the observation platform were beaten and fell down screaming, the searchlight was also knocked out, and Ishii Sora fired again. After killing another lookout, the shuttle lowered its muzzle and aimed at the heavy machine gun position at the intersection.

The heavy machine gun position was built for the outside world, with no cover at the back. It happened to be within the firing range of the heavy machine gun. Sora Ishii began to fire violently. Blood and flesh flew everywhere, and screams continued. More people ran out of the position, but they could not escape. The bullet speed of a heavy machine gun? He was immediately hit to the ground by a large-caliber machine gun bullet.

After giving the order, Luo Zheng aimed his gun at the stairs and shouted: "Xu Gang, kill the SAM anti-aircraft missile launcher and find a way to get a car to cover our evacuation."

"Understood." Xu Gang's voice sounded in the headset.

The incident happened suddenly, and he had no choice but to fight. Luo Zheng did not expect that the president recognized his identity and reacted so strongly. He even begged for death to ensure the safety of his family. He completely lost the fear of death before. It seems that the Dark Church has no intention of following him. The control of the people has become even stronger, and they do not hesitate to threaten the lives of their family members. This is a precursor to losing the support of the people. In time, the Holy Lord of the Dark Church will definitely betray the members of the congregation.

At this time, someone tried to come down from the third floor. Luo Zheng fired at him and knocked down one person. The others retreated and stuck their guns out from the stairs to shoot randomly. However, the deterrent effect was not small, so Luo Zheng had to retreat. Avoiding the opponent's shooting range, he raised his hand and fired a few bursts, knocking down five rifles. The offensive upstairs stalled, but soon another gun came out and fired.

Suddenly, a grenade was thrown down. Luo Zheng was shocked. He hit it with the butt of his rifle with his backhand, sending the grenade flying. It landed on the stairs and exploded. The huge explosion shock wave caused people upstairs to take cover.

"Ishii Sora, how are you?" Luo Zheng asked eagerly while firing back.

"The target has been killed." Sora Ishii said quickly.

At this time, Luo Zheng heard a huge explosion sound coming from outside. The powerful explosion flashed red light. Without looking back, he could see the red light reflected on the wall. It seemed as if the world was illuminated. Luo Zheng Zheng was startled, and suddenly looked back and saw a huge explosive red cloud rising outside, with smoke billowing from it.

At this time, Xu Gang shouted excitedly in the headset: "Haha, good luck. I didn't expect that the SAM missile was blown up. There is no living thing within a radius of 20 meters. I will drive to the door to pick you up immediately. You guys What's going on? Are you okay?"

"No need to respond. You drive out immediately to distract the enemy's attention and create the illusion that we are evacuating as a whole. We will find another way to evacuate. Be careful yourself." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood." Xu Gang agreed. It will take some time to drive to the door to meet him. The enemy will react by this time, and then there will be trouble. It is better to drive away quickly. As long as you rush out of the top of the mountain, the enemy will pursue you. You can't even think of anyone else. Inside the villa.

"Ishii Sora, let's retreat, don't shoot anymore." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood." Ishii Sora agreed. Shooting at this time meant exposing his position. Xu Gang's plan to lure the enemy was impossible to succeed. He threw away the heavy machine gun, picked up an automatic rifle and looked at Luo Zheng. He saw that Luo Zheng had already He rushed over, rushed along the balcony, and jumped directly from where he came. Sora Ishii also jumped down.

The five-meter-high balcony is difficult for ordinary people, but it is no pressure for Luo Zheng and Sora Ishii. After landing, they rolled to lose their momentum. They quickly got up and rushed forward. They saw a large number of enemies heading towards the intersection. After chasing him, someone even rushed into the car to give chase. The scene was chaotic. Luo Zheng saw a small car not far away. He had an idea and shouted: "Ishii Sora, follow me, hurry up."

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