The strongest soldier

Chapter 3473 Operation in the Night

The cold stars twinkled in the gray night sky, and the bright moon didn't know when it got into the clouds. The sky and the earth became a little dimmer. The sea breeze was gentle, and the isolated island in the vast sea was deathly silent. In a valley, a barracks was as bright as During the day, several patrol teams were on guard outside. The wolfdog occasionally looked in one direction and made a low hissing sound, and then continued to move forward. No one noticed that Shi Qian, who was lurking on the roof, was watching this scene vigilantly, with bright eyes. It's even more distinct at night.

After observing for a while, Shi Qian put on the tactical goggles in his hand and rushed in one direction. He had just rushed out about a hundred meters when suddenly the camp alarm sounded loudly, and many people with guns and ammunition rushed out of the barracks. The patrolling team outside He also rushed over and surrounded Shi Qian on all sides.

"Exposed?" Shi Qian was shocked and immediately realized that he had been exposed. Without the tentacle monster remotely controlling the enemy's radar, once the radar returned to normal operation, it would be easy to find Shi Qian running alone on the roof. It was really... It's so obvious. People are resting in the barracks in the middle of the night, or guarding and patrolling outside. They all have fixed positions. Who has nothing to do and runs to the roof? What is it but an enemy?

Exposure meant danger. Shi Qian knew that he didn't have much time left for him. Once he was surrounded, he would definitely die. He immediately accelerated towards another well. Because of the stealth suit, the enemy did not notice Shi Qian running on the roof. But knowing that Shi Qian was on the roof, they all aimed at the general area and started shooting while contacting the headquarters to determine Shi Qian's specific location.

But Shi Qian's speed was too fast. By the time the enemy knew the location, they had already run far away. He hurriedly crossed a row of roofs and jumped to another courtyard. He rushed to another well and took out the water that he had already taken out. He quickly threw the poison into the well and continued to rush forward without stopping. In this way, even if the enemy could not find out that he had done something in the well, he would definitely be discovered by radar once he stopped, which would arouse the enemy's suspicion.

After the poisoning was successful, Shi Qian did not dare to stay and rushed towards the training ground. There was an enemy coming from this direction. Shi Qian knew the importance of poisoning, so he risked his life and accelerated forward while whispering through the headset. : "Headquarters, I need remote support."

"Understood, immediately." The tentacle monster's voice rang in the headset. Soon, the tentacle monster said again: "Hacking the enemy's radar again, be careful next time."

"Understood." Shi Qian responded in a low voice, quickly rushed to the shadow of a barracks, and took a detour to the training ground. The action had been exposed, so there was no need to shrink back. The headquarters decisively cut off the enemy radar again to cover Shi Qian's actions. , without radar, Shi Qian's confidence increased greatly, and he hid in a corner with the help of his invisibility cloak, watching vigilantly the large number of enemies that were rushing up to kill him, motionless, as if he were a statue in the dark night.

The enemy who rushed up did not notice Shi Qian and continued to chase him forward. Shi Qian was overjoyed and rushed towards the training ground without hesitation. He hesitated with a bag on his back and a gun in his hand. These things could not be invisible, and soon His whereabouts were exposed, attracting a large number of enemies to pursue him.

"Da da da -" A dense barrage of bullets came at Shi Qian, who was so frightened that Shi Qian's face changed drastically. He couldn't help but speed up his steps a little, ran out of the standard bullet avoidance step, rushed to the well, threw the poison in, and... I forgot to take a look and made sure there was water below. The poison was like water and I quickly evacuated, rushing to one side.

More enemies surrounded him from all directions. Shi Qian did not panic. Instead, he accelerated and rushed in one direction without looking back. He couldn't afford to waste any second. The dense bullets were like rain, chasing Shi Qian's footsteps. If Shi Qian hadn't run fast enough and kept running back and forth irregularly, he would have been able to avoid the bullets this time. However, the situation became critical, and the night sky was filled with murderous aura and as cold as frost.

Fortunately, the open area outside the camp was not very large. The wind usually swept into the woods. It was much safer with the cover of the woods. Shi Qian kept moving and ran forward as fast as a rabbit, pulling out a beautiful path in the night. An arc, this roar was full of rhythm and movement, and disappeared deep into the dense forest in the blink of an eye.

A large number of pursuers rushed up. When they entered the woods and did not find Shi Qian, they became furious. Several leaders who looked like they contacted their superiors one after another to report the situation. After some negotiation, they split up and pursued for ten seconds. The target had not been seen for the past minute, and the headquarters radar had not returned to normal operation. This made the enemy realize that something big had happened, and more enemies came out of the barracks and scattered.

More than a thousand people disappeared into the woods, heading into the distance for an unknown purpose. Hundreds more people rushed out of the barracks and scattered in the surrounding defensive positions. They set up machine guns and waited. Immediately afterwards, a group of about 300 people The team quickly occupied the roof, with immature expressions on their faces. They were obviously young soldiers.

Even the young soldiers were dispatched, which showed how seriously the enemy took them. Unfortunately, Shi Qian, who was still running, didn't know it. He rushed out for more than 2,000 meters and then stopped quickly. He found the upwind direction and turned back to rush over. He just ran out. About a hundred meters away, I heard a large number of footsteps and the barking of wolves and dogs behind me. Knowing that the pursuers were coming, I didn't dare to neglect and continued to move forward at a faster speed.

Soon, Shi Qian saw a big tree in front of him. It had a dense crown and many trees around it. Another pursuer came out of the thorns. It was easy to encounter them. He had an idea and quickly rushed to the big tree. He took a look down and climbed up using his hands and feet. He quickly climbed up to the canopy of the tree and hid his body in the darkness.

Soon, the two pursuers met under the big tree and communicated for a while. Perhaps because the wolf dogs did not warn, the two teams split up and chased each other, leaving no one behind. Shi Qian secretly breathed a sigh of relief. , sighing at the usefulness of his master's products. The anti-dog medicine he sprayed just now is still very effective after all this time.

Since ancient times, thieves have been most afraid of dogs. Naturally, they have been the dogs that guard homes and homes. Therefore, thieves have invented potions to mask their body aura and deceive wolves and dogs. The achievements of door thieves in this regard are even more extreme. A little spray can completely By concealing the body's aura, even well-trained wolf dogs cannot detect it, thus avoiding the risk of exposure. Without radar, Shi Qian does not have to worry about being discovered by the enemy.

After the pursuers left, Shi Qian quickly continued running toward the upper entrance. If there was a radar, Shi Qian could easily be discovered alone. But now the enemy radar has been remotely hacked by Shi Qian, which has brought great harm to Shi Qian. With the convenience, a person runs wildly in the woods, like a lonely wolf king, fierce, brave and confident.

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