The strongest soldier

Chapter 3527 Blocking the Pursuing Troops

During the battle in the mountain col, everyone discovered that there was a powerful presence among the enemies. They also appeared when they were pursuing into the depths of the forest. The speed was actually comparable to everyone. Unexpectedly, they encountered them again after breaking through. This made everyone very annoyed and at the same time. With a desire to win, they all started running faster. There were too many enemies, and getting entangled would be very troublesome. Once the distance between them and the enemy's main force was increased, the threat of the shadows chasing after them would not be great.

The team ran quickly, attacking like cheetahs looking for food, constantly jumping over obstacles on the ground, bypassing trees, running in a straight line as much as possible, and gradually getting rid of the enemy's main force, but the dozen or so black shadows were tight. He chased her relentlessly, even lighting up with a flashlight, without fear of being targeted by a gun.

Seeing that these people were chasing too hard, Luo Zheng was extremely angry. He stopped and tried to take aim, but there were too many trees in the middle, blocking the shooting range. In addition, the target was running too fast and it was difficult to fire. He had no choice but to give up and continue with his troops. Head towards the end of the race.

The sudden appearance of enemies made Luo Zheng angry and full of curiosity. These people didn't look like polar bear people. Could they be British people? The hatred between myself and Britain is not that big, that is, even when I went to Alcatraz Island to rescue Snow Lotus, I didn't make much of a fuss. I shouldn't have such hatred.

If it wasn't Britain who sent someone here, who would it be? This competition is not top secret, and has even been reported to the outside world, but the location of the competition is top secret. Except for the organizing committee and participants, other countries and organizations do not know the specific location. There is no reason to ambush here in advance.

After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure it out. Luo Zheng simply didn't think about it. The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth. Although there were many enemies and their fighting power was not bad, Luo Zheng was not too worried in this forest. Everyone around him was a master. But running can still be done.

Half an hour later, everyone rushed to a hill and saw the dozen black figures still chasing after them. The enemy's main force was a little far away. Xu Gang said angrily: "These tails are so annoying, just kill them." , the terrain here is favorable, so there is no problem in blocking."

"Yes, kill them. In this way, you block here frontally, and I will sneak up from the side." Tie Diao also said with an angry face. How can the god-level soldier be chased by others? How can he swallow this tone?

Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood, thought for a while, and said: "These should be the trump cards that the enemy relies on. It's better to kill them, otherwise we will be chased by them all the time. Not only will our position be exposed, we will be in danger at any time."

"Okay, how to fight?" Shi Qian asked curiously.

Luo Zheng looked at the direction of the chasing enemy, then looked at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Tie Diao is fast, Ishii Sora is good at concealing assassinations, you two will outflank him from the left and right, and look for opportunities to strike. The others will follow me here to fight." Block the attack. The enemy's main force will catch up and help at any time. I can't wait too long. Counting from the start of the battle, we must evacuate within five minutes."

"Understood, we must return here to join everyone within five minutes." Tie Diao said knowingly.

Ishii Sora also understood and nodded to express his understanding. Luo Zheng waved his hand and the two exchanged glances. They separated left and right in tacit understanding and disappeared into the mountains on both sides. Luo Zheng observed the surrounding terrain and said: "This is a mountain." Post, the enemy must pass through the slope in front when coming up. There are towering old trees and no weeds on the slope, which is conducive to attack and concealment. Don't waste bullets by shooting casually. Take aim before shooting. Anyway, you only need to hold on for five minutes."

"Understood." Everyone agreed knowingly.

Luo Zheng thought for a moment and asked Ji Wu, Gongsun Wu, and Shi Qian to follow him to guard the front. The three of them were relatively weak in marksmanship, so they had someone to look after him. Xu Gang and Zhang Yang guarded the left side, while Ye Tong and Gong Pu Xing, who had good marksmanship, guarded the front. On the right, Pu Xing grew up in the war-torn country of Myanmar, and he is also good at playing with guns.

Considering the problem of cross-covering fire, Luo Zheng formed a concave shape, and the fire on both sides stepped forward a little, forming a pocket formation. Everyone found a place to hide and checked their weapons. After five or six minutes, the enemy caught up. , but stopped advancing at the foot of the mountainside. Instead of attacking, they switched to a defensive posture and formed a circular formation.

Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw this scene. How could the enemy have the ability to predict the future? How do you know that you are ambushing here? You must be carrying a portable position radar, otherwise it would be impossible to know, or the enemy's main force discovered the ambush through the portable position radar and notified these people in time. The latter is more likely, and portable radar is not easy to use. It's easy to carry, especially when chasing.

"It seems that we must avoid the detection range of the portable position radar." Luo Zheng thought to himself and made a decision. Looking at the enemy who was not attacking, his face was stern and he said in a deep voice: "Brothers, the enemy is not attacking. , let’s take the initiative to attack and get Tie Diao and Ishii Sora back to the team.”

"Understood." Everyone said in a deep voice, holding their guns and leaving the bunker, and slowly moved down the mountainside.

If there is a communication headset, Luo Zheng will definitely not attack. He only needs to notify Tie Diao and Ishii Sora through the headset to withdraw. But now there is no communication headset. Tie Diao and Ishii Sora are touching again. If they do not respond, they may be If the enemy entangles you, it will be troublesome.

Soon, Luo Zheng discovered that the enemy's defensive energy was concentrated on the mountainside. He obviously knew that he was going to attack. He couldn't help but said angrily: "Sure enough, they know our whereabouts. These damn gangs, brothers, be careful, don't charge. Too impatient, ready to fight.”

"Understood." Everyone said in a deep voice, and rushed down carefully with their guns in hand.

Not long after, everyone arrived halfway up the mountain. Luo Zheng packed up and everyone hid on the spot and aimed ahead. Luo Zheng saw that there were still too many trees blocking the way in front of him, which was not conducive to aiming. He gritted his teeth and pushed forward again. A few meters later, the enemy's whereabouts became clear.

"Ta-ta-ta--" The enemy actually took action first. A barrage of bullets came in, breaking the tranquility of the forest. The bullets hit the trees and made a horrifying sound.

"Hit -" Luo Zheng shouted angrily, aiming forward and about to shoot, but found that the target ducked and hid behind the big tree. Luo Zheng was startled and angrily locked on the big tree, not looking for other targets. There was a lot of gunfire in my ears, it was the brothers who took action.

Luo Zheng was not in a hurry, and continued to lock the big tree with the steel gun in his hand. Suddenly he saw a head sticking out from under the tree to observe. Luo Zheng lowered the muzzle of the gun without hesitation and pulled the trigger at the same time.

Click, click, click - the automatic rifle rang, and a bunch of bullets whizzed out of the chamber, attacking the target fiercely. With Luo Zheng full of anger and fighting spirit, the light flashed in the night sky, like the scythe of the god of death. sparkling with light.

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