The strongest soldier

Chapter 3528 Evacuate all the way

The dark night filled the entire mountainside, so dark that it was difficult to see even one's fingers. However, after intensive gunshots rang out, the bullets pierced the dark void, flashing with suffocating light, dazzling, glaring, and ruthless. The murderous aura seemed to set the entire night sky on fire.

Behind a big tree, Luo Zheng did not leave immediately after shooting. Instead, he stared at the target through the sight. He did not stop until the target fell to the ground, and shot him twice more, hitting the target in the head. , seeing that the target was motionless, and then confirming that the target was dead, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and quickly searched for other targets.

The enemy and we were fighting in a chaotic mess, and the sky was so dark that no one noticed Luo Zheng, who was making a deadly move. Luo Zheng hid on the spot and quickly glanced at the battle situation. The brothers and the enemy were shooting at each other, and the enemy's marksmanship was also unclear. It was so precise that the brothers who were fighting had to change their shooting positions. The battle was obviously getting heated from the beginning, and no one could do anything about the other for a while.

Luo Zheng snorted coldly and locked onto another target, but the opponent was hiding in a good position. After a few shots, he immediately retracted, making it difficult to capture. If you want to shoot such a vigilant target, you must master the opponent's attack pattern. Luo Zheng There was no rush, he observed patiently and became familiar with the opponent's firing pattern. At this time, footsteps came from behind. Luo Zheng was startled. He looked back and saw that it was an iron sculpture. He couldn't help but let it go. When he looked at the target again, he found that it had disappeared.

Tie Diao strode over, hid behind a big tree and said in a deep voice: "The enemy has very strong fighting ability. In addition, the main force is about to catch up. Ishii Sora is also back. Fight or retreat?"

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was shocked. It can be praised by Tie Diao, which shows that these people's fighting ability is indeed not simple. They are fast, strong in fighting, and their marksmanship is also very good in terms of combat. Which country are they from? As soon as the main force arrived, everyone was in trouble. Luo Zheng did not dare to neglect and quickly issued a retreat order.

After everyone received the order, they retreated decisively. The enemy pursued them, but they always kept a certain distance from everyone. Luo Zheng had no choice but to lead the troops to speed up the retreat and ran all the way. After about an hour, the enemy was always behind. Fortunately, the enemy The distance between the main force was completely widened. Luo Zheng found a place to ambush the enemy, but the dozen or so people behind him did not fall for the trick and always kept a certain distance. This result surprised Luo Zheng and he could not understand how the enemy discovered his intention. of.

"Could it be that this pursuer carries a portable radar that we are unfamiliar with?" Shi Qian said in surprise.

Everyone is convinced that the enemy's main force has been far away, and ordinary portable position radars cannot detect our location. Unless the pursuers behind them carry new portable radars that are unfamiliar to everyone, or other detection tools, it is impossible to detect our positions. Knowing the situation well, Luo Zheng looked at everyone and said: "The purpose of this enemy is very simple, which is to follow us closely and not directly conflict with us."

"Yeah, these dog-skin plasters are so annoying. They hit and don't hit, they walk and they don't walk, they hang behind. They are so annoying. We must find a way to get rid of these people, otherwise we will be very passive." Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

Everyone nodded. Being bitten by this group of enemies was too passive. There would be danger at any time. Luo Zheng thought for a while and observed the terrain. He suddenly heard a roaring sound in his ears. He couldn't help being startled. He looked carefully and distinguished it. It looked like a waterfall. , suddenly had an idea and said: "We have a solution, everyone, follow me."

Everyone didn't understand what Luo Zheng was planning, but they all followed closely. Half an hour later, everyone came to a hillside and saw a huge waterfall in front of them. Luo Zheng took out the captured flashlight and observed it. The waterfall was wide. It is more than 20 meters high and more than 100 meters high. It is surrounded by cliffs on both sides, and it is pitch black. There are two monsters guarding the waterfall. Below is a river. The river is fast, the water surface is more than ten meters wide, and the bottom is bottomless.

"Boss, what do you mean?" Shi Qian looked at this scene in surprise and said.

"Borrow water to escape. It doesn't matter if those dozen people catch up. Water escape is fast and can get rid of the enemy's main force. Then we can find a favorable terrain and have a good fight with those dozen people," said Brother Tie Diao. Those who have strong fighting skills should not be careless or act recklessly. Everyone, listen to my orders and jump into the river." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice and trotted forward.

Soon, Luo Zheng came to the edge of the river, removed the weapons and equipment and put them in his backpack. He even took off his combat uniform and combat boots and threw them into the backpack. The backpack was very waterproof. Luo Zheng held the backpack and directly Jumping into the river, others followed suit and jumped into the river to catch up with Luo Zheng.

Everyone was paddling down the river, holding their backpacks, and the speed was not slow. Luo Zheng looked at the dark mountains on both sides and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, this is the first time that we have been chased in such an embarrassing manner. This Revenge must be avenged. It’s okay if those people don’t come after me. If they do, they must be killed to release this evil spirit.”

"Yes, those bastards caused me to keep running for my life, and I almost became the food of vampire bats. This revenge must be avenged. However, those bastards have good fighting ability. In the previous battle, I planned to sneak attack on one person, but I didn't expect that the other party was very alert. He actually avoided my sneak attacks and ran away after a few fights. The opponent is not only fast and powerful, but also has rich moves and experience. He is a good opponent." Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

"I can fight you a few times and run away. The opponent is really not easy. Which country's army can this be? We have had contact with troops from various countries. We have never heard of any country having such powerful soldiers. Snow Bear Special Forces and Pot The Gaitou Special Forces can be regarded as a regular army with good combat effectiveness, but they are not so powerful. There is something strange about this unit. Could it be that they are not a regular army?" Xu Gang analyzed in a deep voice.

Everyone evacuated all the way, and there was no time to exchange the information and opinions they had. While they were going down the river, Xu Gang and Tie Diao expressed their thoughts. Luo Zheng's face became solemn after hearing this. He did not express his position immediately, but frowned. Mei Mei pondered, everyone fell silent, and thought about various possibilities. Ji Wu looked at everyone and suddenly said: "Are we overcomplicating the problem?"

"What do you mean?" Shi Qian asked curiously. Ji Wu usually didn't speak much, but he was very unique in looking at problems and everyone valued his opinions. Luo Zheng was no exception and looked at Ji Wu curiously.

"It doesn't matter which country they are from. Just kill as many as they come. It's very simple to find out their identities. Just see who can benefit most from stopping our competition. Whoever is the most likely to be the murderer." Ji Wu said in a deep voice.

From the perspective of conspiracy theories, any affairs are inseparable from conflicts of interest. Whoever benefits is the most suspicious. Everyone thought deeply about it, and Tie Diao said angrily: "It seems that many people have interests in killing us? For example, Polar Bear and Britain, maybe there is also a forbearing racing team, so it is difficult to find the real culprit."

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