The strongest soldier

Chapter 321 There’s Someone on the Lake Shore

When everyone heard the news, their faces suddenly became solemn. The moonlight fell on everyone like water, illuminating everyone's murderous faces. They looked at Luo Zheng with firm eyes. Luo Zheng also had a heavy face. He pondered for a moment and looked at everyone. There was a hint of determination in Sen Leng's eyes, and everyone knew Luo Zheng's choice. They couldn't help but look at the lake in the distance, and their eyes turned pale with worry.

"Everyone, the most dangerous place on the battlefield is the safest. Unless you fight the enemy, you can only hide in the reeds. There are many dangers in the reeds. I want to hear your opinions on how you choose." Luo Zheng said calmly. He said, his eyes sincerely swept across everyone's faces one by one, and finally landed on Lan Xue's face.

"It's up to you." Lan Xue chose to continue to maintain Luo Zheng's prestige, and everyone also said they would listen to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng was very aware of the dangers of the lake, but if he didn't hide in it, he would have a clear view around him and there would be no place to hide. He would be hunted down. He chose the lesser of two evils. He made a decision in his heart and said immediately: "Let's go."

Everyone stood up with firm eyes and were about to walk forward. Suddenly, Luo Zheng saw a flash of light. He couldn't help but was startled. He quickly motioned for everyone to squat down and raised the sniper scope to observe vigilantly. Lan Xue asked in a low voice. "What's wrong?" Others also looked at Luo Zheng with curiosity on their faces.

"There seems to be someone hiding in the lake. I seemed to have seen the reflection of the sniper scope just now. Please wait a moment." Luo Zheng observed carefully and answered everyone's questions softly. No suspicious person was found, but he did not dare to be careless and continued in a low voice. : "Let's go along the edge of the bush and enter the woods."

Everyone was even more curious when they saw that Luo Zheng was not going to the lake. But now was not the time to ask. They took two steps forward and saw that Luo Zheng did not move. They all looked back curiously and found that Luo Zheng was laying mines. They couldn't help but feel excited. Shocked, Lan Xue asked: "What are you doing?"

"The pursuers will definitely follow the route here. As soon as the bomb goes off, the pursuers will definitely think that we are hiding around, and the people on the lakeshore will think that we are exposed, and they might fight. Even if we don't fight, the pursuers will We will also scout around and pay attention to the lake shore. If the pursuer commander is smart, he may patrol the lake shore, and we can just act according to the situation." Luo Zheng explained in a low voice, while busy.

Soon, Luo Zheng buried the mines, and everyone ran to one side quickly, like cheetahs. Taking advantage of the cover of the bushes, a few rabbits came to the woods. Luo Zheng did not dare to stop and signaled everyone to continue on their way. He ran to the middle of the woods in one breath, stopped next to a few big trees, spread out, squatted down carefully, held the gun flat on his shoulder, and searched the surroundings vigilantly.

Luo Zheng observed for a while and found nothing unusual. He breathed a sigh of relief. A doubt slowly crept into his mind. He couldn't help but lower his voice and said: "Brothers, the Sam Country did not attack the headquarters directly. Instead, they chose to lead other teams to ambush the Wolf King. , this situation is very special, what do you think?"

"Perhaps they also feel that there is no one in the headquarters, so they want to kill as many of the Wolf King's people as possible to gain points? With so many people surrounding the headquarters of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, as long as you are not stupid, you should be able to imagine that the Wolf King is not in the headquarters. The person who hunts the Wolf King and attracts the Wolf King is also an idea." Lan Xue said in a low voice.

"Yes, the choice of the Wolf King is very strange. He actually sent a heavy army to chase the team, and the prey turned into a hunter. It seems that he must have something to rely on." Ghost Hand also said softly, watching the surroundings with vigilant eyes, as if it was dark night Cheetah looking for food.

"His reliance should be on mobilizing all the elites, 300 elites and nearly 1,000 armed forces. The total number of our competition teams is only more than 400. Together, we still have the power to fight. However, after the battle just now, I think, Each team will realize that the Wolf King has become stronger, and more people may join forces. What should we do next?" Lan Xue whispered.

"Boom!" An explosion sounded, tearing the silence of the night. Everyone's expressions froze, and they all looked up. Unfortunately, the distance was far away, and there were many trees in the middle. It was difficult to see clearly. Luo Zheng whispered: "It should be The enemy is chasing us. If there is no fighting within three minutes, it means that the pursuers did not pay attention to the situation on the lake shore. Our situation is worrying and we must evacuate. Please wait a moment and I will go take a look." He said and walked forward. go.

Just a few steps away, there was a burst of intensive gunfire in front. Everyone was startled and exchanged glances with each other. Luo Zheng motioned for everyone to walk out of the woods. The sound of gunfire meant that the two sides were at war and everyone was safe for the time being. , it’s not a big problem to go out and take a look at the situation.

When they came outside the woods, everyone saw countless people rushing out of the bushes and rushing towards the lake shore. At this time, the sound of sniper rifles kept ringing from the lake shore, and the terrifying sniper bullets tore through the space, emitting a death-like sound. Roaring, the people who rushed out of the bushes were instantly killed. Several of them fell to the ground without any injuries, howling and screaming. The terrifying sound filled the entire night sky, making it creepy.

Luo Zheng looked through the sniper scope and saw four lines of fire hidden in the reeds on the lake shore. Although each line of fire kept changing its shooting position, Luo Zheng was sure of his judgment and couldn't help but be surprised. According to the requirements of the competition, each team had five lines of fire. There can be no more or less individuals. Why are there only four people on the other side? Is there anyone else hiding in the cold?

"Why are there only four?" Lan Xue also noticed the abnormality and whispered.

"Yes, shouldn't there be five?" The mountain eagle also agreed.

"Four?" Luo Zheng's mind was full of doubts. He suddenly thought of something and was startled. He immediately said, "Is it the Alpha Special Forces of the Polar Bear Country? Do you still remember the bald man we killed?"

Everyone was shocked and reacted immediately. Lan Xue said: "It may be the Alpha Special Forces. According to the data, this team is all snipers. But why didn't they attack the Wolf King's headquarters?"

"It seems that these guys should know some information and know that the wild wolf mercenaries are not easy to deal with. They have the same calculation as us and find a place to hide first. Then they will reap the benefits of the fishermen. If everyone thinks so, then this The headquarters of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group may be empty now." Luo Zheng said, his eyes full of wisdom.

"That makes sense. The Wolf King is keeping the enemy at bay, sending out all his heavy troops to chase down the racing teams. The headquarters should be empty right now. Maybe the Wolf King is remotely commanding from the headquarters. Of course, it's also possible that thousands of troops have been sent out. The three thousand elite militants have not moved yet." Lan Xue analyzed.

"I plan to attack the headquarters, what do you think?" Luo Zheng said, murderous intent rising.

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