The strongest soldier

Chapter 320 The lingering ghost

The hunting continued, and people kept being dragged into the bushes without making any sound. The pursuers suddenly panicked and started shooting wildly at the surrounding bushes. Luo Zheng happened to hunt and kill one of the pursuers, and was noticed by the pursuers. When I arrived, I was shocked when I saw the bullets fired at random. I quickly blocked the corpse in front of me. The bullets had strong penetrating power at close range, but after penetrating the corpse, the kinetic energy of hitting Luo Zheng was no longer high. It was covered with a special bullet-proof vest. It couldn't be fatal, but it hurt a lot.

The bullets were fired in the past. When the pursuers saw no movement, they continued to shoot wildly in other places. The three pursuers even screamed and rushed towards them, looking like they were angry with shame. Luo Zheng also got angry. He endured the pain and opened fire decisively. The gun, "Puff, puff, puff!" Three bullets were fired at close range, and they instantly penetrated the eyebrows of the three people, killing them with gunshots.

Three people were killed, attracting more people's attention. Luo Zheng hurried forward, got into the bushes, and used his hands and feet to crawl forward quickly, like a giant python. This way it is not easy to make too much noise. In addition, the wind caused the bushes to sway, making it difficult for the enemy to find their location.

"Ta-ta-ta!" The enemy fired wildly and howled.

At this time, Lan Xue, who was hiding nearby, also took action. He opened fire decisively and fired at several points. The bullets were powerful at close range. The entrance was just a blood hole, but where the bullet came out, a large piece of skull was lifted up. The person died on the spot. The surrounding pursuers were so frightened that they fell to the ground and hid themselves.

After Luo Zheng was able to escape, he crawled towards these people angrily. These people waited for a while, but when they saw no movement, they looked at each other and slowly stood up. Just as they were about to conduct a reconnaissance of the surrounding firepower, they saw one person with a short body outside. , and when he looked again, blood spurted out from the man's neck, and he screamed, a black shadow suddenly burst out, like a tiger, his hands turned into shadows of knives, and three people's throats were suddenly cut.

The faces of the remaining people changed greatly, and when they were about to shoot, one of them was locked by the neck, and the other person came up to rescue him. He only saw a black bolt flash past, like the grin of the god of death. This person felt a pain in his neck and lost consciousness. He relaxed and tried his best to cover his neck, forgetting to attack. How could he cover the long gap? The blood surged.

The other person turned around and ran away in horror. A bolt of black lightning flew over and instantly penetrated into the back of the person's neck. With a click, the person's neck locked tightly by the black shadow was twisted and his life suddenly died. The black shadow was none other than Luo Zheng. A horrifying murderous look flashed through his cold eyes. He took two quick steps and drew out his saber. The instant kill just now consumed a lot of energy. Luo Zheng quickly got into the bushes and gasped for air.

Killing six pursuers in one breath took less than five seconds. Every step was carefully calculated. This kind of technical work not only consumes mental energy, but also consumes physical strength. Luo Zheng adjusted his breath slightly, and after feeling a little smoother, he started again Crawling to one side, it was as nimble and swift as a python, approaching its prey silently.

"Puff, puff, puff!" Luo Zheng was startled when he heard several gunshots. He saw the bodies of the three pursuers falling to the ground, dead with eyes closed. Knowing that it was his brother who did it, he breathed a sigh of relief, stopped, and continued to observe the surroundings. , no one could be seen, and he listened for a while. Except for the rustling of bushes blown by the wind, there was no other sound around him. Luo Zheng was startled and stood up carefully. No one was standing around anymore.

Luo Zheng quickly shrank his body, squatted on the ground and waited for a while, but there was still no movement. Then he asked in a low voice through the headset: "Brothers, are there no enemies left?"

"It seems so." Everyone replied one after another.

Luo Zheng did not dare to move and continued to wait for a while, but there was still no movement. The smell of blood was in the air. Luo Zheng thought for a while and whispered: "Quickly, collect the water bottles and food without showing your head, just in case. "

"Understood." Everyone whispered. Just because no one is standing does not mean that no one is alive. If the pursuers get smart and hide in the bushes to shoot cold shots, it will be too serious. Everyone acted quickly. After a few minutes, They all collected a lot of water bottles and dry food.

Luo Zheng also collected a lot, and suddenly became a little uneasy. He looked cautiously and saw a team of nearly a hundred people rushing towards him in the distance. His face changed drastically, and he quickly said: "Quick, concealed evacuation, target, nine o'clock." Direction, hurry, the enemy is catching up."

Upon hearing this, everyone quickly evacuated to the west with their things, not daring to raise their heads to avoid being discovered. Luo Zheng fell behind and looked behind him from time to time. He looked like a cheetah looking for food, with a determined look full of murderous intent and a solemn expression. Like iron, there was a flash of worry, but soon became firm.

It was troublesome to be chased by the pursuers, but Luo Zheng did not lack fighting spirit and courage, so he could not avoid it. Luo Zheng did not mind fighting the enemy, but the critical moment was not yet reached, so Luo Zheng chose to avoid its edge. , everyone ran out a long way in one breath, and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the pursuers looking around for something, obviously not knowing the direction in which everyone was evacuating.

Half an hour later, everyone came out of the bushes. There was a forest in front of them. The trees were not what they looked like. The branches and leaves were green buds. The ground was covered with grass. They looked at me very beautiful. Everyone did not move and stayed in the bushes to observe. Finally, he looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng observed for a while, then looked at the sky. The bright moon was in the sky, reflecting the earth as brightly as day. The sky on this grassland was indeed unusual. He whispered: "Brothers, it seems that there is A lake?”

Everyone raised their sniper scopes to observe, and found that there was indeed a lake ahead. The shore was covered with thick and tall reeds. Lan Xue whispered: "At night, such a place must be very dangerous. There are crocodiles in the water, and the shore is full of reeds." There are venomous snakes and scorpions on the side, and there must be predators on the outside, so there is no need for us to add complications."

"Yeah, Brother Ghost, what do you think?" Ghost Hand asked. In the battle just now, Luo Zheng proposed silent tactics and successfully solved the pursuers. Everyone has a higher understanding of Luo Zheng's tactical ability and has already encountered problems. I habitually wanted to ask Luo Zheng for his opinion.

Lan Xue felt this keenly, but did not point it out or stop it. Instead, she looked at Luo Zheng with a smile. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "The most dangerous place is the safest, Mountain Eagle, you sit on the Snow Leopard's Use your neck to observe the pursuers behind you. If you do this a little higher, you can see further. Brother Snow Leopard, you are tall enough. Please work hard. If pursuers come, we can only go to the lake to take shelter."

At that time, the pursuers used this method to find everyone's whereabouts. Luo Zheng learned how to use it. Snow Leopard agreed and stood up on the mountain eagle. The mountain eagle took a closer look and its face changed drastically. It quickly signaled Snow Leopard to put it down and looked at Luo with a livid face. Zheng said: "The pursuers are still lingering. There are over a hundred people. What should I do?"

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