The strongest soldier

Chapter 3475 The camp is blown up

The valley camp became turbulent because of Shi Qian's actions. A large number of pursuers rushed in all directions. The pursuers who rushed to the cowshed area fainted and fell to the ground unconscious before waiting for the flaming wooden houses. This phenomenon made more people aware of the situation. Many pursuers rushed over to check the situation. More people fell to the ground. After all, they were well-trained elites. After discovering that something was wrong, the enemy did not rush up. Instead, they stood at the entrance of the camp and heavily guarded the area. All guns were aimed at the cowshed. direction, as if facing a formidable enemy.

While waiting in the cowshed, Shi Qian saw that his poisonous smoke had an effect. He was overjoyed and felt the wind direction. The sea breeze became stronger and he rushed into the camp. Shi Qian excitedly threw more poison pills into the fire and burned them. The poisonous smoke rushed into the camp with the wind. Not long after, Shi Qian vaguely saw that the enemies under martial law outside the camp also fainted and fell to the ground.

There are nearly a thousand enemies under martial law at the commanding heights of the surrounding mountains. In the commotion just now, the enemies sent out nearly a thousand people to rush around to check the situation. There are still nearly a thousand enemies stationed in the camp. If all these people are captured, Then the enemy's combat personnel will be reduced by one-third, which will be of great help in taking over the island.

Thinking of this, Shi Qian became excited, and without caring much, he threw all the poison pills on his body into the fire. In order to ensure the success of this operation, Shi Qian specially prepared a lot of poison pills. Facts have proved that it is necessary to be fully prepared. Wait. Within a few minutes, Shi Qian saw more people being knocked unconscious, and immediately said through the headset: "Headquarters, the enemy on the outer perimeter has been basically stunned. There are about 500 people. I will rush to the predetermined position immediately."

"Don't worry, have you seen the child soldiers?" Luo Zheng's voice sounded in the headset.

"No." Shi Qian replied quickly, staring ahead carefully.

"The poisonous smoke will definitely bring down all the enemies in the camp. You should find a way to go in and rescue people. Rescue Sora Ishii's son first to ensure his personal safety." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Thank you, thank you so much." Sora Ishii's voice sounded in the headset.

"Understood." Shi Qian agreed, looked in the direction of the camp, gritted his teeth, and quickly rushed forward with his gun in hand. This was very dangerous. The terrain in front of the camp was wide and the view was unobstructed. If there were any enemies who had not been stunned by the poisonous smoke, Shi Qian who rushed forward was like a living target and was bound to die. However, in order to save others, Shi Qian decided to take a chance.

While running, Shi Qian didn't see the enemy fire. He guessed that the enemies outside the camp were already stunned, and the people inside were not much better. His pride suddenly increased, and he speeded up. He was about to rush to the gate of the camp. Suddenly, I saw alarms blaring loudly in the camp, and then I saw a large number of enemies rushing out of the camp from behind and heading straight for the mountains, moving in a hurry.

"Huh? You want to run?" Shi Qian was surprised. He guessed that the enemy must have sensed the poisonous smoke, so he quickly evacuated the camp. Shi Qian did not dare to neglect, and rushed into the camp at high speed. He saw young soldiers and baby soldiers also retreating. , suddenly became anxious and hurriedly chased after them. Once these people retreated into the forest, it would be difficult to deal with them.

While running, Shi Qian quickly reported the situation to the headquarters. Luo Zheng did not expect the enemy to abandon the camp so quickly. Did the enemy already know the power of the poisonous smoke? After thinking about it, he was not sure why the enemy abandoned the camp so quickly. It was a base area. He immediately said in a deep voice: "This is a good thing. After leaving the camp, their supplies and equipment will be limited, and many things cannot be taken away. You try it and see. Can you find the enemy’s computer?”

"Understood." Shi Qian said in a deep voice. Computers are an important carrier for storing information. If they can be found, they might be able to obtain more information. Shi Qian accelerated and rushed in. Suddenly, there was a series of explosions in front of him. The explosions started from The back door spread toward the front door at a terrifying speed. Countless barracks were blown up into the sky, everything around them was razed to the ground, and the shock wave of the explosion sent countless debris flying all over the sky.

"Not good." Shi Qian was shocked. Such a big explosion must have been premeditated. After the enemy realized that the island was undefendable, they simply blew it up without leaving anything behind for the opponent. Such a big explosion would shatter everything. Shi Qian It felt like the space was distorted, as if the world was about to collapse, and the shock wave could be felt from a long distance away. He was suddenly horrified, turned around, spread his legs and ran back.

Faced with such a big explosion, the entire camp was in ruins. No one was spared. Not running meant waiting for death. Shi Qian didn't even think about looking back. He rushed with all his strength, and soon felt the shock wave behind him getting stronger and stronger. , seeing that it was about to explode near him, he suddenly panicked and kept searching the surroundings with his eyes.

Faced with such a series of big explosions, there was no place to hide in the entire camp, and all the houses would be blown to pieces. Shi Qian became anxious. Is it possible that he would die here? While running, I suddenly saw the well in the training ground out of the corner of my anxious eye. I was overjoyed and rushed over without hesitation and jumped in.

The well water was about ten meters deep before it reached the water level. Shi Qian felt that his body was falling sharply. Before he could react, he got into the water again. He quickly held his breath, tightened his whole body, and curled up in a ball, like water. After a few meters, Shi Qian felt that the force of his body's falling disappeared and his body began to float up.

Surfacing at this time was tantamount to seeking death. Luo Zheng was not sure what the explosion shock wave would do to the well. He quickly touched the stone wall of the well and grabbed a protrusion in a panic. It felt like a stone. He quickly held on and controlled his body not to float. Look towards the wellhead.

Wearing tactical goggles on his eyes, the tactical goggles have a certain waterproof function and strong night vision function. When Shi Qian looked up, he saw a large number of red lights rushing towards the wellhead, with a fierce momentum, and some stones at the wellhead. The soil fell down one after another and hit the well, making a thumping sound.

Fortunately, the rocks and soil were not large in size, so the falling momentum weakened after falling into the water. They fell from Shi Qian one after another, and some hit Shi Qian. The momentum was limited, but they could not hurt Shi Qian. After waiting for about two minutes, Shi Qian I felt like I couldn't hold my breath anymore. Fortunately, there was no red light from the explosion at the well's mouth. The explosion outside seemed to have stopped, and no movement could be seen. Shi Qian quickly surfaced.

Sure enough, no explosions were heard outside. Shi Qian was overjoyed. He looked at the wall of the well. There were protrusions everywhere for people to climb up. It was estimated that they were left by the people who dug the well. The well was relatively large. Shi Qian held it with both hands. Stay on one side, support the other side with both feet, stand horizontally, and slowly move up.

In about three minutes, Shi Qian climbed up to the well. He was not in a hurry to go up, but looked out to observe. He was shocked when he saw that the camp was filled with soaring flames, and all the camps were razed to the ground. Ruins, where is the orderliness that existed before? What a horrific explosion. How many explosives would have to be buried?

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