The strongest soldier

Chapter 3453 Shocking News

The meeting went extremely smoothly, and it was so smooth that it kept people awake at night. After returning to the headquarters, Luo Zheng did not go home. Instead, he sat quietly on the sofa in the office, put his mobile phone on the coffee table, and stared at the moonlight outside the window. I can’t understand why the enemy didn’t launch a sneak attack? Why did this meeting go so well? I couldn't help but glance at my phone from time to time. There was no movement on my phone, which meant that no problems were found in any subsequent follow-up.

That night, Luo Zheng just sat in the office looking at the moon outside the window in a daze, leaning motionless on the sofa. The brothers were cooperating with other departments to deal with the aftermath, such as protecting the participants. According to regulations, everyone will be sent to board the plane tomorrow morning. This matter is not over until we leave, and we have to ensure everyone's safety tonight; another example is assisting the National Security and Public Security Bureau in searching the city, trying to find something.

As the commander-in-chief, Luo Zheng did not personally participate in the specific work. Instead, he sat quietly in the office and waited. If there was any news, he would call as soon as possible. However, the phone was lying on the coffee table without any movement. Luo Zheng did not want any movement on the phone. , because it means something happened, but if there is some movement, at least it means that the Dark Church is taking action. This lack of movement makes Luo Zheng crazy, as if the enemy is lurking around him, but there is no trace.

Time passed by, the sky gradually became brighter, and there was still no news from all aspects. This meant that everyone was going well. This unreal feeling made Luo Zheng even more nervous. He had not slept all night, and was extremely nervous. , his eyes were red and bloodshot, Luo Zheng still leaned on the sofa and sat quietly, thinking about various possibilities of the Dark Church doing this, but he was overthrown by himself.

The biological bomb data is extraordinary. It is a treasure that the Dark Church has researched with great difficulty. It is impossible not to snatch it back. Why is there no movement? Are there more important things holding you back? Or is there a replacement that is no longer needed? Or is there another conspiracy? What will happen?

Countless greetings were swirling in Luo Zheng's mind, and he couldn't think of an answer all night. This feeling of not being able to grasp anything was very uncomfortable. After waiting for a while, someone's footsteps came from outside, followed by a knock on the door, Lan Xing pushed the door open and came in, carrying some food such as steamed buns and soy milk in his hand. He smiled enthusiastically and said: "Brother-in-law, my sister said that you might not be able to sleep all night. Sure enough, you are in the office. Eat something first. Think about it after you finish." ."

"I don't want to think about it anymore. It's just a matter of soldiers coming to cover up the water and the earth. It's always a good thing that the meeting can be held smoothly." Luo Zheng's confused eyes gradually became more lively. He stood up slowly and moved his keys with a wry smile. He glanced at the rich breakfast and said with a wry smile. You're welcome, go to the bathroom to freshen up first, then go back to the sofa and sit down to eat.

"Sister said, let Qingqing help take care of her life after she is gone. I will tell her later, that girl is still young and can't take care of herself. I don't know if I can take care of your life? I have to remind her from time to time. , My sister also said, don’t run home if you don’t have time during this period. She is very good, and the family is also very good. Brother-in-law, will you be happy to find a wife as good as my sister?" Lan Xing said with a smile.

"Of course, marrying your sister is the best victory I have ever had in my life." Luo Zheng said with a smile. Thinking of Lan Xue, he felt much better and swallowed a bun in two or two mouthfuls.

"It's good to know. In the past, when my sister was by your side, you had to discuss everything personally. Now that my sister is at home and expecting a baby, you can come to me if you need anything. I am your smart and lovely sister-in-law. I am definitely not as good as my sister in fighting, but I still have some of my own abilities in other aspects. insights, right?" Blue Star said with a smile, a strange expression on his face.

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed casually, but knowing that his sister-in-law was very eccentric, she dared to say anything when joking, and she was also good at teasing others, so she quickly changed the subject and asked: "By the way, What is the situation in all aspects? Have you found any suspicious clues?"

"No." Lan Xing became serious as soon as he talked about work and quickly agreed.

The two chatted casually for a while. After breakfast, Lan Xing picked up the mess and left. Luo Zheng looked at his watch, put on his headset and talked to various liaison personnel. After confirming that nothing was found, he became more confused and sat quietly. After a while, the command center sent a message through the headset that the convoy to escort the participants out had been sent out. Police cars were clearing the way, roads were closed, martial law was enforced, and there were helicopter escorts. The team was huge and security was tight.

About half an hour later, the think tank in charge of the work at the airport called and said everything was normal. Participants began to board the plane one after another. Because they came from different countries, their return flights were also different, but no abnormality was found. The airport had People from the Public Security Bureau, National Security Bureau and the Crime Bureau were closely monitoring the situation, and Luo Zheng believed there would be no problems.

Things were as Luo Zheng expected. Under strict protection measures, everyone boarded different flights within two hours, and the flights took off smoothly. From then on, everyone's safety was no longer the responsibility of the Secret Bureau, and the seminar was considered It's over.

Although the mission ended successfully and there was no substantial armed conflict, the brothers were highly nervous and very tired. Luo Zheng simply gave everyone a half-day holiday and went to Mr. Li's courtyard to report the whole incident. , because it went smoothly, it did not achieve the preset counterattack purpose, did not shoot down the aircraft, and severely damaged the enemy's armed forces. Both of them were very sorry and sighed. Mr. Li also couldn't understand why the enemy didn't come? After chatting for a few words, Luo Zheng left and went home to be with his family.

The next afternoon, Luo Zheng returned to the headquarters and immediately convened a meeting with the heads of relevant departments. The summary afterwards was as expected. The counterattack plan seemed to have failed. Everyone was waiting in the conference room early. Seeing Luo Zheng coming, they all stood up to greet them. Luo Zheng didn't like false courtesy, so he made a gesture for everyone to sit down. He hurriedly took a few steps to the main seat and sat down. He looked at everyone and said, "Everyone, this counterattack plan went well. It’s unbelievable and unreal. Objectively speaking, we failed and did not achieve the expected goal. Everyone, please share your opinions.”

"Let me tell you first." Dongfang Ling looked at everyone and said with a smile: "I am engaged in scientific research. I don't understand case analysis, military situation judgment, tactical deduction, etc. There are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with. After I finish speaking, Let’s go, okay?”

His words aroused good-natured laughter from everyone. Luo Zheng nodded helplessly. There was nothing he could do about this scientific research madman. Dongfang Ling saw Luo Zheng nodded and said happily: "We still gained something from the seminar. At least we found a biological bomb. It can be considered a breakthrough in the direction of the required materials.”

"Report!" Suddenly Lan Xing's urgent voice sounded, interrupting Dongfang Ling's words. Regardless of being rude, Lan Xing looked at Luo Zheng and said quickly with a solemn face: "Boss, we just received an emergency situation from the diplomatic department. , all the delegates who attended the seminar have disappeared.”

"What?" Luo Zheng was startled, suddenly thought of something, looked at Lan Xing with a shocked face, and was stunned.

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