The strongest soldier

Chapter 3474 Successfully Succeeded

The night was hazy, and the sea breeze was constantly shaking the woods on the isolated island. The branches were bent down by the blow. In the dark woods, Shi Qian kept jumping and running, as if he was not restricted by the night. Under the tactical goggles, everything around him was It became clear that Shi Qian, who had received special training, knew exactly how to run in such an environment. He rushed hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye.

Ten minutes later, Shi Qian arrived at the upwind position and stopped not far from a wooden house. He observed the surroundings vigilantly. It was quiet all around. Various unknown insects were chirping happily. The inside of the wooden house was dark. It was completely dark and nothing could be seen. When Shi Qian saw that there was no one around him, he suddenly became more courageous and rushed forward in a hurry. He raised his gun level and kept moving to aim at suspicious places. His whole body tensed up and he was ready for battle. .

A few minutes later, a strange cry suddenly came from the front. Shi Qian was startled, and quickly fell to the ground. He carefully observed the past. There was only a dark wooden house in front of him, and nothing could be seen. Shi Qian became confused, and suddenly that voice came out. The weird cry sounded again. Shi Qian heard it clearly this time and couldn't help but said in surprise: "Huh? Why is there a cow braying?"

Shi Qian observed for a while and saw no one coming, so he got up vigilantly and continued to rush forward. From time to time he glanced in the direction of the noisy camp. There was a commotion there. More people rushed out of the camp to search around. Shi Qian snorted coldly and said, "Come quickly." When they arrived near the wooden houses, they discovered that these wooden houses were actually cowsheds, with hundreds of calves being imprisoned in them. Luo Zheng was shocked. He couldn't understand why the enemy kept the calves here. This was a wind outlet. Aren't they afraid of the smell? In the past?

The unnatural phenomenon made Shi Qian startled and suspicious. He looked around and couldn't figure out why. He quickly put the problem aside and took out five incendiary bombs from his backpack. There was no one around, which couldn't be better. , while speaking through the headset: "Headquarters, I'm near the wooden house on the upwind side. The wooden house is a cowshed, and there are nearly a hundred calves in it. No one is guarding it."

"The cowshed, why do they keep the cows upwind? Aren't they afraid of the smell blowing into the camp? No matter, no one is the best. It's about four o'clock in the morning, and there are still two hours until dawn. We can still hold on. Ten minutes, the enemy will take over the radar in ten minutes. After all, they have many experts. You only have ten minutes." The tentacle monster's surprised voice sounded in the headset.

"Got it, burn him." The tentacle monster said excitedly, taking out the poisonous smoke pellets, and quickly threw the five incendiary bombs into the cowshed. There was a muffled sound, and the cowshed burned. Shi Qian threw the poisonous smoke pellets. When put into the fire, the fire will quickly burn the meatballs, forming a large plume of poisonous smoke, which is soundless and odorless and disperses in the wind.

After doing all this, Shi Qian breathed a sigh of relief. All he had to do was done. The next step depends on luck. Shi Qian calmly looked at the burning fire and the restless cattle. He had an idea and quickly rushed forward. He kicked open a fence gate with his foot, and without stopping, opened other fence gates one after another, allowing the cattle to rush out.

The calves in the cowshed that were ignited by the incendiary bomb rushed out in panic, but more cows did not move because it was too dark. Shi Qian opened all the fences and looked at the burning cowshed. The fire had already started. All the poisonous smoke must have blown away, and he couldn't help but look in the direction of the camp.

In the camp, a large number of enemies rushed over, and they had obviously discovered the burning cowshed. Shi Qian sneered, threw all the other poison pills into the fire, and used an assault rifle to shoot at the calf that was motionless in the cowshed. The bullets sprayed out wildly, causing the frightened calves to rush out of the cowshed and spread out their legs.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Shi Qian aimed at some calves that were hanging on and opened fire. The blood surged. More calves rushed out of the cowshed and rushed around, bleating in panic, and their hooves were flying. Already rushing into the woods, Shi Qian quickly changed the magazine and continued to fire at the calf that refused to leave.

Another magazine was empty, and all the calves rushed away. Shi Qian glanced at the enemies that had already rushed up, and all the bullets were fired in front of him. He did not dare to neglect, found a direction and rushed away, changing ammunition as he ran. He quickly rushed into the woods, driving a dozen calves in front of him and continued to rush forward.

When the pursuers rushed to the location of the fire, there was no trace of Shi Qian. In addition, the control of the radar had not yet been mastered and they did not know Shi Qian's location. These people had no choice but to quickly contact the headquarters and report the situation. Then, they just said a few words , these people fell to the ground one by one inexplicably.

Shi Qian, who was running, didn't know about this situation. After about five minutes, he saw a hillside in front of him and immediately opened fire on the calf. The calf was in danger of being killed, and they all broke out with terrifying speed and fled in all directions. But Shi Qian chased after him and beat him hard.

The calf soon couldn't run anymore. It neighed in grief and anger and rolled down the cliff. Shi Qian chased after it, jumped a few times and came to the bottom of the cliff. Looking at the calf that was about to die, he said guiltily: "Brother Cow, I'm sorry, in order to save my life, I can only wrong you. I will burn paper money for you when I have time. I hope you will join a good family in your next life, be a good person, and live a happy life."

With that said, Shi Qian took out the tiger-tooth saber from his backpack, opened the calf's chest and abdominal cavity in a few times, took out all the internal organs, threw it into the bushes, and then moved the calf's body away carefully. He got in and huddled up, hiding his whole body inside the calf.

In this way, even if the enemy regains control of the radar system, they will not be able to find Shi Qian's location. The radar can scan a wide range, but it can only scan the calf and cannot distinguish the people inside the calf. Shi Qian estimated that the time is just right. He immediately said through the headset: "Headquarters, I have already hidden myself in the calf, so there is no need to worry about radar problems."

"Good job, this is a good idea." The tentacle monster smiled.

"Brother Shi Qian, you can hide well from now on. It's our turn to appear. In two hours we will regain control of the radar. The nuclear submarine will also move closer to the island. We will regain control of the radar and go to a place under cover." Is it possible to sneak attack the position there and provide cover for the troops to land?" Luo Zheng's voice sounded in the headset, with a somewhat consultative tone.

According to regulations, Shi Qian has completed the task, and the next step is to lurk and standby. After two hours of fermentation of poisonous smoke and poisonous well water, I believe that a large number of enemies will be infected. It will be much easier to launch an attack by then, allowing Shi Qian to snatch a certain The position was considered a temporary mission. Shi Qian knew the consequences of being exposed when a large force landed on the island, so he didn't care too much. Instead, he said excitedly: "No problem, give me the coordinates, and I will ensure that the mission is completed and we will cover everyone's landing on the island."

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