The strongest soldier

Chapter 3451 Jing’s Abnormality

The intuition of a veteran on the battlefield is accurate. Luo Zheng's words were like a splash of cold water, which made everyone's hearts freeze instantly, as if they had been hit by wind and frost. Everyone's good spirits dropped, and they looked at Luo Zheng in shock. Zheng, his eyes were full of curiosity, Luo Zheng didn't explain much, but looked at the vast sea, the rolling waves, thinking in silence, his expression as solemn as frost.

Time slowly passed, and the sea breeze became stronger, rolling in waves and crashing into the crab island like a risk of death. It made a rumbling sound and splashed water, like fireworks blooming in the night sky. It was really beautiful and empty. Not even a small sampan can be seen on the sea, let alone a nuclear submarine. The sky is as blue as a wash, and nothing can be seen except the white clouds passing by.

Everyone was silent, thinking about their thoughts. After a while, no danger came. Luo Zheng suddenly said: "Snow Leopard, let the brothers in the hotel bring up a sun umbrella and some fruit drinks. We have to Just wait here. If any of you are asked to go down to rest, I guess you won’t be willing to leave, so just rest here.”

"Good idea." Wu Jin agreed.

Snow Leopard agreed and went to make arrangements. The enemy would appear at any time. No one would hide in the hotel to rest, and they could not calm down to rest. After waiting for a while, someone brought a sun umbrella and some fruit drinks. Everyone was too lazy to ask for a stool, so they just Sitting on the ground, the midday sun was too hot, so it was much better to have a sun umbrella to shade me.

Everyone rested for a while, but still no enemy attacks were seen, and no unusual news came from the border. Everything was quiet, and the silence made everyone feel confused. They wished that the enemy would come directly, and everyone set up their posture and fucked hard. Fight, whether it's life or death, just have fun.

Lunch time was as peaceful as ever. A brother brought food, and everyone ate randomly on the top of the mountain. They continued chatting and waited for the enemy to attack. However, no one came until dusk. Everyone felt that something was strange, and the storm The silence before the arrival was the most heart-wrenching. Everyone spoke less and less, and finally fell silent altogether.

It was getting dark and everyone had finished dinner. Wu Jin looked at Luo Zheng and said, "Brother, the situation is very strange. It seems that the enemy wants to sneak attack at night. Night battles are very troublesome."

"Yes, although we are well prepared for night battles, we still hope that the enemy will come during the day, but it doesn't matter. Brothers take turns, and their mental state is not a big problem." Snow Leopard said in a deep voice.

"This is the only way, I'm afraid it won't be quiet tonight." Luo Zheng said thoughtfully while looking at the vast sea.

"The enemy is coming in the middle of the night, and there is still some time. Why don't you go to sleep first, and I'll keep watch and call you if you need anything. It's not good to spend so much time waiting. You won't have any energy by then." Wu Jin suggested.

Luo Zheng thought it was reasonable, so he asked someone to bring a mat, and he found a place to lay it down and lay down to rest. The enemy appeared at any time and he couldn't fall asleep at all. Luo Zheng had to force himself to sleep. He was in a daze and didn't know how long it had been. , suddenly felt something falling on his face, woke up with a start, and found that it was raining. Wu Jin was holding a sun umbrella to protect himself from the rain, so he got up, turned his hands to look at his watch and said in a deep voice: "How can I be so asleep?" Long?"

"Yes, seeing that you were sleeping deeply and nothing happened, I didn't wake you up. It's already been three days in the morning. If the enemy wanted to attack, they should be here. But ten minutes ago, there was news of safety from all sides. It's strange, where can these bastards sing? This kind of passive waiting is too frustrating." The think tank said in a deep voice beside him.

"Where's the Snow Leopard?" Luo Zheng asked curiously when he saw that the Snow Leopard was not there.

"I went to check the firepower point five minutes ago, just in case." The think tank explained.

Luo Zheng nodded, rubbed his face a few times to wake himself up, and looked at the dark sea around him. The vast night sky was as deep as ink, and thin rain fell down, hitting his face with a cold chill. The sea breeze stirred up waves and continued Knocking on the crab island, there was a squeaking sound. Apart from that, there was nothing around and nothing could be seen. Luo Zheng became surprised. It was already this time. If the enemy wanted to attack, he should have arrived. This was singing. Where did it come from?

"It's so calm that it's scary." Wu Jin held up the parasol and handed a headset to Luo Zheng, explaining: "It fell off when you were sleeping. Seeing that you were sleeping soundly, I couldn't bear to disturb you, so I helped you. You put it away."

Only then did Luo Zheng realize that he had dropped his headset while sleeping. He took it and put it on and asked in a deep voice, "It's me, reporting on the situation from all sides. It's so quiet this night."

"Everything is normal at all borders and nothing has been discovered." The voice of the Army liaison officer sounded in the headset.

"It's very quiet at sea and under the sea. It's unusually quiet." The naval liaison officer also said.

"Our reconnaissance aircraft did not find anything, everything is normal." The Air Force liaison also said.

"We have not found any abnormalities and continue to maintain combat status." said the Rocket Force liaison officer.

"No abnormalities were found in any satellites. Civilian, military and espionage satellites have not harvested anything. Everything is as usual. Also, the mole has been found and some adjustments have been made to the satellite operations. It is impossible for the enemy to grasp this so quickly. Nothing was found in any of these situations, and things are indeed weird." Lan Xing's voice sounded in the headset, showing deep worry and curiosity.

"Continue to monitor." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes." All parties responded in a deep voice. In extraordinary times, when it comes to national honor and image, no one dares to be careless.

Luo Zheng looked at the dark night sky in the distance and meditated. He let the rain fall on his body without realizing it. It was too quiet. It was so quiet that it made people panic. If something goes wrong, it would be a monster. After thinking for a moment, Luo Zheng suddenly said: "Headquarters? "

"Yes." Lan Xing's voice sounded in the headset.

"Inform Sister-in-law Xuelian to closely monitor Sam Country and Polar Bear Country to see if there is any abnormal behavior. If you find any clues, report them to me immediately." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Did they behave abnormally?" Lanxing asked in surprise, somewhat confused about Luo Zheng's intentions.

"The main thing is to monitor their military actions to see if Sam State's aircraft carriers are in a state of war preparation, especially the aircraft carriers close to us. If the enemy attacks, we will definitely fight back. It is impossible for Sam State's aircraft carriers to be close to our aircraft carriers without being nervous. No We are worried that we will seize the opportunity to deal with it. Assuming that the aircraft carriers of Sam State approaching us are already in a state of combat readiness, I am afraid there is a problem here. Looking at the polar bears to the north of us, if we secretly send troops to the border, I am afraid something will be wrong." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. warned.

"Yes." Lan Xing suddenly understood and quickly agreed.

"What are you worried about?" Wu Jin next to him couldn't help but asked in surprise when he heard Luo Zheng's order.

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