The strongest soldier

Chapter 3452 A strange ending

There is no small matter in the game between great powers, and any abnormal situation deserves attention. Although the current enemy is the Dark Church, not the Kingdom of Sam, the Kingdom of Sam and the Dark Church have an unusual relationship. One can see the whole thing at a glance. One day has passed, and everything has changed. It was normal, but it was very unreasonable. Luo Zheng didn't dare to be careless at all, so he had no choice but to come up with the idea of ​​​​Sam Country without any clues.

Half an hour later, news came from Xuelian that none of Sam's aircraft carrier battle groups had entered the first level of combat readiness. As usual, there was nothing unusual about the polar bears in the north. Luo Zheng did not doubt Xuelian's information reconnaissance ability at all. I pondered the news.

If Sam's recent aircraft carrier battle group quietly enters combat, it means they already know something. If Polar Bear secretly sends troops to the border, it also means they are preparing for something. Now there is nothing, which makes Luo Zheng fall into confusion again.

"There is no abnormality at all, what does this mean?" Wu Jin said bluntly curiously: "Once the aircraft launches a sneak attack, we can also accidentally bomb the Sam Country if we find the opportunity. The Sam Country cannot have thought of this, nor It’s impossible not to make preparations unless they know that the Dark Church will not come for a sneak attack.”

"Won't they come for a sneak attack?" Chen Si, the think tank, was surprised for a moment and said in agreement: "With the relationship between the Dark Church and Sam's country, they will definitely be notified if there is a sneak attack. It is very reasonable for the leader to check their abnormal behavior. After all, it is Bullets have no eyes, so they cannot make any preparations unless they know that the Dark Church will not attack."

"There is another possibility, that is, the enemy guessed that we would track them down, so they simply did nothing to confuse our judgment. With the response capabilities of the Sam Aircraft Carrier Battle Group, it only takes a few minutes to enter a state of combat readiness and do a good job Prepare for battle." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"It makes some sense." Wu Jin agreed, looking at the dark night sky and continued angrily: "These damn bastards are coming and not coming, so just don't come."

"Don't come? That's impossible. They don't want the biological bomb data? Once the seminar is over and we find the materials to develop biological bombs, it will definitely be a fatal blow to the Dark Church. They can't not consider the consequences." Think Tank Said in a deep voice.

At this time, a person in front slowly came over, using a flashlight. When he got closer, he realized that it was a snow leopard. Luo Zheng asked, and the snow leopard replied angrily: "Everything is normal, what's going on? Just wait like this, It’s too torturous, don’t they want to deliberately torture our spirits and wait until we are exhausted before attacking suddenly?”

"There is still one day tomorrow. We will withdraw at dusk. We can bear this time and there is no way we will be exhausted." The think tank reminded.

"Yes, then what do they want to do?" Snow Leopard said dissatisfied.

No one knew what the Dark Church wanted to do, and no one dared to relax at all. The aircraft came at any time and drove at an incredible speed. Any carelessness may lead to the annihilation of everyone on Crab Island. The think tank suddenly whispered: " Boss, could it be that their aircraft was damaged by us? Didn’t Guishou say they saw black smoke coming out of the aircraft?"

"The aircraft was probably very damaged. It's hard to tell how serious the damage is. But the Dark Church has two aircraft, one is damaged and the other is damaged. It's impossible for them not to come for such an important thing." Snow Leopard analyzed in a deep voice. road.

Luo Zheng nodded noncommittally. Everyone analyzed various possibilities sentence by sentence, and then they were overturned by everyone. Time passed by, and unknowingly, it was dawn, and he watched the rising red sun jump out of the horizon. , the morning glow dispersed the night, Luo Zheng's face became darker and darker, his brows furrowed.

The day passed so peacefully. It was incredibly quiet. Things were so abnormal. There was only one day left for the enemy. Everyone was about to evacuate at dusk. Luo Zheng cheered up and reminded through the headset: "Everyone." Units, please pay attention and remind us that the enemy may have deliberately not come on the first day and gave us a wrong judgment. There is still one day left, so we must hold on and not give the enemy any chance."

"Understood." Contact persons from the navy, army, air force, rocket force and headquarters responded one after another.

The morning glow fell on the rolling blue waves, exuding sparkling luster. A whale emerged from the water, sprayed water jets and played for a while, then went into the depths of the sea. The sky was blue and the white clouds were long. Everything was so It was so beautiful, so calm, but Luo Zheng became more and more nervous. The calmer it was, the more dangerous it was. He cheered up and asked his brothers to give him some breakfast. At the same time, he contacted various parties and asked for some details, trying to find out from them. There were some clues, but unfortunately nothing was gained.

The meeting was still going on normally. Everything was normal. Everyone was waiting patiently. This feeling of waiting for danger to come was very uncomfortable. There was a scar as big as a bowl on the head. Whether death came or not, everyone's heart was always so tense. I feel depressed, crazy, and wish I could have a big fight.

Time passed slowly minute by minute, and the torment of waiting deeply tortured Luo Zheng's heart. The feeling of living like a year made everyone irritated. Luo Zheng knew that if this continued, they would all collapse, but the enemy was in the dark, and he had no initiative. In the hands of the enemy, there is no way to change, but to endure this torture silently.

Unknowingly, it was noon. After lunch, everyone gathered under the sun umbrella to chat and relax their nervousness. Luo Zheng contacted various parties from time to time, and what he got was the same calm as always. Luo Zheng even thought again, could the enemy Can't we wait until the last minute?

The sultry weather, the hot sea breeze, nervous emotions, and tense nerves all made everyone irritable. If they were not calm enough and had strong willpower, they would go crazy. Luo Zheng looked at the rolling waves on the vast sea, Looking at the sun gradually setting in the west, I feel extremely affectionate and dignified.

Time finally arrived at dusk, and the meeting adjourned. Snow Leopard immediately organized the brothers to pick up the delegates and evacuate them as planned. Armed transport planes quickly took off and took the delegates away. The staff also landed on the cruise ship to prepare for the evacuation. The two warships were also launched. Luo Zheng watched this scene silently, without any joy. He always felt that something was wrong. It was related to the biological bomb of the Dark Church. There was no reason for it to end so smoothly.

"Not coming? It's over like this? Isn't it?" Wu Jin also stared at the armed transport helicopter gradually leaving and the cruise ship preparing to set sail, and said with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Whatever, brothers have already boarded the ship, we have to evacuate." Snow Leopard reminded from the side.

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