The strongest soldier

Chapter 322 Rescue

Everyone was startled by Luo Zheng's murderous words and looked at Luo Zheng with surprise. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and explained: "The current situation is that the Wolf King's people are hunting the team outside, and they are coming. It's so fierce that we can't fight again and again, and it's uncomfortable to retreat. There are only two ways. Either according to the prior agreement, we find a place to hide and wait until everyone is almost done fighting before coming out. Or we can sneak attack the Wolf King's headquarters to see if there are any. Chance."

"What you said makes sense. Several teams from the Sam National League can't beat the Wolf King, and it's even more impossible for the five of us. The four snipers on the lake shore seem to have the upper hand at the moment. It won't take long for them to be defeated. Okay, let alone the snipers among the pursuers who come to help. Once the pursuers disperse and enter the shooting range, they will be very passive and can only retreat. Keep hiding is not an option. Go straight to the headquarters and see if there is any chance. Why not?" Lan Xue whispered coldly, her eyes becoming serious as she looked towards the lake shore.

Soon, everyone discovered that the pursuers had dispersed and were charging forward carefully. Under the cover of alternating firepower, the advance was not slow, which brought huge pressure to the people on the lake shore. It was only a matter of time before they retreated. Everyone expressed their agreement with Luo Zheng's proposal.

Luo Zheng spread out the map and compared it. After confirming his position, he strode towards the Wolf King's headquarters with a firm gaze and took the lead. The others fell behind and watched around vigilantly, not daring to be careless in the slightest. After passing the woods, there are undulating hillsides ahead. The hillsides are not big. From a distance, they look like waves. Under the moonlight, the scenery is very charming.

Everyone continued on their way. The terrain was flat and covered with green grass. It was clear at a glance. Under the moonlight, without even using night vision goggles, the team walked smoothly. About an hour later, gunshots were heard from ahead. Everyone was startled and stopped. , kneeling on guard, Luo Zheng looked at the front, which was blurry, and whispered: "Let's go and take a look."

Everyone held their guns flat on their shoulders and searched forward. Ten minutes later, everyone saw a group of people attacking the woods. The woods were not big, and counterattack fire continued to flash behind a few bare trees. After stopping to observe for a while, Luo Zheng said in a low voice with a stern face: "The Wolf King's people should be chasing a certain racing team ahead."

"Go around or give me a helping hand?" Lan Xue asked.

Luo Zheng began to think deeply, and everyone waited patiently. Seeing that the attacks were becoming more and more fierce, and the firepower of the counterattack in the woods was weakened a bit, everyone looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng's face was solemn, and his eyes were full of determination and he said: "Help. , it is the racing team that dies, it is not good for us, if you can, please help. The racing teams from Sam Country, Japanese Pirates and Polar Bear Country are all facing pursuit, and the one inside is definitely not one of them. Not counting our enemies, there are We have the opportunity to join forces and in the current situation, saving others means saving ourselves.”

Everyone nodded knowingly and waited for Luo Zheng's order. Luo Zheng observed the terrain and whispered: "The enemy only has about fifty people. On my left, Mountain Eagle on the right, Xue'er, you stay here, the three of us form a triangle sniper attack." Formation, ghost hands, snow leopards, you go around as fast as possible and meet up with the people in the woods. As long as they are not mortal enemies, make an announcement and we will fire again to save people. If they are our mortal enemies, then withdraw."

"Understood." Everyone nodded knowingly. If it was a mortal enemy, it wouldn't be a big problem to help as much as possible, just like the time when we killed the artillery, but we would definitely not go all out. Luo Zheng's arrangement made it easy for everyone to accept, and they immediately dispersed. Open, saving people is like putting out fire, there is no delay.

Luo Zheng quickly ran to the left and found a mound of soil, about two feet above the ground. He immediately stopped, picked up the engineering shovel and quickly dug into the ground, covering the mound with soil to form a simple foxhole. Luo Zheng lay down In the pit, the SVD sniper rifle was placed on the mound, checking the bullets. After confirming that there was no problem, the ghost hand had not sent a signal yet, so he watched the battlefield attack situation coldly, while pressing the bullets into the empty magazine, and set aside .

"Brother, this is the Pakistani team." A voice sounded in the headset, it was Guishou.

"Pakistan?" Luo Zheng was surprised. Pakistan is also a neighboring country of China. The two countries have friendly exchanges and are good diplomatic relations. He immediately said: "Kill!" After saying that, Luo Zheng quickly took aim. At night, the optical Only the silhouette of a person in the distance could be vaguely seen in the scope, but that was enough.

"Phew!" Luo Zheng fired without hesitation, and the bullets roared away. The murderous intent that soared into the sky, carrying Luo Zheng's anger, tore apart the space and drew a terrifying light under the moonlight, which quickly disappeared.

There was a gentle breeze and a wide field of vision. Under such sniping conditions, Luo Zheng was very confident in his shooting. He aimed at the target again and fired calmly. He was like a ghost in the night, constantly letting out soul-stirring roars, harvesting lives one by one. Calm and decisive, like a killing machine.

Being chased by the Wolf King's people along the way, I had been simmering with anger for a long time. I let go of the killing spree and killed Luo Zheng with his gun. The gun flames spurted out one after another, looking terrifying and weird in the dark night. Lan Xue and the surrounding The mountain eagles also kept firing, accurately shooting every visible target. Under the open and flat terrain, the pursuers had no place to hide. The only option was to rush into the woods and rely on the cover of the trees.

In the woods, the participation of Guishou and Snow Leopard greatly boosted the people's morale in Ba. They fought back desperately. Strong people have their own dignity. It is very embarrassing to be rescued. If you still shrink back, you will be embarrassed to see others. , precise bursts of fire, and constant grenades thrown out, suppressing the pursuers firmly, unable to advance even an inch.

The killing continued, and the pursuers looked for a place to hide in panic, but there was nowhere to hide, so they had to lie down on the spot and shoot blindly to vent the panic in their hearts. Luo Zheng calmly shot every target in sight. This group of people began to retreat in an organized manner, and the direction of retreat was towards their own side. A sneer appeared on the corner of their mouths, and they continued shooting after changing their magazines.

"Phew!" The sniper bullet roared away, immediately knocking away the man who was rushing forward, biting off a large piece of meat on his chest, and blood flowed rapidly. The man fell to the ground and remained motionless, obviously lifeless.

"Phew!" Luo Zheng fired again. In the sniper scope, a trace of blood bloomed. The target's body collapsed to the ground and was directly shot in the head. Luo Zheng's heart stopped and he continued to calmly shoot the target. When he saw the enemy rushing to within two hundred meters of him, By the time I arrived, there were only about a dozen people there.

Luo Zheng put the SVD sniper rifle aside, picked up the Type 95 assault rifle, adjusted it to burst fire mode, and continued to hunt the target without hesitation. Luo Zheng turned a blind eye to the bullets fired at him. This kind of battle is all about fighting. Willpower, the more panicked you are, the easier it is to get shot.

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