The strongest soldier

Chapter 3526 Breakthrough Encirclement

In the deep primeval forest, a large black mass of vampire bats flew over the sky. The buzzing sound of countless wings simultaneously stirred up a strange air flow, and the hissing sound from the mouth had a certain high-pitched frequency, which made people dizzy. It was as if countless demons suddenly emerged from the dark world, looked at their prey and let out cruel smiles, flew out in a strange arc in the woods, and headed straight for the bonfire.

Beside the bonfire, Luo Zheng and others all got into their sleeping bags, clutched the openings and remained motionless. The sleeping bags were extremely tough, not only cutting off people's breath to a certain extent, but also protecting them. However, this was the first time that everyone encountered this situation. I had no bottom, and I was extremely nervous. If I hadn't been used to seeing life and death and had strong willpower, I would have collapsed from fear.

With a whirring sound, a large group of vampire bats flew over the bonfire. The hissing sound became sharper and faster, as if they were angry, roaring, and roaring unwillingly. But soon they all flew high into the sky, and no one was left behind. , the formation is neat and uniform, and the movements are skillful and agile.

The vampire bats circled in the air unwillingly, but always flew away quickly when they were a certain distance away from the campfire. There was no confusion among the thousands of vampire bats, they just kept screaming and beating the air with their wings. , set off a strange air current, and the bonfire swayed under the influence of this air current.

The dead leaves in the woods were stirred up by the vampire bats, and they were flying all over the sky. Everyone hid in their sleeping bags and no vampire bats attacked. They breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened their mouths to look around. They happened to see countless vampire bats and dead leaves. The sight of flying all over the sky, like countless demons showing off their power in the sky, shocked everyone.

Fortunately, the vampire bat hovered in the air for a while, and then hurriedly flew to other places. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace. It was sudden and fast. Everyone was stunned. For a while, everyone felt the strange noise made by the vampire bat. Their heads that were buzzing and swollen from the shock were much more awake. They got out of their sleeping bags one after another, looked around vigilantly, and raised the gun sights to observe.

Soon, everyone found that they were safe, and they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They all looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng muttered and said: "Brothers, we are lucky. I guess the enemy camp was also harassed by vampire bats. We have two There are two choices, one is to spend the night here, and the other is to evacuate quickly while the enemy is in chaos."

"Let's withdraw, but in which direction shall we withdraw?" Xu Gang asked in a deep voice.

"Continue to walk in the planned direction and bypass the enemy camp." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"The possibility of exposure is high. After all, the enemy has not hurt us at all. Our whereabouts can be found through the position radar. The risk of evacuation is too high." Shi Qian reminded.

"There is a way." Luo Zheng looked at everyone seriously and analyzed: "It's true that the enemy can find us. Let's rest here for a while, confuse the enemy, recover our strength, and then withdraw in the middle of the night. The enemy is worried about our withdrawal and will definitely Arrange nearly half of our troops on guard duty, and they will all be exhausted by then. It will be relatively easy for us to retreat, and it is amazing that only the other half of the enemy will catch up."

"That's right. In this way, the enemy's strength advantage will be halved." Shi Qian agreed.

Everyone discussed for a while and felt that Luo Zheng's method was indeed feasible. Everyone ran and fought continuously, and the physical exertion was indeed not small. It would be good for everyone to rest before leaving. Luo Zheng asked everyone to sleep first, and he stayed to keep watch. Everyone knew that Luo Zheng Zheng's abilities were not polite, and they got into their sleeping bags to rest.

Luo Zheng sat cross-legged next to the bonfire, added some firewood to the bonfire to make the fire burn brighter, and then began to meditate and practice, and soon entered an ethereal state. In this state, Luo Zheng's five senses and six senses were more acute, and any danger approached. It can all be discovered in advance, but the mental state has been extremely relaxed and restored, and has the general effect of falling into a deep sleep.

Perhaps they were afraid of the terrifying dangers of the forest, or perhaps they discovered that Luo Zheng and others did not evacuate, and the enemy did not catch up. Time passed quietly, and the forest was as quiet as death. Only the occasional beeping sound of the campfire, and the beating of sparks, were released in the night sky. It danced like a Buddha fire spirit and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Silent night, silent forest, silent camp, everything is so quiet, the silence is a bit unreal, the thick night fills the surroundings, not a single star can be seen, the invisible pressure spreads, making people always It feels like there is a terrifying danger staring at you in the night, waiting to pounce on you when you are careless. This feeling is maddening. People with weak will will definitely be scared to death by this solemn night if they are immersed in this situation.

The horror of being in the dead silence of the night is beyond words. It’s as if the whole world is black, and you are the only one in this black world. Negative emotions such as helplessness, hesitation, fear, loneliness, etc. are rushing up, and you feel like you are going down. It is possible to die in a moment, and even if you move your body, you are afraid of disturbing the god of death in the dark. This feeling is unbearable for those with great perseverance.

Luo Zheng sat cross-legged quietly, fell into concentration according to the breathing method, entered an ethereal and selfless state, and was not affected by the dark world outside. Time gradually passed, and unknowingly, late at night, Luo Zheng slowly stopped the exercise, feeling that the whole Everyone felt much more refreshed and their physical strength was fully restored. He turned his hands and looked at his watch. It was already around two o'clock in the morning. This is the most sleepy time, and it is not easy to wake up people who are asleep.

When the time came, Luo Zheng looked around vigilantly. After confirming that there was no danger, he pushed Xu Gang and Tie Diao not far away. The two of them were sleeping alertly. They got up immediately and helped wake up the others. Everyone cleaned up and ignored them. The burning bonfire quickly evacuated with the equipment.

With the captured night vision goggles, it was much easier for everyone to walk. Considering that the enemy could surround them at any time, Luo Zheng asked everyone to run faster and seize the opportunity to stand out. After resting for a few hours, everyone's physical strength recovered a lot. The running speed was not slow, and it didn't take long to reach the outskirts of the enemy's camp.

At this time, everyone saw the enemy camp's lights flashing and a large number of people coming out of the camp. It was obvious that something was wrong. All of this was expected. Luo Zheng calmly observed the enemy camp for a few times and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, Follow me and go around." After saying that, he chose a direction and ran away at the lead.

Everyone ran closely behind Luo Zheng and went around from one side. The enemy did not expect everyone to break out in the middle of the night. In addition, they were worried about deadly threats such as vampire bats. All the troops were shrinking in the camp. In addition, the direction of everyone's detour Being far away, the enemy had no time to seal the opening, and the brothers successfully broke out.

The enemy chased after them unwillingly, firing shots from time to time. Luo Zheng and others couldn't help but look back, and suddenly found a dozen black shadows chasing after them like hungry wolves. The speed was very fast, and they couldn't help but take a bite. Shocked, Luo Zheng reminded in a deep voice: "It's a master. Let's retreat first and put some distance between ourselves and the enemy's main force."

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